ER 1 – Modélisation et caractérisation multi-échelle des problèmes couplés

Responsable de l’équipe : Ali ZAOUI

Les recherches de cette équipe concernent le développement et l’utilisation de la modélisation à plusieurs échelles dans l’objectif d’améliorer la compréhension du comportement des géomatériaux et des ouvrages en prenant en compte le caractère multi-échelle des problèmes rencontrés. Il s’agit de modéliser le comportement et de caractériser des matériaux en allant de l’échelle nanométrique à l’échelle macroscopique.

Trois thèmes principaux sont considérés dans cette équipe: le thème 1 se focalise exclusivement sur les études à l’échelle nanométrique (modélisation aux petites échelles), le thème 2 s’appuie sur les différentes échelles allant de la nano à la macro et enfin le thème 3 se concentre sur la modélisation à l’échelle macroscopique.

Les sujets traités concernent principalement les géomatériaux à toutes les échelles jusqu’à celle de l’ouvrage, les différents couplages (hydro-thermo-mécanique, physico-chimique…) et l’interaction de l’ouvrage avec son environnement.

D’autre part, la caractérisation des divers matériaux (y compris les géomatériaux) constitue le principal objet du thème 2 où on peut noter notamment des travaux expérimentaux basés sur l’indentation instrumentée ainsi que son développement.

Les travaux sont classés dans trois thèmes :

Ce thème vise à étudier les propriétés des géomatériaux à l’échelle nanométrique dans des environnements variables de température, de pression, de fluide et de contaminants aussi bien en volume qu’en surface. Nous employons en particulier des méthodes de modélisation et de simulation atomistique incluant les méthodes de premier principe (ab initio), la dynamique moléculaire et Monte Carlo. Les travaux en question couvrent un large éventail de systèmes incluant les roches, les argiles et le béton. L’originalité de ces travaux réside dans le rôle pionnier du LGCgE dans ce domaine. Il permet de le positionner aux meilleurs niveaux à l’échelle internationale avec à la fois un aspect fondamental et appliqué. Ce thème bénéficie d’étroites collaborations internationales avec des collègues de Suède, Etats-Unis, Autriche, Chine et Angleterre. Une formation de master 2 international concernant la nanoscience et la nanotechnologie en génie civil a été créée. Elle ouvre la voie à de nouveaux doctorants spécialisés dans ce domaine.
Ce thème s’intéresse à tout type de matériaux : des matériaux massifs homogènes ou hétérogènes, métalliques, céramiques ou polymères, revêtus ou non. Il a comme objectif principal la détermination de leurs propriétés mécaniques à des échelles locales et globales et l’identification de leurs lois de comportement en petites et grandes déformations selon leurs propriétés. Ce thème est abordé en mettant un accent sur la relation entre la modélisation et l’expérimentation. C’est pourquoi, un premier axe concerne l’utilisation de l’indentation instrumentée pour la caractérisation mécanique des matériaux. Cette approche permet d’aborder une large variété de propriétés et donc de s’intéresser à des matériaux purement élasto-plastiques, comme les métaux et les céramiques, ou à des matériaux polymères pour lesquels l’aspect visqueux peut être pris en considération. Concernant les systèmes polymères, un accent est porté sur le développement et la vérification expérimentale de modèles de comportement et de critères de fatigue et de rupture. Caractérisation mécanique par indentation multi-échelles.
De manière générale, on s’intéresse à la caractérisation mécanique des matériaux, principalement par indentation, avec une approche matériaux en prenant en compte divers paramètres (multiphasique, hétérogène, poreux, revêtu...) et une approche plutôt orientée vers le développement de la technique d’indentation. Toutes les échelles de mesure sont abordées, de la nano à la macro, différents modes sont utilisés (classiques, CSM et multi-cycliques) et différentes propriétés sont étudiées. Outre la caractérisation mécanique des matériaux, on s’intéresse au développement de l’indentation instrumentée aux différentes échelles de mesure pour la détermination des propriétés mécaniques de surface. Il s’agit principalement de la dureté mais aussi du module d’élasticité, de la ténacité et des propriétés mécaniques de traction par méthodes inverses, des lois de comportement en fluage et en relaxation. Notre objectif est d’approfondir nos connaissances sur la méthodologie, ses contours et ses limites pour l’obtention de propriétés fiables et pertinentes. C’est pourquoi nous étudions une grande variété de matériaux sous formes massives aux comportements mécaniques différents (des métaux aux céramiques), de matériaux fortement hétérogènes comme les géomatériaux (bétons), de matériaux revêtus de films minces (< 10 μm) ou plus épais (quelque 100 μm), de structures homogène ou hétérogène ou encore des matériaux à gradient de propriétés en surface obtenus par traitements mécaniques ou thermochimiques. Cette diversité d’étude de cas nous a permis de bien progresser sur la connaissance des matériaux nouveaux, mais il reste encore des verrous scientifiques à lever comme la prise en compte de paramètres expérimentaux (rigidité de la machine, défaut de pointe...), l’effet de taille en indentation, la modélisation des propriétés mécaniques des matériaux revêtus ou à gradient et enfin la recherche de paramètres pertinents pour caractériser les matériaux fortement hétérogènes comme le sont ceux du génie-civil.
La problématique traitée dans ce thème concerne la modélisation et la prévision du comportement des ouvrages complexes en prenant en compte différents couplages (mécanique, thermique, hydraulique, sol- atmosphère, sol-structure), des chargements complexes, tels que le chargement sismique ou du mouvement des sols liés aux excavations ou des déformations d’origines thermiques ou hydriques et des géométries complexes (3D, évolutives ou milieux fracturés...).
Originalité et positionnement.
L’originalité de ces travaux réside dans l’utilisation d’une approche numérique globale intégrant les différents éléments de complexité (géométrie 3D, comportement non linéaire, différents couplages de phénomènes...) pour analyser le comportement des ouvrages aux différents types de sollicitations, y compris les sollicitations imposées par l’environnement de l’ouvrage. La modélisation intégrée débouche souvent sur des modèles plus simples et/ou des recommandations pratiques pour la conception, la réhabilitation et ou l’exploitation de l’ouvrage.
Démarche et actions entreprises.
La démarche s’appuie sur des développements numériques nouveaux, l’intégration d’une partie de ces développements dans des logiciels ou plates-formes existantes, la validation des modèles sur des essais ou des observations et leurs applications à l’analyse du comportement des ouvrages sous différents types de sollicitations.

2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Liu, Yi-Ming; Zheng, YuanYuan; Lin, Hong-Jie; Wei, Peng-Chang; Fan, Qi-Chang; Huang, Ge-Ge; Meng, Dan

Calculation of contact angle via Young-Dupré equation with molecular dynamic simulation: Kaolinite as an example

Dans: Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 697, p. 134469, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhu, Xiao-Dong; Zaoui, Ali; Sekkal, Wassila

Prohibiting pure and saline water infiltration into organic-nano-coated calcium silicate hydrates surface: A nanoscale mechanisms analysis

Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 89, p. 109302, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wei, Pengchang; Zheng, YuanYuan; Zaoui, Ali; Ma, Wei; Ren, Zhifeng

Ice-Unfrozen Water on Montmorillonite Surface: a Molecular Dynamics Study

Dans: Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, p. 100569, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Jia, Jiwei; Zaoui, Ali; Sekkal, Wassila

Morphological stability of multiple connected CSH sheets with a glue-like agent under aqueous conditions

Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 183, p. 107557, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Lu, Ming; Zheng, YuanYuan; Yin, Zhen-Yu

From sedimentation to consolidation of kaolinite: A molecular dynamic study

Dans: Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 170, p. 106285, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Feki, Faten; Zaïri, Fahmi; Tamoud, Abderrahman; Moulart, Melissa; Taktak, Rym; Haddar, Nader; Zaïri, Fahed

Understanding the Recovery of the Intervertebral Disc: A Comprehensive Review of In Vivo and In Vitro Studies

Dans: Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Dong, Hui; He, Shan-Shan; Bian, Hanbing; Peng, Bo-Cheng; Gao, Qian-Feng

Hydrologic infiltration mode of completely decomposed granite slopes under the influence of gas-saturated fractures retardation and diversion

Dans: Environmental Earth Sciences, vol. 83, no. 12, p. 364, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Baba, Aya; Shahrour, Isam; Baba, Mutasim

Indoor Environmental Quality for Comfort Learning Environments: Case Study of Palestinian School Buildings

Dans: Buildings, vol. 14, no. 5, p. 1296, 2024.


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Feki, Faten; Zaïri, Fahmi; Tamoud, Abderrahman; Moulart, Melissa; Taktak, Rym; Haddar, Nader; Zaïri, Fahed

Understanding the Recovery of the Intervertebral Disc: A Comprehensive Review of In Vivo and In Vitro Studies

Dans: Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhu, Xiao-Dong; Zaoui, Ali; Sekkal, Wassila

Nano-scale delving of temperature effect on interfacial adhesion of nano-rubber coated cement paste under harsh environment

Dans: Developments in the Built Environment, vol. 18, p. 100426, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wan, Jian-Hong; Zaoui, Ali

Mechanical resistance behind fiber-reinforced polymer pile: Role of clay minerals

Dans: Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 168, p. 106158, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wan, Jian-Hong; Zaoui, Ali; Li, Xue-You; Zheng, YuanYuan

Molecular dynamics simulations of the interface friction behavior between fiber-reinforced polymer pile and sand

Dans: Tribology International, vol. 192, p. 109288, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Tang, Jie; He, Manchao; Bian, Hanbing; Qiao, Yafei

A novel numerical framework to simulate mechanical response and damage characteristics of mountain tunnels under faulting

Dans: Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 158, p. 108030, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Lu, Ming; Diao, Qiu-Feng; Zheng, YuanYuan; Yin, Zhen-Yu; Dai, Zheng

Influence of Water on Tensile Behavior of Illite through the Molecular Dynamics Method

Dans: International Journal of Geomechanics, vol. 24, no. 4, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhang, Hualin; Bian, Hanbing; Qi, Shuangxing; Wang, Jijing

A comprehensive analysis of formation conditions, intrinsic properties, and mechanical responses of gas hydrate-bearing sediments

Dans: Rock Mechanics Bulletin, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 100114, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Liu, Shi-Fan; Wang, Wei; Jia, Yun; Bian, HanBing; Shen, Wanqing

Modeling of Hydro-mechanical Coupled Fracture Propagation in Quasi-brittle Rocks Using a Variational Phase-Field Method

Dans: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chicot, Didier; Montagne, A.; Mejias, Alberto; Roudet, Francine; Coorevits, T.

Improvement in Calibration Procedure in Nanoindentation: An Indenter Bluntness Indicator

Dans: Experimental Mechanics, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yu, Changhong; Zhou, Wantian; Sun, Baojiang; Bian, Hanbing; Chen, Litao

Natural gas hydrate dissolution accelerated by water flowing: Kinetics and implications

Dans: Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, vol. 123, p. 205239, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yan, Zhu; Zaïri, Fahmi; Zaoui, Ali

Applicability of Kroon network theory for biaxial mechanics in rubber through multiscale approach

Dans: Polymer, vol. 297, p. 126840, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wan, Jian-Hong; Zaoui, Ali

Insight into enhancing foundation stability with rubber-soil mixtures: A nanofriction study

Dans: Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 166, p. 105971, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zeng, Ling; Yu, Jiang-Ling; Wen, Wei; Gao, Qian-Feng; Liu, Xian-Lin; Bian, Hanbing

Mechanical response analysis of disintegrated carbonaceous mudstone based on discrete element method

Dans: Computational Particle Mechanics, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Sekkal, Wassila; Zaoui, Ali

Residual water and interfacial bonding effects on the mechanical performance of CNT /fly ash geopolymer binder

Dans: Structural Concrete, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Lu, Ming; Zheng, YuanYuan

Anisotropic Adsorption of Water Molecules on Kaolinite: A Molecular Dynamic Study

Dans: Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Focus on Chemistry / Zhurnal fizicheskoi khimii, vol. 97, no. 14, p. 3333-3345, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wei, Pengchang; Zhou, Shengbiao; Zheng, YuanYuan; Yin, Zhen-Yu; Xu, Wangqi

Nanoscale Stick-Slip Behavior and Hydration of Hydrated Illite Clay

Dans: Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 166, p. 105976, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Sekkal, Wassila; Zaoui, Ali

Residual water and interfacial bonding effects on the mechanical performance of CNT /fly ash geopolymer binder

Dans: Structural Concrete, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhang, Shifan; Ukrainczyk, Neven; Zaoui, Ali; Koenders, Eddie

Electrical conductivity of geopolymer-graphite composites: Percolation, mesostructure and analytical modeling

Dans: Construction and Building Materials, vol. 411, p. 134536, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhang, Li-Lan; Zaoui, Ali; Sekkal, Wassila

Adsorption efficiency of highly methylene blue dye concentrations with multilayer chitosan-modified clays for a precise nanofiltration performance of polluted water

Dans: Journal of Water Process Engineering, vol. 57, p. 104651, 2024, (ACL).


2024Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Lu, Ming; Huang, Wei; Zheng, YuanYuan

Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Effects of Water Content and Wettability on the Shear Properties of Kaolinite for the Failure of Clay Soil

Dans: ACS Applied Nano Materials, vol. 7, no. 3, p. 2843-2854, 2024, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yan, Zhu; Zaoui, Ali; Zaïri, Fahmi

Physical and mechanical properties of vulcanized and filled rubber at high strain rate

Dans: Chinese Journal of Physics, vol. 86, p. 12-23, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Jurdi, Majd Al; Wehbe, Rania; Mroueh, Hussein

Integration of citizens' feelings and feedback into the city information modeling environment

Dans: Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 99, p. 104971, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Ding, Qiuyue; Ding, Ning; Chen, Xiangfeng; Guo, Wenyue; Zaïri, Fahmi

Effect of grain boundaries, cure, and temperature on the thermomechanical properties of epoxy/graphene composites

Dans: Polymer Composites, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Sekkal, Wassila; Izadifar, M.; Zaoui, Ali; Ukrainczyk, N.; Koenders, E.

Theoretical investigation of protective graphene-coated metakaolin geopolymer interface under moisture and chemical composition effects

Dans: Powder Technology, vol. 430, p. 119007, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Liu, Yuyi; Yang, Diansen; Bian, Hanbing

Quantifying aquifer contamination risk from casing rupture using support vector machine: a comprehensive assessment

Dans: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, vol. 38, no. 3, p. 923-936, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wei, Peng-chang; Xiong, Yong; Zheng, Yuanyuan; Zaoui, Ali; Yin, Zhen-Yu; Niu, Weiwei

Nanoscale friction at the quartz-quartz/kaolinite interface

Dans: Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 676, p. 132296, 2023, (ACL).


2023Proceedings Article ER1

Auteurs : Doghman, Mirna; Mroueh, Hussein; Vasilescu, Roxana

Numerical modelling of energy piles under combined loading

Dans: Symposium on Energy Geotechnics 23, Delf, Netherlands, 2023, (COM).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Liu, Jie; Zhang, Hualin; Bian, Hanbing; Wen, Wei; Zeng, Ling

Uniaxial Mechanical Properties and Failure Characteristics of Fractured Silty Mudstone

Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 28, no. 1, p. 139-154, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Belmiloud, N.; Menad, A.; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M.

Transforming III-V binaries into stable ternary materials for solar cells applications

Dans: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol. 181, p. 111485, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhang, Li-Lan; Zaoui, Ali; Sekkal, Wassila

Synthesis of a chitosan-clay nanomembrane by pH control and its thermal stability in aqueous environments

Dans: Applied Clay Science, vol. 243, p. 107089, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhu, Xiao-Dong; Zaoui, Ali; Sekkal, Wassila

Theoretical process of rubber nano-coating on calcium silicate hydrate film for durable cementitious materials

Dans: Construction and Building Materials, vol. 397, p. 132441, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Izadifar, Mohammadreza; Sekkal, Wassila; Dubyey, Liliya; Ukrainczyk, Neven; Zaoui, Ali; Koenders, Eduardus

Theoretical Studies of Adsorption Reactions of Aluminosilicate Aqueous Species on Graphene-Based Nanomaterials: Implications for Geopolymer Binders

Dans: ACS Applied Nano Materials, vol. 6, no. 18, p. 16318-16331, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Abchir, Z.; Burlon, S.; Mroueh, Hussein

An advanced t-z curves method using cyclic shaft friction degradation for the design of piles in sand

Dans: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, p. 1-22, 2023, (ACL).


2023Proceedings Article ER1

Auteurs : Gluchowski, Andrzej; Mroueh, Hussein

Energy Pile Resistance Calculation Method using Genetic Algorithm

Dans: 4th International Symposium on Machine Learning and Big Data in Geoscience, Cork, Ireland, 2023, (COM).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Xu, Wang-qi; Yin, Zhen-yu; Zheng, Yuanyuan

FRP–soil interfacial mechanical properties with molecular dynamics simulations: Insights into friction and creep behavior

Dans: International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol. 47, no. 16, p. 2951-2967, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhu, Xiao-Dong; Zaoui, Ali; Sekkal, Wassila

Molecular-scale insight into improved waterproofing of cement paste by protective epoxy resins nano-coating

Dans: Powder Technology, vol. 426, p. 118679, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yan, Zhu; Zaïri, Fahmi; Zaoui, Ali

Multiscale modeling of the strain-induced induced α → β phase transition and piezoelectric activity in semi-crystalline poly(vinylidene fluoride) over a large-strain range

Dans: Mechanics of Materials, vol. 182, p. 104666, 2023, (ACL).


2023Proceedings Article ER1

Auteurs : Alyaman, Amar; Caballero, Fernando Lopez; Dias, Daniel; Mroueh, Hussein; Sadek, Marwan; Antoinet, Eric

Effect of the soil pile structure interaction in a dynamic analysis considering a linear behavior

Dans: 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, p. 4055-4065, Athens, Greece, 2023, (COM).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Xu, Na; Ding, Ning; Liu, Long; Zaïri, Fahmi; Tian, Linan; Guo, Weimin; Li, Fuwei; Li, Enxia; Chen, Lizong; Li, Nan

Microscopic characteristics of copper wires with short-circuit molten marks in electrical fire

Dans: Materials Testing, vol. 65, no. 6, p. 844-854, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Xu, Huixia; Zhao, Yafei; Cheng, Kaiming; Zhong, Jing; Ding, Ning; Liu, Long; Li, Nan; Xu, Na; Guo, Weimin; Tian, Linan; Zaïri, Fahmi; Zhang, Lijun

High-throughput determination of interdiffusivity matrices and atomic mobilities in Cu-rich fcc Cu-Sn-Zn alloys by using the experimental composition profiles and HitDIC

Dans: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 944, p. 169205, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Saadedine, Mahrez; Zaïri, Fahmi; Ouali, Nourdine; Mai, Thanh-Tam; Urayama, Kenji; Tamoud, Abderrahman; Mesbah, Amar

A multiscale model for multiaxial inelastic behavior of elastomeric particulate composites

Dans: International Journal of Plasticity, vol. 164, p. 103594, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benazzouz, Brahim Khalil; Zaoui, Ali

Melting Behaviour under Pressure of Kaolinite Clay: A Nanoscale Study

Dans: Minerals, vol. 13, no. 5, p. 679, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Sekkal, Wassila; Zaoui, Ali

Thermal and acoustic insulation properties in nanoporous geopolymer nanocomposite

Dans: Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 138, p. 104955, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Staia, Mariana Henriette; Mejias, Alberto; Kossman, Stephania; Puchi-Cabrera, Eli Saul

Tribocorrosion Performance of WC-12Co HVOF-Sprayed Coatings Reinforced with Carbon Nanotubes

Dans: Crystals, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 457, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wang, Wei; Duan, Xuelei; Jia, Yun; Bian, Hanbing; Chen, Liang; Zhu, Qizhi; Cao, Yajun

Damage evolution of sandstone based on acoustic emission under different seepage conditions

Dans: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, vol. 27, no. 4, p. 1796-1812, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Kandil, Karim; Zaïri, Fahmi; Zaïri, Fahed

A Microstructure-Based Mechanistic Approach to Detect Degeneration Effects on Potential Damage Zones and Morphology of Young and Old Human Intervertebral Discs

Dans: Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wei, Peng-Chang; Zheng, YuanYuan; Zaoui, Ali; Yin, Zhen-Yu

Atomistic study on thermo-mechanical behavior and structural anisotropy of montmorillonite under triaxial tension and compression

Dans: Applied Clay Science, vol. 233, p. 106817, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wei, Peng-Chang; Zheng, Yuanyuan; Zaoui, Ali; Yin, Zhen-Yu

Atomistic study on thermo-mechanical behavior and structural anisotropy of montmorillonite under triaxial tension and compression

Dans: Applied Clay Science, vol. 233, p. 106817, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Tian, L.; Liu, L.; Hou, N.; Guo, W.; Zhao, Y.; Zaïri, Fahmi; Ding, N.

Interaction effect of second particles on the stress concentration in ZK60 magnesium alloy

Dans: Materials Science and Engineering Technology / Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, vol. 54, no. 2, p. 207-214, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Vozniak, Iurii; Beloshenko, Victor; Vozniak, Alina; Zaïri, Fahmi; Galeski, Andrzej; Rozanski, Artur

Interfaces generation via severe plastic deformation - A new way to multiple shape memory polymer composites

Dans: Polymer, vol. 267, p. 125653, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Menad, A.; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M.

Ground state and phase stability of GaP-ZnS and GaP-ZnSe quaternary systems from first-principles

Dans: Solid State Communications, vol. 361, p. 115075, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Menad, Abdelkader; Ferhat, Mohamed; Zaoui, Ali

Ground-State Structure of Quaternary Alloys (SiC)1-x (AlN)x and (SiC)1-x (GaN)x

Dans: Micromachines, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 250, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Guo, Weimin; Jia, Zengqing; Liu, Guoqiang; Ding, Ning; Liu, Long; Xu, Huixia; Xu, Na; He, Jianqun; Zaïri, Fahmi; Wang, Xiebin

Effect of Post-Cladding Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Performance of a Laser Cladded 2Cr17Ni2 Steel Coating

Dans: Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol. 32, no. 4, p. 1778-1789, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhang, Li-Lan; Zaoui, Ali; Sekkal, Wassila; Zheng, YuanYuan

Interlayer adsorption of cationic dye on cationic surfactant-modified and unmodified montmorillonite

Dans: Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 442, p. 130107, 2023, ISSN: 0304-3894, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Saadedine, Mahrez; Zaïri, Fahmi; Ouali, Nourdine; Tamoud, Abderrahman; Ding, Ning; Mesbah, Amar

A micromechanical model for the swelling effect on visco-super-elastic and damage self-healing behaviors of hydrogels reinforced by nanoparticles

Dans: Mechanics of Materials, vol. 176, p. 104511, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Dziri, Ayyoub; Montagne, Alex; Roudet, Francine; Ziouche, Katir; Chicot, Didier

Martens hardness of Constantan thin films on (100) Si wafer: Improvement in contact area function in nanoindentation

Dans: Thin Solid Films, p. 139712, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Xu, Wang-Qi; Yin, Zhen-Yu; Zheng, YuanYuan

Investigating silica interface rate-dependent friction behavior under dry and lubricated conditions with molecular dynamics

Dans: Acta Geotechnica, 2023, (ACL).


2023Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhang, Li-Lan; Zaoui, Ali; Sekkal, Wassila; Zheng, Yuanyuan

Interlayer adsorption of cationic dye on cationic surfactant-modified and unmodified montmorillonite

Dans: Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 442, p. 130107, 2023, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Jiang, Qifeng; Boulahia, Ramdane; Zaïri, Fahmi; Vozniak, Iurii; Qu, Zhengwei; Gloaguen, Jean-Michel; Liu, Xiaobing

Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Severely Deformed Polypropylene in ECAE (Equal Channel Angular Extrusion) via Routes A and C

Dans: Polymers, vol. 14, no. 23, p. 5287, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yao, Huayan; Lu, Jianguo; Bian, Hanbing; Zhang, Zhenhua

Influence of microwave heating on the swelling properties of expansive soil in Hefei

Dans: Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, vol. 39, no. 10, p. 102466, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Cheng, Wenqing; Bian, Hanbing; Hattab, Mahdia; Yang, Zhengtian

Numerical modelling of desiccation shrinkage and cracking of soils

Dans: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, p. 1-21, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chehade, Fatima El Hajj; Younes, Rafic; Mroueh, Hussein; Chehade, Fadi Hage

Time-dependent reliability analysis for a set of RC T-beam bridges under realistic traffic considering creep and shrinkage

Dans: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, vol. 26, no. 13, p. 6480-6504, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhao, Xiaolong; Zhu, Jungao; Wu, Yunlong; Jia, Yun; Colliat, Jean-Baptiste; Bian, Hanbing

A Numerical Study on the Influence of Coordination Number on the Crushing of Rockfill Materials

Dans: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, vol. 55, no. 10, p. 6279-6300, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Li, Nan; Ding, Ning; Song, Linghui; Tian, Linan; Zhou, Jixue; Yang, Yuansheng; Zaïri, Fahmi

Effects of Treatment Situations on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ztm630 Magnesium Alloys

Dans: SSRN Electronic Journal, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Bouali, A.; Grairia, S.; Nettour, D.; Chrait, Y.; Arabi, N.; Montagne, A.; Iost, A.; Chicot, Didier

Instrumented indentation based methods to assess fracture toughness (KIC) of self-compacting concrete: Influence of water to binder (w/b) ratio and type of concrete

Dans: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, p. 108796, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mekdash, Hani; Jaber, Lina; Temsah, Yehya; Sadek, Marwan

Reinforcement of Concrete Shoring Systems by Prestressing

Dans: Advances in Civil Engineering, vol. 2022, p. 1-10, 2022, (ACL).


2022Conférence ER1

Auteurs : Mekdash, Hani; Jaber, Lina; Temsah, Yehya; Sadek, Marwan

Reinforcement of Concrete Shoring Systems by Prestressing

vol. 2022, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2022, (ACTI).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Lu, Siyang; Roudet, Francine; Montagne, A.; Coorevits, T.; Guilbert, G.; Mouftiez, A.; Betrancourt, Damien; Chicot, Didier

Vickers hardness of NiW coating as a potential replacement for Cr-VI: A methodology to consider size effect and tip defect in classical microindentation

Dans: Surface and Coatings Technology, p. 128812, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mamache, Fateh Enouar; Mesbah, Amar; Bian, Hanbing; Zaïri, Fahmi

Micromechanical modeling of the~biaxial behavior of strain-induced crystallizable polyethylene terephthalate-clay nanocomposites

Dans: Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mahjoubi, Hanen; Zaïri, Fahmi; Vozniak, Iurii; Tourki, Zoubeir; Zaïri, Fahed

Modeling strain-induced dual-phase transformation in semicrystalline polylactide

Dans: Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chicot, Didier; Mejias, Alberto; Roudet, Francine; Montagne, A.; Betrancourt, Damien; Coorevits, T.

Self-calibration in compliance and indenter tip defect for instrumented indentation

Dans: Journal of Materials Research, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mamache, Fateh Enouar; Mesbah, Amar; Bian, Hanbing; Zaïri, Fahmi

Micromechanical Modeling of the Biaxial Deformation-Induced Phase Transformation in Polyethylene Terephthalate

Dans: Polymers, vol. 14, no. 15, p. 3028, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Ahmed, H. Maiz Hadj; Benaissa, H.; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M.

Exploring original properties of GaN-BN alloys using high-throughput ab initio computation

Dans: Optik, vol. 261, p. 169166, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Hou, Nan; Ding, Ning; Qu, Shen; Guo, Weimin; Liu, Long; Xu, Na; Tian, Linan; Xu, Huixia; Chen, Xiangfeng; Zaïri, Fahmi; Wu, Chi-Man Lawrence

Failure modes, mechanisms and causes of shafts in mechanical equipment

Dans: Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 136, p. 106216, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Tamoud, Abderrahman; Zaïri, Fahmi; Mesbah, Amar; Zaïri, Fahed

A fully three-dimensional model of interpenetrating collagen fibrillar networks for intervertebral disc mechanics

Dans: International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 223, p. 107310, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chehade, Hicham Alhajj; Guo, Xiangfeng; Dias, Daniel; Sadek, Marwan; Jenck, Orianne; Chehade, Fadi Hage

Reliability analysis for internal seismic stability of geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls

Dans: Geosynthetics International, p. 1-19, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Al-Zaoari, Kamal; Zheng, YuanYuan; Wei, Peng-Chang; Zhang, Li-Lan; Yin, Zhen-Yu

Early stage of swelling process of dehydrated montmorillonite through molecular dynamics simulation

Dans: Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 283, p. 126015, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Krim, Abdallah; Brahimi, Abdelkader; Arab, Ahmed; Bouri, Djamel Eddine; Sadek, Marwan

A laboratory study of shear strength of partially saturated sandy soil

Dans: Geomechanics and Geoengineering, vol. 17, no. 3, p. 741-750, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Cheng, Wen-Qing; Bian, Hanbing; Gao, Qian-Feng; Hattab, Mahdia

Experimental and Numerical Study of the Drying Process of a Consolidated Clay Soil

Dans: Advances in Civil Engineering, vol. 2022, p. 1-8, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Basiri, A.; Zaïri, Fahmi; Azadi, M.; Ghasemi-Ghalebahman, A.

Micromechanical constitutive modeling of tensile and cyclic behaviors of nano-clay reinforced metal matrix nanocomposites

Dans: Mechanics of Materials, vol. 168, p. 104280, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhao, Xiaolong; Zhu, Jungao; Jia, Yun; Colliat, Jean-Baptiste; Bian, Hanbing; Zhang, Qi

Experimental and numerical study of size effects on the crushing strength of rockfill particles

Dans: International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chehade, Hicham Alhajj; Dias, Daniel; Sadek, Marwan; Jenck, Orianne; Chehade, Fadi Hage

Seismic internal stability of saturated reinforced soil retaining walls using the upper bound theorem of limit analysis

Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, vol. 155, p. 107180, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Sekkal, Wassila; Zaoui, Ali

High strength metakaolin-based geopolymer reinforced by pristine and covalent functionalized carbon nanotubes

Dans: Construction and Building Materials, vol. 327, p. 126910, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wang, Guodong; Ma, Yafei; Guo, Zhongzhao; Zhang, Jianren; Bian, Hanbing; Wang, Lei

Fatigue life assessment of high-strength steel wires: Beach marks test and numerical investigation

Dans: Construction and Building Materials, vol. 323, p. 126534, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Peng, Jianxin; Yang, Yiming; Bian, Hanbing; Zhang, Jianren; Wang, Lei

Optimisation of maintenance strategy of deteriorating bridges considering sustainability criteria

Dans: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, vol. 18, no. 3, p. 395-411, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Xu, Na; Ding, Ning; Zaïri, Fahmi; Liu, Long; Guo, Weimin; Wu, Xiaofeng; Ma, Hong; Xu, Huixia; Wu, Chi-Man Lawrence

Leakage failure of a stainless steel spiral plate condenser

Dans: Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 132, p. 105921, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Guo, Weimin; Ding, Ning; Liu, Guoqiang; Jing, Cainian; Xu, Huixia; Liu, Long; Xu, Na; Wu, Xiaofeng; He, Jianqun; Zaïri, Fahmi

Microstructure evolution of a multi-track AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy coating fabricated by laser cladding

Dans: Materials Characterization, vol. 184, p. 111660, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yan, Zhu; Guo, Qiang; Zaïri, Fahmi; Zaoui, Ali

A multi-scale plastic-damage model for strain-induced morphological anisotropy in semi-crystalline polyethylene

Dans: International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, vol. 147, p. 104238, 2022, ISSN: 0020-7462, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhu, Xiao-Dong; Zaoui, Ali; Sekkal, Wassila

Wettability and work of adhesion of water nanodroplet on (001) surface of cement paste

Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 159, p. 106896, 2022, ISSN: 0008-8846, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yan, Zhu; Zaoui, Ali; Zaïri, Fahmi

Uniaxial stretching and shape memory behavior of branched amorphous polyethylene

Dans: Chinese Journal of Physics, vol. 79, p. 6-12, 2022, ISSN: 0577-9073, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wei, Pengchang; Zheng, YuanYuan; Xiong, Yong; Zhou, Shengbiao; Al-Zaoari, Kamal; Zaoui, Ali

Effect of water content and structural anisotropy on tensile mechanical properties of montmorillonite using molecular dynamics

Dans: Applied Clay Science, vol. 228, p. 106622, 2022, ISSN: 0169-1317, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wei, Pengchang; Zhuang, Daoyang; Zheng, YuanYuan; Zaoui, Ali; Ma, Wei

Temperature and pressure effect on tensile behavior of ice-Ih under low strain rate: A molecular dynamics study

Dans: Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 355, p. 118945, 2022, ISSN: 0167-7322, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Bendeddouche, A.; Menad, A.; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M.

Unusual crystal phases of noble metals Ir, Os, and hardness of Ir-Os systems from high throughput density functional calculations

Dans: Results in Physics, vol. 34, p. 105325, 2022, ISSN: 2211-3797, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Drumond, Geovana; Pinheiro, Bianca; Pasqualino, Ilson; Roudet, Francine; Chicot, Didier

Fatigue Life Prediction of Steel Pipelines Based on X-ray Diffraction Analyses

Dans: Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol. 31, no. 1, p. 801-813, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Jia, Yun; Zhao, Xiaolong; Bian, Hanbing; Wang, Wei; Shao, Jian-Fu

Numerical modelling the influence of water content on the mechanical behaviour of concrete under high confining pressures

Dans: Mechanics Research Communications, vol. 119, p. 103819, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benamirouche, Sofia; Abdi, Abderrezak; Hemmouche, Larbi; Mejias, Alberto; Belouchrani, Mohamed El Amine; Chicot, Didier; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Trari, Mohamed

Multiscale study of cold-rolling deformation on mechanical and corrosion behaviors of AA2024-T4 aluminum alloy

Dans: Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, vol. 99, no. 1, p. 100307, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Tian, Linan; Liu, Long; Ma, Bo; Zaïri, Fahmi; Ding, Ning; Guo, Weimin; Xu, Na; Xu, Huixia; Zhang, Ming

Evaluation of maximum non-metallic inclusion sizes in steel by statistics of extreme values method based on Micro-CT imaging

Dans: Metallurgical Research & Technology, vol. 119, no. 2, p. 202, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhao, Xiaolong; Zhu, Jungao; Wu, Yunlong; Jia, Yun; Bur, Nicolas; Colliat, Jean-Baptiste; Bian, Hanbing

Experimental Study and DEM Simulation of Size Effects on the Dry Density of Rockfill Material

Dans: Frontiers in Physics, vol. 10, p. 837727, 2022, (ACL).


2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benyahia, N.; Menad, A.; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M.

Crystal phase induced direct band-gap modifications in bulk GaP and GaAsP

Dans: Solid State Communications, vol. 341, p. 114584, 2022, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Vozniak, Iurii; Zaïri, Fahmi; Hosseinnezhad, Ramin; Morawiec, Jerzy; Galeski, Andrzej

Design of hybrid PLA/PBS/POM composite based on In-Situ formation of interpenetrating fiber networks

Dans: Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, vol. 151, p. 106667, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Kandil, Karim; Kaoua, Sid Ali; Mesbah, Amar; Voznyak, Yuri; Zaïri, Fahmi; Zaïri, Fahed

A novel bio-inspired hydrogel-based lattice structure to mechanically mimic human annulus fibrosus: A finite element study

Dans: International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 211, p. 106775, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yan, Zhu; Zaoui, Ali; Zaïri, Fahmi

Crystallization and mechanical behavior of semi-crystalline polyethylene

Dans: Physica Scripta, vol. 96, no. 12, p. 125729, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Tamoud, Abderrahman; Zaïri, Fahmi; Mesbah, Amar; Zaïri, Fahed

Modeling multiaxial damage regional variation in human annulus fibrosus

Dans: Acta Biomaterialia, vol. 136, p. 375-388, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Abderrahmane, Y. Si; Menad, A.; Boutaiba, F.; Benyahia, N.; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M.

Insights into structural and dynamical characteristics of III-V boron polytypes

Dans: Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, vol. 136, p. 106138, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yan, Zhu; Guo, Qiang; Zaïri, Fahmi; Zaoui, Ali; Jiang, Qifeng; Liu, Xiaobing

Continuum-based modeling large-strain plastic deformation of semi-crystalline polyethylene systems: Implication of texturing and amorphicity

Dans: Mechanics of Materials, vol. 162, p. 104060, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Barkallah, Rachida; Taktak, Rym; Yan, Zhu; Zaïri, Fahmi; Guermazi, Noamen; Bouaziz, Jamel; Zaïri, Fahed

Fracture behavior of Alumina-Tricalcium phosphate-Titania composites for bone tissue reconstruction

Dans: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 255, p. 107959, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Dinari, Amina; Zaïri, Fahmi; Chaabane, Makram; Ismail, Jewan; Benameur, Tarek

Thermo-oxidative stress relaxation in carbon-filled SBR

Dans: Plastics, Rubber and Composites, vol. 50, no. 9, p. 425-440, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Saadedine, Mahrez; Zaïri, Fahmi; Ouali, Nourdine; Tamoud, Abderrahman; Mesbah, Amar

A micromechanics-based model for visco-super-elastic hydrogel-based nanocomposites

Dans: International Journal of Plasticity, vol. 144, p. 103042, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal

Auteurs : Abdallah, Wafaa; SbartaÏ, Zoubir-Mehdi; Saliba, Jacqueline; Elachachi, Sidi Mohammed; Chehade, Fadi Hage; Sadek, Marwan

Assessment of the reliability of concrete evaluation by multi-physical inversion of NDT measurements - A probabilistic approach

Dans: Construction and Building Materials, vol. 300, p. 124371, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : BENTOUMI, M.; Raouache, E. H.; Driss, Z.; MONTAGNE, A.; Iost, A.; Mejias, Alberto; Chicot, Didier

Multicyclic indentation on brittle glasses

Dans: Ceramics International, vol. 47, no. 18, p. 26168-26177, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Kandil, Karim; Zaïri, Fahmi; Messager, Tanguy; Zaïri, Fahed

A microstructure-based model for a full lamellar-interlamellar displacement and shear strain mapping inside human intervertebral disc core

Dans: Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 135, p. 104629, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mesbah, Amar; Elmeguenni, Mohamed; Yan, Zhu; Zaïri, Fahmi; Ding, Ning; Gloaguen, Jean-Michel

How stress triaxiality affects cavitation damage in high-density polyethylene: Experiments and constitutive modeling

Dans: Polymer Testing, vol. 100, p. 107248, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Habibi, S.; Chicot, Didier; Mejias, Alberto; Boutabout, B.; Zareb, E.; Semsoum, D.; Benaissa, S.; Mezough, A.; Merzouk, H.

The P--h2 relationship on load--displacement curve considering pile-up deformation mode in instrumented indentation

Dans: Journal of Materials Research, vol. 36, no. 15, p. 3074-3085, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Bouyahia, Zahraa; Mdarhri, Ahmed; Benayad, Anass; Brosseau, Christian; Elaboudi, Ilham; Chicot, Didier; IOST, Alain; He, Delong; Bai, Jinbo

Analyzing the nanoindentation response of carbon black filled elastomers

Dans: Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 138, no. 29, p. 50697, 2021, (ACL).


2021Book Section ER1

Auteurs : Benarioua, Younes; Wendler, Bogdan; Chicot, Didier

Study on Conversion Treatment of Thin Titanium Layer Deposited onto Carbon Steel: Application of Physical and Mechanical Investigation

Dans: Newest Updates in Physical Science Research Vol. 14, p. 154-165, Book Publisher International (a part of SCIENCEDOMAIN International), 2021, (OS).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Laanaiya, Majdouline; Bouibes, Amine; Zaoui, Ali

Structural stability of belite sulfoaluminate clinkering polymorphs

Dans: Solid State Ionics, vol. 365, p. 115641, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chehade, Hicham Alhajj; Dias, Daniel; Sadek, Marwan; Jenck, Orianne; Chehade, Fadi Hage

Pseudo-static analysis of reinforced earth retaining walls

Dans: Acta Geotechnica, vol. 16, no. 7, p. 2275-2289, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Cheng, Wen-Qing; Yang, Zhengtian; Hattab, Mahdia; Bian, Hanbing; Bouchemella, Salima; Fleureau, Jean-Marie

Free desiccation shrinkage process in clayey soils

Dans: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, p. 1-26, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Hosseinnezhad, Ramin; Vozniak, Iurii; Zaïri, Fahmi

In Situ Generation of Green Hybrid Nanofibrillar Polymer-Polymer Composites-A Novel Approach to the Triple Shape Memory Polymer Formation

Dans: Polymers, vol. 13, no. 12, p. 1900, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Guo, Qiang; Zaïri, Fahmi

A micromechanics-based model for deformation-induced damage and failure in elastomeric media

Dans: International Journal of Plasticity, vol. 140, p. 102976, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Li, Nan; Ding, Ning; Zhou, Jixue; Liu, Long; Zaïri, Fahmi; Yang, Yuansheng

Mechanical properties and deformation behavior of the magnesium crystal with nano-cracks

Dans: Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 29, no. 3, p. 035006, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Drumond, Geovana; ROUDET, Francine; Chicot, Didier; Pinheiro, Bianca; Pasqualino, Ilson

A Damage Criterion to Predict the Fatigue Life of Steel Pipelines Based on Indentation Measurements

Dans: Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, vol. 143, no. 1, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Tamoud, Abderrahman; Zaïri, Fahmi; Mesbah, A; Zaïri, Fahed

A microstructure-based model for time-dependent mechanics of multi-layered soft tissues and its application to intervertebral disc annulus

Dans: Meccanica, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Guo, W; Li, N; Zhou, J; Liu, L; Tian, L; Chen, L; Zaïri, Fahmi; Ding, N

Flow Curve and Microstructure Analysis of a ZK60 Magnesium Alloy during Hot Compression Tests

Dans: Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 2021.


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaïri, Fahed; Moulart, Mélissa; Fontaine, Christian; Zaïri, Fahmi; Tiffreau, Vincent; Logier, Régis

Relevance of a novel external dynamic distraction device for treating back pain.

Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Laanaiya, Majdouline; Bouibes, A; Zaoui, Ali

Ground state properties of fluorine from DFT-hybrid functional

Dans: Vacuum, vol. 187, 2021.


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Tunega, D; Zaoui, Ali

Adsorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on FeOOH polymorphs: A theoretical study

Dans: Surface Science, vol. 706, 2021.


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Laanaiya, Majdouline; Zaoui, Ali

Piezoelectric response and failure behavior of cement paste under external loading

Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 139, 2021.


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mezeh, R; Mroueh, Hussein; Hosseingholian, M; Sadek, Marwan

Fully-coupled numerical model for ballasted track analysis – Field measurements and predictions

Dans: Transportation Geotechnics, vol. 27, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mezeh, R; Sadek, Marwan; Chehade, F Hage; Shahrour, Isam

A frequency and velocity-dependent impedance method for prediction of rail/foundation dynamics

Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 101–111, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Andaloussi, Nawal Abbad El; Zaoui, Ali

Enhancing Mechanical and Self-Healing Properties of Asphalt Binder Through the Incorporation of Nano-silica

Dans: International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 2021, ISSN: 1997-1400, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wei, PengChang; Zhang, Li-Lan; Zheng, YuanYuan; Diao, Qiu-Feng; Zhuang, Dao-Yang; Yin, Zhen-Yu

Nanoscale friction characteristics of hydrated montmorillonites using molecular dynamics

Dans: Applied Clay Science, vol. 210, p. 106155, 2021, ISSN: 0169-1317, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhang, Li-Lan; Zheng, YuanYuan; Wei, PengChang; Diao, Qiu-Feng; Yin, Zhen-Yu

Nanoscale mechanical behavior of kaolinite under uniaxial strain conditions

Dans: Applied Clay Science, vol. 201, p. 105961, 2021, ISSN: 0169-1317, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Sekkal, Wassila; Zaoui, Ali

Novel properties of nano-engineered cementitious materials with fullerene buckyballs

Dans: Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 118, 2021.


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Kossman, Stephania; Coelho, Leonardo Bertolucci; Montagne, Alex; Mejias, Alberto; Gorp, Adrien; Coorevits, Thierry; Touzin, Matthieu; Druart, Marie-Eve; Staia, Mariana; Poorteman, Marc; Olivier, Marie-Georges

The effect of the substrate surface state on the morphology, topography and tribocorrosion behavior of Si/Zr sol-gel coated 316L stainless steel

Dans: Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 406, p. 126666, 2021, (ACL).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Drumond, G; Roudet, Francine; Chicot, Didier; Pinheiro, B; Pasqualino, I

A Damage Criterion to Predict the Fatigue Life of Steel Pipelines Based on Indentation Measurements

Dans: Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, vol. 143, no. 1, 2021, (cited By 0).


2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chaabane, Makram; Ding, Ning; Zaïri, Fahmi

An approach to assess the thermal aging effects on the coupling between inelasticity and network alteration in filled rubbers

Dans: International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, vol. 136, p. 103783, 2021, ISSN: 0020-7462, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2021Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Guo, W; Li, X; Ding, N; Liu, G; He, J; Tian, L; Chen, L; Zaïri, Fahmi

Microstructure characteristics and mechanical properties of a laser cladded Fe-based martensitic stainless steel coating

Dans: Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 408, 2021.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Guo, Qiang; Zairi, Fahmi; Yang, Wenping

Evaluation of intrinsic dissipation based on self-heating effect in high-cycle metal fatigue

Dans: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE, vol. 139, 2020, ISSN: 0142-1123.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Kossman, Stephania; Coelho, Leonardo B.; Mejias, Alberto; Montagne, Alex; Gorp, Adrien; Coorevits, Thierry; Touzin, Matthieu; Poorteman, Marc; Olivier, M. -G.; Iost, Alain; Staia, Mariana

Impact of industrially applied surface finishing processes on tribocorrosion performance of 316L stainless steel

Dans: Wear, p. 203341, 2020, (ACL).


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Transforming nonisostructural wurtzite (ZnO) and rocksalt (MgO) II -VI compounds into stable alloy: The case of MgZnO

Dans: SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES, vol. 145, 2020, ISSN: 0749-6036.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Cherief, Mohammed Nadhir D; Zairi, Fahmi; Ding, Ning; Gloaguen, Jean-Michel; Nait-Abdelaziz, Moussa; Benguediab, Mohamed

Plasticity and thermally-induced recovery in polycarbonate

Dans: MECHANICS OF MATERIALS, vol. 148, 2020, ISSN: 0167-6636.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Extreme incompressibility and hardness of Re-N system

Dans: PHYSICA SCRIPTA, vol. 95, no. 9, 2020, ISSN: 0031-8949.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Liu, Long; Ding, Ning; Xu, Na; Guo, Weimin; Shi, Junbo; Li, Nan; Zhang, Lijun; Meng, Bingchen; Zairi, Fahmi

Failure analysis and optimization of a suspended structure in the power supply system of the subway

Dans: ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS, vol. 115, 2020, ISSN: 1350-6307.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Investigating potential hard materials: the case of tetragonal TaMoN

Dans: CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, vol. 66, p. 758-764, 2020, ISSN: 0577-9073.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Guo, Qiang; Zairi, Fahmi

A physically-based thermo-mechanical model for stretch-induced crystallizable rubbers: Crystallization thermodynamics and chain-network crystallization anisotropy

Dans: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY, vol. 131, 2020, ISSN: 0749-6419.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zeng, Ling; Yao, Xiaofei; Gao, Qian-Feng; Bian, Hanbing; Fan, Dianhua

Use of Nanosilica and Cement in Improving the Mechanical Behavior of Disintegrated Carbonaceous Mudstone

Dans: JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, vol. 20, no. 8, p. 4807-4814, 2020, ISSN: 1533-4880.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Ghorbal, G. Ben; Tricoteaux, A.; Thuault, A.; Ageorges, H.; Roudet, F.; Chicot, Didier

Mechanical properties of thermally sprayed porous alumina coating by Vickers and Knoop indentation

Dans: Ceramics International, vol. 46, no. 12, p. 19843-19851, 2020, (ACL).


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chehade, Fatima El Hajj; Younes, Rafic; Mroueh, Hussein; Chehade, Fadi Hage

Use of genetic optimization in parameter identification of reinforced concrete bridge girders

Dans: INNOVATIVE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS, vol. 5, no. 3, 2020, ISSN: 2364-4176.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zeng, Ling; Yu, Hui-cong; Gao, Qian-feng; Bian, Hanbing

Mechanical behavior and microstructural mechanism of improved disintegrated carbonaceous mudstone

Dans: JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY, vol. 27, no. 7, SI, p. 1992-2002, 2020, ISSN: 2095-2899.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : He, Zhong-ming; Liu, Zheng-fu; Liu, Xiao-hong; Bian, Hanbing

Improved method for determining active earth pressure considering arching effect and actual slip surface

Dans: JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY, vol. 27, no. 7, SI, p. 2032-2042, 2020, ISSN: 2095-2899.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Barla, Marco; Mroueh, Hussein; Loveridge, Fleur; Vieira, Ana

Editorial: Shallow geothermal energy for buildings and infrastructure

Dans: ENVIRONMENTAL GEOTECHNICS, vol. 7, no. 4, p. 223-224, 2020, ISSN: 2051-803X.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Habert, Julien; Mroueh, Hussein; Josifovski, Josif; Bogusz, Witold; Sterpi, Donatella; Georgiadis, Konstantinos

Synthesis of a benchmark exercise for geotechnical analysis of a thermoactive pile

Dans: ENVIRONMENTAL GEOTECHNICS, vol. 7, no. 4, p. 225-236, 2020, ISSN: 2051-803X.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Derrouiche, Amil; Feki, Faten; Zairi, Fahmi; Taktak, Rym; Moulart, Melissa; Qu, Zhengwei; Ismail, Jewan; Charfi, Slim; Haddar, Nader; Zairi, Fahed

How pre-strain affects the chemo-torsional response of the intervertebral disc

Dans: CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS, vol. 76, 2020, ISSN: 0268-0033.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zhang, Pin; Yin, Zhen-Yu; Zheng, Yuanyuan; Gao, Fu-Ping

A LSTM surrogate modelling approach for caisson foundations

Dans: Ocean Engineering, vol. 204, p. 107263, 2020, (ACL).


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Tunega, Daniel; Zaoui, Ali

Mechanical and Bonding Behaviors Behind the Bending Mechanism of Kaolinite Clay Layers

Dans: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, vol. 124, no. 13, p. 7432-7440, 2020, ISSN: 1932-7447.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Rammal, D; Mroueh, Hussein; Burlon, S

Thermal behaviour of geothermal diaphragm walls: Evaluation of exchanged thermal power

Dans: RENEWABLE ENERGY, vol. 147, no. 2, SI, p. 2643-2653, 2020, ISSN: 0960-1481.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Jnat, Khadija; Shahrour, Isam; Zaoui, Ali

Impact of Smart Monitoring on Energy Savings in a Social Housing Residence

Dans: BUILDINGS, vol. 10, no. 2, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Kandil, Karim; Zaïri, Fahmi; Messager, T; Zaïri, F

Interlamellar matrix governs human annulus fibrosus multiaxial behavior

Dans: Scientific Reports, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Feki, F; Taktak, R; Kandil, Karim; Derrouiche, A; Moulart, M; Haddar, N; Zaïri, Fahmi; Zaïri, F

How Osmoviscoelastic Coupling Affects Recovery of Cyclically Compressed Intervertebral Disc

Dans: Spine, vol. 45, no. 21, p. E1376–E1385, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Xu, N; Ding, N; Zaïri, Fahmi; Liu, L; Hou, N; Wu, X; Chen, L; Wu, C -M L

Fracture failure for the teeth of sprocket wheels in mineral conveying equipment

Dans: Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 117, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wang, H; Ding, N; Jiang, T; Zhang, F; Zhao, X; Liu, W; Zaïri, Fahmi

Investigation on electronic and mechanical properties of penta-graphene nanotubes

Dans: Journal of Materials Science, vol. 55, no. 29, p. 14336–14344, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Derrouiche, A; Zaouali, A; Zaïri, Fahmi; Ismail, J; Qu, Z; Chaabane, M; Zaïri, F

Osmo-inelastic response of the intervertebral disc annulus fibrosus tissue

Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, vol. 234, no. 9, p. 1000–1010, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Dinari, A; Chaabane, M; Benameur, T; Guo, Q; Gloaguen, J -M; Zaïri, Fahmi

Multiscale Observation of the Fatigue-Induced Damage Mechanisms in Carbon-Black Filled Styrene-Butadiene Rubber

Dans: Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, vol. 305, no. 8, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mahjoubi, H; Zaïri, Fahmi; Tourki, Z

Strain-induced phase transformation in poly(lactic acid) across the glass transition: Constitutive model and identification

Dans: International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, vol. 118, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Kandil, Karim; Zaïri, Fahmi; Messager, T; Zaïri, F

A microstructure-based modeling approach to assess aging-sensitive mechanics of human intervertebral disc

Dans: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Boulahia, R; Zaïri, Fahmi; Voznyak, Y; Gloaguen, J -M

Repeated equal-channel angular extrusion of polypropylene: Processing routes and back-pressure influence

Dans: Materials Today Communications, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Tian, L -N; Liu, L; Hou, N; Zhou, J -X; Guo, W -M; Yuan, Q -X; Zaïri, Fahmi; Ding, N

Quantitative assessment of multi-scale second phase particles and their roles in the deformation response of ZK60 alloy

Dans: Materials Today Communications, 2020.


2020Proceedings Article ER1

Auteurs : Almirón, J; Chavez, B; Roudet, Francine

Obtaining biodegradable films through the management of organic waste containing starch and chitosan [Obtención de películas biodegradables mediante la gestión de residuos orgánicos que contienen almidón y quitosano]

Dans: Proceedings of the LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering, Education and Technology, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Laanaiya, Majdouline; Zaoui, Ali

Preventing cement-based materials failure by embedding Fe2O3 nanoparticles

Dans: Construction and Building Materials, vol. 260, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Menad, A; Benmalti, M E; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Impact of polytypism on the ground state properties of zinc oxide: A first-principles study

Dans: Results in Physics, vol. 18, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yang, W; Chen, R -P; Kang, X; Zaoui, Ali

Radionuclide adsorption mechanism in buffer materials in high-level radioactive waste container: MD study [高放废物深地质处置库蒙脱土对铀酰的吸附阻滞行为: 分子模拟研究]

Dans: Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 42, no. 2, p. 239–245, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Sadek, Marwan; Hussein, M; Chehade, F Hage; Arab, A

Influence of soil–structure interaction on the fundamental frequency of shear wall structures

Dans: Arabian Journal of Geosciences, vol. 13, no. 17, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chehade, H Alhajj; Dias, D; Sadek, Marwan; Jenck, O; Chehade, F Hage

Upper bound seismic limit analysis of geosynthetic-reinforced unsaturated soil walls

Dans: Geotextiles and Geomembranes, vol. 48, no. 4, p. 419–430, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : He, Z -M; Wang, B -L; Huang, C; Bian, Hanbing; Zhang, Y -J

Time and Space Evolution Model of Seepage Field of High Embankment with Coarse-grained Soil Under Combined Action of Dynamic Load and Rainfall [动力湿化作用下粗粒土高路堤渗流场时空演化模型试验]

Dans: Zhongguo Gonglu Xuebao/China Journal of Highway and Transport, vol. 33, no. 9, p. 45–53, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Dai, L; Bian, Hanbing; Wang, L; Potier-Ferry, M; Zhang, J

Prestress Loss Diagnostics in Pretensioned Concrete Structures with Corrosive Cracking

Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), vol. 146, no. 3, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yuan, H; Chen, C; Wang, Y; Bian, Hanbing; Liu, Y

Joint Investigation and 3D Visual Evaluation of Rock Mass Quality

Dans: Advances in Civil Engineering, vol. 2020, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : He, Z -M; Xiang, D; Liu, Y -X; Gao, Q -F; Bian, Hanbing

Deformation Behavior of Coarse-Grained Soil as an Embankment Filler under Cyclic Loading

Dans: Advances in Civil Engineering, vol. 2020, 2020.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yin, Zhen-Yu; Teng, Jing-Cheng; Li, Zheng; Zheng, YuanYuan

Modelling of suction bucket foundation in clay: From finite element analyses to macro-elements

Dans: Ocean Engineering, vol. 210, p. 107577, 2020, ISSN: 0029-8018, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Coelho, L. B.; Kossman, S.; Mejias, Alberto; Noirfalise, X.; Montagne, A.; Gorp, A.; Poorteman, M.; Olivier, M. -G.

Mechanical and corrosion characterization of industrially treated 316L stainless steel surfaces

Dans: Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 382, p. 125175, 2020, (ACL).


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Coorevits, Thierry; Mejias, Alberto; Montagne, Alex; Kossman, Stephania; Iost, Alain

An integral approach of indentation of Functionally Graded Materials

Dans: Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 381, p. 125176, 2020, (ACL).


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Staia, Mariana H.; Mejias, Alberto; Barbera-Sosa, José Gregorio La; Puchi-Cabrera, Eli Saúl; Villalobos-Gutiérrez, C.; de La Barbera, Yucelys Yessenia Santana; Montagne, Alex; Iost, Alain; Rodríguez, M. A.

Mechanical properties of WC/Co-CNT HVOF sprayed coatings

Dans: Surface Engineering, vol. 36, no. 11, p. 1156-1164, 2020, (ACL).


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Grairia, S; Chrait, Y; Montagne, A; Mejias, Alberto; Lost, A; Chicot, Didier

Quantitative evaluation of interfacial adhesion between steel reinforcements and self-compacting concretes, in steel/concrete composites, by indentation tests

Dans: Composite Interfaces, vol. 27, no. 3, p. 307-326, 2020, (cited By 0).


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Hammou, N; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Polytypism in calcium oxide compound: Mechanical and dynamical evidence of structural stability

Dans: JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, vol. 815, 2020, ISSN: 0925-8388.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Hebbouche, Abdelhamid; Bensaibi, Mahmoud; Mroueh, Hussein; Bensalah, Mohamed Draidi

Seismic Fragility Curves and Damage Probabilities of Concrete Gravity Dam Under Near-Far Faults Ground Motions

Dans: STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL, vol. 30, no. 1, p. 74-85, 2020, ISSN: 1016-8664.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Bouibes, A; Zaoui, Ali

High-pressure phase transitions of forsterite from first-principles

Dans: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS, vol. 136, 2020, ISSN: 0022-3697.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Doghman, Mirna; Mroueh, Hussein; Burlon, S.

A review of different pile design approaches in chalk used in France and the UK: case studies from French sites

Dans: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2020, (ACL).


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benessalah, Ismail; Sadek, Marwan; Villard, Pascal; Arab, Ahmed

Undrained triaxial compression tests on three-dimensional reinforced sand: effect of the geocell height

Dans: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, p. 1–12, 2020, (ACL).


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Boutaraa, Zohra; Arab, Ahmed; Bouferra, Rachid; Sadek, Marwan

Soil Densification Effect on the Behaviour of Chlef Sand (Algeria) under Static and Cyclic Loading: A Laboratory Investigation

Dans: 2020, ISSN: 0960-3182.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benessalah, Ismail; Sadek, Marwan; Villard, Pascal; Arab, Ahmed

Undrained triaxial compression tests on three-dimensional reinforced sand: effect of the geocell height

Dans: 2020, ISSN: 1964-8189.


2020Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Doghman, Mirna; Mroueh, Hussein; Burlon, S

A review of different pile design approaches in chalk used in France and the UK: case studies from French sites

Dans: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2020.


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mahjoubi, Hanen; Zaïri, Fahmi; Tourki, Zoubeir

A micro-macro constitutive model for strain-induced molecular ordering in biopolymers: Application to polylactide over a wide range of temperatures

Dans: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY, vol. 123, p. 38-55, 2019, ISSN: 0749-6419, (ACL).


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Kandil, Karim; Zairi, Fahmi; Derrouiche, Amil; Messager, Tanguy; Zairi, Fahed

Interlamellar-induced time-dependent response of intervertebral disc annulus: A microstructure-based chemo-viscoelastic model

Dans: ACTA BIOMATERIALIA, vol. 100, p. 75-91, 2019, ISSN: 1742-7061.


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Laanaiya, Majdouline; Bouibes, A; Zaoui, Ali

Understanding why Alite is responsible of the main mechanical characteristics in Portland cement

Dans: CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH, vol. 126, 2019, ISSN: 0008-8846.


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Derrouiche, Amil; Zairi, Fahmi; Zairi, Fahed

A chemo-mechanical model for osmo-inelastic effects in the annulus fibrosus

Dans: BIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGY, vol. 18, no. 6, p. 1773-1790, 2019, ISSN: 1617-7959.


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Hammou, N; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Revealing atypical ground state structures of III-Ununpentium compounds

Dans: MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, vol. 6, no. 11, 2019, ISSN: 2053-1591.


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wang, Huan; Ding, Ning; Jiang, Ting; Zhao, Xian; Liu, Wei; Zairi, Fahmi

Investigation on mechanical and electronic properties of graphene-doped boron nitride nanotubes

Dans: MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, vol. 6, no. 11, 2019, ISSN: 2053-1591.


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Rafeh, Faten; Mroueh, Hussein; Hitti, Karim; Burlon, Sebastien

A practical tool for the stability estimation of underground quarries in North France

Dans: WORLD JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, vol. 16, no. 5, p. 604-613, 2019, ISSN: 1708-5284.


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Rafeh, F; Mroueh, Hussein; Burlon, S

Shallow chalk quarry stability using an original shear strength reduction approach

Dans: COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS, vol. 112, p. 60-71, 2019, ISSN: 0266-352X.


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : STAIA, Mariana; Kossman, Stephania; Contreras, Victor; Chicot, Didier; Iost, Alain; Gorp, Adrien Van

Recubrimientos nanoestructurados de circonia estabilizada con itria (YSZ) depositados mediante termorrociado por plasma por suspensión

Dans: Boletín de la Sociedad Espa~nola de Cerámica y Vidrio, vol. 58, no. 4, p. 151-160, 2019, (ACL).


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Jiang, Qifeng; Zairi, Fahmi; Frederix, Caroline; Yan, Zhu; Derrouiche, Amil; Qu, Zhengwei; Liu, Xiaobing; Zairi, Fahed

Biomechanical response of a novel intervertebral disc prosthesis using functionally graded polymers: A finite element study



2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Ahmed, Maiz Hadj H; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

High-throughput first-principles investigation of GaN-AlN ternary system

Dans: SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES, vol. 129, p. 226-229, 2019, ISSN: 0749-6036.


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Ahmed, Maiz Hadj H; Benaissa, H; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Exploring new insights in BAlN from evolutionary algorithms ab initio computations

Dans: PHYSICS LETTERS A, vol. 383, no. 13, p. 1385-1388, 2019, ISSN: 0375-9601.


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Jiang, Qifeng; Zairi, Fahmi; Frederix, Caroline; Derrouiche, Amil; Yan, Zhu; Qu, Zhengwei; Liu, Xiaobing; Zairi, Fahed

Crystallinity dependency of the time-dependent mechanical response of polyethylene: application in total disc replacement



2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Derrouiche, Amil; Zaouali, Ameni; Zairi, Fahmi; Ismail, Jewan; Chaabane, Makram; Qu, Zhengwei; Zairi, Fahed

Osmo-inelastic response of the intervertebral disc



2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benessalah, Ismail; Arab, Ahmed; Sadek, Marwan; Bouferra, Rachid

Laboratory study on the compressibility of sand-rubber mixtures under one dimensional consolidation loading conditions

Dans: GRANULAR MATTER, vol. 21, no. 1, 2019, ISSN: 1434-5021.


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chehade, H Alhajj; Dias, D; Sadek, Marwan; Jenck, O; Chehade, F Hage

Seismic analysis of geosynthetic-reinforced retaining wall in cohesive soils

Dans: Geotextiles and Geomembranes, vol. 47, no. 3, p. 315–326, 2019.


2019Proceedings Article ER1

Auteurs : Sun, Z; Bian, Hanbing; Wang, C; Zhang, S; Qiu, X

Direct Shear Test of Silty Clay Based on Corrected Calculating Model

Dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, (Issue: 1).


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Kossman, S; Iost, A; Chicot, Didier; Mercier, D; Serrano-Muñoz, I; Roudet, Francine; Dufrénoy, P; Magnier, V; Cristol, A -L

Mechanical characterization by multiscale instrumented indentation of highly heterogeneous materials for braking applications

Dans: Journal of Materials Science, vol. 54, no. 6, p. 4647-4670, 2019, (ACL).


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Bentoumi, M; Mdarhri, A; Benzaama, H; Iost, A; Chicot, Didier

Contribution of interferometry to Vickers indentation toughness determination of glass and ceramic glass

Dans: Optical Engineering, vol. 58, no. 3, 2019, (ACL).


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Coorevits, T; Kossman, S; Chicot, Didier; Hennebelle, F; Montagne, A; Iost, A

Virtual machine concept applied to uncertainties estimation in instrumented indentation testing

Dans: Journal of Materials Research, vol. 34, no. 14, p. 2501-2516, 2019, (ACL).


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Vodă, M; Codrean, C; Chicot, Didier; Şerban, V -A; Uţu, D; Linul, E; Buzdugan, D

Characterization of brazed joints by electrical resistance spot brazing with Ni-based amorphous self-flux alloys

Dans: Journal of Manufacturing Processes, vol. 37, p. 617-627, 2019, (ACL).


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Fellah, Mamoun; Aissani, Linda; Samad, Mohammed Abdul; Prakasam, Mythili; Purnama, Agung; Montagne, Alex; Iost, Alain; Mejias, Alberto; Kossman, Stephania

Effect of calcination temperature on friction and wear behavior of α–alumina (α-Al2O3) for biomedical applications

Dans: International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, vol. 16, no. 2, p. 462-470, 2019, (ACL).


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Fadaeifard, Firouz; Pakmanesh, M R; Esfahani, M S; Matori, K A; Chicot, Didier

Nanoindentation Analysis of Friction Stir Welded 6061-T6 Al Alloy in As-Weld and Post Weld Heat Treatment

Dans: Physics of Metals and Metallography, vol. 120, no. 5, p. 483-491, 2019, (cited By 0).


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Boufala, K; Ouhenia, S; Louis, Ghislain; Betrancourt, Damien; Chicot, Didier; Belabbas, I

Microstructure analysis and mechanical properties by instrumented indentation of Charonia Lampas Lampas shell

Dans: Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 89, p. 114-121, 2019, (cited By 1).


2019Proceedings Article ER1

Auteurs : Guo, Q; Zairi, Fahmi; Guo, X

Stretch-induced crystallization in rubbers: Model formulation and verification

Dans: Huneau, B; LeCam, JB; Marco, Y; Verron, E (Ed.): CONSTITUTIVE MODELS FOR RUBBER XI, p. 48-52, Vibracoustic; Acoem Grp, Metravib; Michelin; Hutchinson; Elatopole 2019, ISBN: 978-0-429-32471-0; 978-0-367-34258-6, (11th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, Nantes, FRANCE, JUN 25-27, 2019).

2019Proceedings Article ER1

Auteurs : Rodas, Ovalle C; Guo, Q; Zairi, Fahmi; Guo, X; Charrier, P

Modelling of the heat build-up temperature and damage fields in bulk filled-rubber samples during fatigue

Dans: Huneau, B; LeCam, JB; Marco, Y; Verron, E (Ed.): CONSTITUTIVE MODELS FOR RUBBER XI, p. 379-384, Vibracoustic; Acoem Grp, Metravib; Michelin; Hutchinson; Elatopole 2019, ISBN: 978-0-429-32471-0; 978-0-367-34258-6, (11th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, Nantes, FRANCE, JUN 25-27, 2019).

2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Jiang, Q; Ismail, J; Zairi, Fahmi; Qu, Z; Nait-Abdelaziz, M; Azari, Z; Liu, X

Damage interaction and angle effects on the erosion behavior of soda-lime-silica glass

Dans: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DAMAGE MECHANICS, vol. 28, no. 1, p. 118-133, 2019, ISSN: 1056-7895.


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mezeh, Reda; Mroueh, Hussein; Hosseingholian, Mohsen; Sadek, Marwan

New approach for the assessment of train/track/foundation dynamics using in-situ measurements of high-speed train induced vibrations

Dans: SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, vol. 116, p. 50-59, 2019, ISSN: 0267-7261.


2019Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Almirón, J; Roudet, Francine; Duquesne, S

Influence of volcanic ash, rice husk ash, and solid residue of catalytic pyrolysis on the flame-retardant properties of polypropylene composites

Dans: Journal of Fire Sciences, vol. 37, no. 4-6, p. 434-451, 2019, (ACL).


2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mezeh, Reda; Sadek, Marwan; Chehade, Fadi Hage; Mroueh, Hussein

Adaptive meshing scheme for prediction of high-speed moving loads induced ground vibrations

Dans: Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 100, p. 188-202, 2018, (ACL).


2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benarioua, Younes; Wendler, Bogdan; Chicot, Didier

Conversion treatment of thin titanium layer deposited on carbon steel

Dans: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1033, p. 012010, 2018, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mezeh, Reda; Sadek, Marwan; Chehade, Fadi Hage; Shahrour, Isam

Adaptive analysis of infinite beams dynamics problems using the periodic configuration update method in the time domain

Dans: International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol. 42, no. 4, p. 618-635, 2018, (ACL).


2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mengue, Emmanuel; Mroueh, Hussein; Lancelot, Laurent; Eko, Robert Medjo

Evaluation of the Compressibility and Compressive Strength of a Compacted Cement Treated Laterite Soil for Road Application

Dans: Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, vol. 36, no. 6, p. 3831-3856, 2018, (ACL).


2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mengue, Emmanuel; Mroueh, Hussein; Lancelot, Laurent; Eko, Robert Medjo

Design and parametric study of a pavement foundation layer made of cement-treated fine-grained lateritic soil

Dans: Soils and Foundations, vol. 58, no. 3, p. 666-677, 2018, (ACL).


2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Qiang, Guo; Zairi, Fahmi; Cristian, Ovalle-Rodas; Xinglin, Guo

Constitutive modeling of the cyclic dissipation in thin and thick rubber specimens

Dans: Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 98, 2018.

2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Qiang, Guo; Zairi, Fahmi; Xinglin, Guo

Thermodynamics and mechanics of stretch-induced crystallization in rubbers

Dans: Physical Review E, vol. 97, p. 052501, 2018.

2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Qiang, Guo; Zairi, Fahmi; Xinglin, Guo

An intrinsic dissipation model for high-cycle fatigue life prediction

Dans: International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 140, p. 163–171, 2018.

2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Qifeng, Jiang; Jewan, Ismail; Zairi, Fahmi; Zhengwei, Qu; Xiaobing, Liu; Fahed, Zairi

Damage mechanisms in bioactive glass matrix composites under uniaxial compression

Dans: Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 79, p. 264–272, 2018.

2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Qiang, Guo; Zairi, Fahmi; Xinglin, Guo

A thermo-viscoelastic-damage constitutive model for cyclically loaded rubbers Part II: Experimental studies and parameter

Dans: International Journal of Plasticity, vol. 101, p. 58–73, 2018.

2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Bouibes, A; Zaoui, Ali; Luo, W; Ahuja, R

Promising optical characteristics of zinc peroxide from first-principles investigation

Dans: Solid State Communications, vol. 263, p. 106–124, 2018.

2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Rammal, D; Mroueh, Hussein; S.Burlon,

Burlon Impact of thermal solicitations on the design of energy piles

Dans: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 92, p. 111–120, 2018.

2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benaissa, H; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Revealing strong polytypism tendency in MgTe from first-principles

Dans: Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 123, no. 235903, 2018.

2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Jefferson, Tony; Javierre, Etelvina; Freeman, Brubeck; Zaoui, Ali; Koenders, Eddie; Ferrara, Liberato

Research Progress on Numerical Models for Self-Healing Cementitious Materials


2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Lushnikova, A; Zaoui, Ali

Influence of single-walled carbon nantotubes structure and density on the ductility of cement paste

Dans: Construction and Building Materials, vol. 172, p. 86–97, 2018.

2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zheng, Yuanyuan; Zaoui, Ali

Mechanical behavior in hydrated Na-montmorillonite clay


2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Graira, S.; Chrait, Y.; MONTAGNE, A.; Chicot, Didier; Lost, A.

Interfacial Indentation Test for the Study of Reinforcement bar/concrete matrix Adhesion i n High Performance Self Compacting Concretes

Dans: Journal of Materials and Environmental Science , vol. 9, no. 1, p. 189-200, 2018, (ACL).


2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Almirón, Jonathan; Alcazar, Hermann; Churata, Rossibel; Roudet, Francine; Ziouche, Katir; Chicot, Didier

Effect of impregnation solutions on the synthesis of Ni-Cu/Al 2 O 3 catalyst to obtain carbon nanofibers

Dans: Materials Research Express, vol. 5, no. 12, p. 125010, 2018, (ACLI).

Résumé | Liens

2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Kazamer, Norbert; Kossman, Stephania; Baranyi, István; Chicot, Didier; Serban, Viorel-Aurel; Rajnai, Zoltán; Voda, Mircea

Effet de l'addition de TiB2 sur les propriétés mécaniques et tribologiques de revêtements NiCrBSi déposés par projection thermique

Dans: Matériaux & Techniques, vol. 106, no. 2, p. 202, 2018, (ACLN).


2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mejias, Alberto; Chicot, Didier; Pertuz, A; Iost, A; Montagne, A; Cadenas, P

Hardness evaluation from a bilayer coating system of Ni-P deposited on carbon steel plates by multicycle indentation tests

Dans: Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 334, p. 410 - 419, 2018, ISSN: 0257-8972, (ACLI).


2018Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Drumond, Geovana; Pinheiro, Bianca; Pasqualino, Ilson; Roudet, Francine; Chicot, Didier

High Cycle Fatigue Damage Evaluation of Steel Pipelines Based on Microhardness Changes During Cyclic Loads: Part II

Dans: no. 51234, p. V004T03A025, 2018, (ACTI).

Résumé | Liens

2017Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Bouaricha, Leyla; Henni, Djeferanni; Lancelot, Laurent

A Laboratory Investigation on Shear Strength Behavior of Sandy Soil: Effect of Glass Fiber and Clinker Residue Content

Dans: Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, vol. 39, no. 4, p. 3-15, 2017, (ACL).


2017Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mengue, Emmanuel; Mroueh, Hussein; Lancelot, Laurent; Eko, Robert Medjo

Mechanical improvement of a fine-grained lateritic soil treated with cement for use in road construction

Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 29, no. 11, 2017, (ACL).


2017Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mengue, Emmanuel; Mroueh, Hussein; Lancelot, Laurent; Eko, Robert Medjo

Physicochemical and consolidation properties of compacted lateritic soil treated with cement

Dans: Soils and Foundations, vol. 57, no. 1, p. 60-79, 2017, (ACL).


2017Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Sekkal, Wassila; Zaoui, Ali

Enhancing the interfacial bond strength of cement nanocomposite with carbonate nanostructure

Dans: Composites Part B-Engineering, vol. 124, p. 111–119, 2017, (ACL).

2017Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, Mohamed

Exploring novel phases of Cd-O system at ambient pressure

Dans: Physics Letters A, no. 396, p. 717�722, 2017, (ACL).

2017Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zheng, Yuanyuan; Zaoui, Ali

Wetting and nanodroplet contact angle of the clay 2:1 surface: The case of Na-montmorillonite (001)

Dans: Applied Surface Science, no. 396, p. 717�722, 2017, (ACL).

2017Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Lushnikova, Anna; Zaoui, Ali

Improving mechanical properties of C-S-H from inserted carbon nanotubes,

Dans: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol. 105, p. 72-80, 2017, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Arab, Ahmed; Belkhatir, Mohammed; Sadek, Marwan

Saturation Effect on Behaviour of Sandy Soil Under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading: A Laboratory Investigation

Dans: Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, vol. 34, no. 1, p. 347-358, 2016, (ACL).


2016Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Sekkal, Wassila; Zaoui, Ali; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Role of porosity on the stiffness and stability of (001) surface of the nanogranular C-S-H gel

Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, no. 87, p. 45-52, 2016, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yang, Wei; Zaoui, Ali

Capture and sequestration of CO2 in the interlayer space of hydrated calcium Montmorillonite clay under various geological burial depth

Dans: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, no. 449, p. 416-425, 2016, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Adli, W; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

First-principles calculations of electronic and magnetic properties in ferromagnetic MnSeS, MnSeTe and MnSePo ternary systems

Dans: J Supercond Nov Magn, no. 29, p. 1-7, 2016, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Belmiloud, N; Zaoui, Ali; Madouri, D; Ferhat, Mohamed

Exploring global phase stability of (VN)(1)/(InN)(1) and (CrN)(1)/(GaN)(1) superlattices from densityfunctional theory

Dans: Supperlattices and Microstructures, no. 100, p. 667-672, 2016, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Torrichi, M; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Magnetism of 3d Transition Metals Doped 2H, 4H and 6H-GaN Polytypes

Dans: J Supercond Nov Magn, p. doi:10.1007/s10948-016-3917-0, 2016, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benaissa, H; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Ferromagnetism-dependent polytypism: CrAs versus MnAs

Dans: Solid State Communications, no. 247, p. 98-103, 2016, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yang, Wei; Zaoui, Ali

Mineralization of CO2 in hydrated calcium Montmorillonite,


2015Conférence ER1

Auteurs : Mengue, E; Mroueh, Hussein; Lancelot, Laurent; Eko, R Medjo

One-dimensional consolidation behavior of cement treated lateritic soil

vol. 6, 2015, (ACTI).


2015Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Sekkal, Wassila; Zaoui, Ali; Shahrour, Isam

Stability and adhesion of calcite/montmorillonite assembly

Dans: American Mineralogist,, vol. 100, p. 516-521, 2015, (ACL).

2015Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaoui, Ali; Sekkal, Wassila

Can clays ensure nuclear waste repositories ?

Dans: Nature-Scientific reports,, vol. Volume 5,, no. 8815, 2015, (ACL).


2015Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : A., Bouibes; Zaoui, Ali

A route to possible civil engineering materials: the case of high-pressure phases of lime,

Dans: Nature-Scientific reports,, vol. Volume 5,, no. 12330, 2015, (ACL).


2015Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : A., Bouibes; Zaoui, Ali

Investigating new polymorphs of Zn-O from variable composition,

Dans: Solid State Communications, vol. 220, p. 36-38, 2015, (ACL).

2015Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Anoukou, K; Zaoui, Ali; Zairi, F; Nait-Abdelaziz, M; Gloaguen, J M

Structural and thermodynamics properties of organo-modified montmorillonite clay

Dans: Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, vol. 65, p. 56 - 60, 2015, ISSN: 1386-9477, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2015Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chen, S H; Zhang, X; Shahrour, Isam

Composite element model for the bonded anchorage head of stranded wire cable in tension



2015Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : I., Messaoudi I; Zaoui, Ali; M., Ferhat

Band-gap and phonon distribution in alkali halides,

Dans: Physica status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics,, vol. 252, p. 490-495, 2015, (ACL).

2015Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Rafeh, F; Mroueh, Hussein; Burlon, S

Accounting for joints effect on the failure mechanisms of shallow underground chalk quarries

Dans: COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS, vol. 69, p. 247-261, 2015, (ACL).


2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chicot, D; N'Jock, Yetna M; Puchi-Cabrera, E S; Iost, A; Staia, M H; Louis, Ghislain; Bouscarrat, G; Aumaitre, R

A contact area function for Berkovich nanoindentation: Application to hardness determination of a ŦiĦfCN thin film

Dans: THin Solid Films, vol. 558, p. 259-266, 2014, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chehade, Fadi Hage; Sadek, Marwan; Bachir, Douaa

Numerical Study of Piles Group under Seismic Loading in Frictinal Soil-Inclination Effect

Dans: Open Journal of Earthquake Research, vol. 03, no. 01, p. 15-21, 2014, (ACL).


2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaoui, Ali; Sekkal, Wassila

Mechanisms behind the ikaite-to-calcite phase transformation from molecular dynamics calculations.

Dans: GEODERMA, p. 235-236, 329-333, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Aïdouni, A; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Pressure-induced instability in CdO

Dans: Physica Status Solidi (b): basic solid state physics, vol. 251, p. 1426-1430, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Anoukou, Kokou; Zairi, F; Nait-Abdelaziz, Moussa; Zaoui, Ali; Qu, Z; Gloaguen, Jean-Michel; Lefebvre, Jean-Marc

A micromechanical model taking into account the contribution of alpha- and gamma-crystalline phases in the stiffening of polyamide 6-clay nanocomposites: A closed-formulation including the crystal symmetry

Dans: Composites Part B: Engineering, vol. 64, p. 84-96, 2014, (ACL).


2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Arab, A; Sadek, Marwan; Belkhatir, M; Shahrour, Isam

Monotonic Preloading Effect on the Liquefaction Resistance of Chlef Silty Sand: a Laboratory Study

Dans: ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, vol. 39, no. issue 2, p. 685-694, 2014, (ACL).


2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Atik, M; M.Badawi, M; Shahrour, Isam; Sadek, Marwan

Optimum Level of Shear Wall Curtailment in Wall-Frame Buildings: Ŧhe Continuum Model Revisited

Dans: JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING, vol. 140, no. Article Nu, 2014, (ACL).


2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Azzi, S; Zaoui, Ali; Boublenza, H; Messaoudi, I S; Ferhat, M

Phonon instabilities leading to structural phase transition in YN and YP: A first-principles study, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 588, 133-137 (2014).

Dans: JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, vol. 588,, p. 133-137, 2014, (ACL).


2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Bouibes, Amine; Zaoui, Ali

Ħigh-pressure polymorphs of ZnCO3: Evolutionary crystal structure prediction

Dans: Nature-Scientific Reports, vol. 4, p. 5172, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Burlon, S; Mroueh, Hussein; Cao, J P

Śkipped cycles' method for studying cyclic loading and soil-structure interface

Dans: COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS, vol. 61, p. 209-220, 2014, (ACL).


2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mesbah, A; "i, Za; "i, Na; Jean-Michel, Gloaguen; Kokou, Anoukou; Zaoui, Ali; Zhengwei, Qu; Jean-Marc, Boukharouba T. and Lefebvre

Micromechanics-based constitutive modeling of plastic yielding and damage mechanisms in polymer-clay nanocomposites: application to polyamide-6 and polypropylene-based nanocomposites.

Dans: Composites Science and Technology, vol. 101, p. 71-78, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mesbah, A; Zairi, F; Nait-Abdelaziz, M; Gloaguen, J M; Anoukou, K; Zaoui, Ali; Qu, Z; Boukharouba, T; Lefebvre, J M

Micromechanics-based constitutive modeling of plastic yielding and damage mechanisms in polymer-clay nanocomposites: Application to polyamide-6 and polypropylene-based nanocomposites

Dans: Composites Science and Technology, vol. 101, p. 71 - 78, 2014, ISSN: 0266-3538, (ACL).


2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mhanna, M; Shahrour, Isam; Sadek, Marwan; Dunez, P

Efficiency of heavy mass technology in traffic vibration reduction: Experimental and numerical investigation

Dans: COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS, vol. 55, p. 141-149, 2014, (ACL).


2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Suryatriyastuti, M E; Mroueh, Hussein; Burlon, S

A load transfer approach for studying the cyclic behavior of thermo-active piles

Dans: COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS, vol. 55, p. 378-391, 2014, (ACL).


2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Xue, L L; Chenand, S H; Shahrour, Isam

Algorithm of Coupled Normal Stress and Fluid Flow in Fractured Rock Mass by the Composite Element Method

Dans: ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING, vol. 47, no. issue 5, p. 1711-1725, 2014, (ACL).


2014Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zheng, Yuanyuan; Zaoui, Ali; Pasteau, A

Interactions between clay portions with various contacts and subjected to specific environmental conditions APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 292, 311-318 (2014).

Dans: APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, vol. 292, p. 311-318, 2014, (ACL).


2013Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Sekkal, Wassila; Zaoui, Ali

Nanoscale analysis of the morphology and surface stability of calcium carbonate polymorphs

Dans: Scientific Reports, vol. 3, no. 1, 2013.


2013Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Ali, B; Sadek, Marwan

Experimental analysis of the influence of crumb rubber addition on the short-term aging of Syrian asphalt

Dans: ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES, vol. 6, p. 85-90, 2013, (ACL).


2013Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Anoukou, K; Zaoui, Ali; Zairi, F; Nait-Abdelaziz, M; Glouagen, J M

Molecular dynamics study of the polymer clay nanocomposites (PCNs) : Elastic constants and basal spacing predictions. Comptational Materials Sciences 77, 417-423

Dans: 2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benazzouz, B K; Zaoui, Ali; Belonoshko, A B

Melting temperature of Kaolinite from Z-method American Mineralogist 98, 1881-1885

Dans: 2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Bouibes, A; Zaoui, Ali; Tunega, D

Bonds, bands and elasticity of smithsonite rock, Solid State Communications 166, 76-82

Dans: 2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Burlon, S; Mroueh, Hussein; Shahrour, Isam

Influence of diaphragm wall installation on the numerical analysis of deep excavation



2013Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Burlon, S; Mroueh, Hussein; Shahrour, Isam

Reply to the discussion by Conti R., Đe Sanctis L. and Viggiani GMB on Iof

Dans: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS, vol. 37- issue 11, no. Issue: 11, p. 1688-1690, 2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Heddar, H; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Magnetic behaviour of (MnN)1/(AlN)1, (MnN)1/(GaN)1, and (MnN)1/(InN)1superlattices, Superlattices and Microstructures 53, 16-23

Dans: 2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : S., Azzi; Zaoui, Ali; M., Ferhat

Ħigh pressure phase of pnictides yttrium : First-principles studies Physica Scripta 88, 055601

Dans: 2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Sadek, Marwan

Điscussion on the Paper entitled Nof Authored by Mohannad Mhanna, Marwan Sadek and IsamShahrour Published in January 2012, Vol. 39, 116-123 Reply

Dans: COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS, vol. 47, p. 103-103, 2013, (ACL).


2013Conférence ER1

Auteurs : Tabbal, D; Shahrour, Isam; Al-Qadad, A; Chehade, F H; Sadek, Marwan


5th International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, vol. V, 2013, (ACTI).

2013Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yang, W; Zaoui, Ali

Behind adhesion of uranyl onto montmorillonite surface : A molecular dynamics study. Journal of Ħazardous, Materials 261, 224

Dans: 2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Yang, W; Zaoui, Ali

Uranyl adsorption on (001) surfaces of kaolinite: A molecular dynamics study, Applied Clay Science 80. 98

Dans: 2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Pressure-induced changes in electronic and vibrational properties of LaS, Philosophical Magazine Letters 93, 152-157

Dans: 2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zheng, Yuanyuan; Zaoui, Ali

Ŧemperature effects on the diffusion of water and monovalent counterions in the hydrated montmorillonite, Physica A/ Statistical Mechanics and its applications 392, 5994-6001

Dans: 2013, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Ajorloo, Ali Mohamad; Mroueh, Hussein; Lancelot, Laurent

Experimental Investigation of Cement Treated Sand Behavior Under Triaxial Test

Dans: Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, vol. 30, no. 1, p. 129-143, 2012, (ACL).


2012Conférence ER1

Auteurs : Ghorbanbeigi, Hamid; Mroueh, Hussein; Lancelot, Laurent; Shao, Jian-Fu

Numerical analysis of the behavior of cement treated sand

ISSMGE Technical Committee TC 211 International Symposium on Ground Improvement (IS-GI BRUSSELS 31 Mai-1er Juin 2012), 2012, (ACTI).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : AJORLOO, A M; Mroueh, Hussein; Lancelot, Laurent

Experimental Investigation of cemented sand behavior under triaxialtests, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Springer Ed, 30(1),129-143 - DOI: 10.1007/s10706-011-9455-4, 30:129-143, 2012.

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : AJORLOO, A M; Mroueh, Hussein; Lancelot, Laurent

Experimental study of mechanical properties and permeability of cementedsilica sand application in deep mix method, Procedia Engineering,Elsevier Ed, in press, 2012.

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Al-Mahallawi, K; Mania, A; Shahrour, Isam

Using of neural networks for the prediction of nitrate groundwatercontamination in rural and agricultural areas, ENVIRONMENTAL EARTHSCIENCES Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 917-928 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-011-1134-5

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Azzi, S; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Structural, dynamical and thermodynamicsproperties of YBi, ComputationalMaterials Sciences 65, 331-334 (2012).

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Belabbes, A; Zaoui, Ali; Laref, S; Ferhat, M

Imposing changes of bands and spin-orbit gaps in GaNBi,Solid StateCommunications 152, 1700-1702 (2012).

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Belmiloud, N; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Ħalf-matellic ferromagnetism in (CrN)1/(GaN)1 (001) and (VN)1/(InN)1(001)superlattices, Journal of Applied Physics 112, (2012).

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benazzouz, B K; Zaoui, Ali

A Nanoscale Simulation Study of the Elastic Behaviour in Kaoliniteclay under pressure, Materials Chemistry and Physics132, 880-888(2012).

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benazzouz, B K; Zaoui, Ali

Phase diagram of kaolinite fromMolecular Đynamics calculations, PhysicaB : CondenseṂatter 407, 2462-2470 (2012).

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benazzouz, B K; Zaoui, Ali

Ŧhermal behaviour and superheatingtemperature of Kaolinite frommoleculardynamics,Applied Clay Science 58, 44-51 (2012).

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Bencherif, Y; Boukra, A; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Ħigh pressure structural phase transitions of PbPo ,Physica B: CondenseṂatter 407, 3520-“3523 (2012)

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benkhaled, N; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

First-principles study of the magnetic properties of NpN, PuN andAmN,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 391, 6587-6593 (2012).

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Boukra, A; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Magneticproperties of Mn doped BN compound,Superlattices and Microstructures52, 880-884(2012).

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chen, S H; He, J; Shahrour, Isam

Estimation of elastic compliance matrix for fractured rock massesby composite element method, International Journal of Rock Mechanicsand Mining Sciences, Volume: 49 Pages: 156-164 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2011.11.009.

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chen, S H; Yang, S M; Wang, W M; Shahrour, Isam

Study on Rock Bolt Reinforcement for a Gravity Đam Foundation.ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING Volume: 45 Issue: 1 Pages: 75-87DOI: 10.1007/s00603-011-0179.

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Conférence ER1

Auteurs : Hebbouche, A; Bensaibi, M; Mroueh, Hussein

Seismic Risk Analysis of Concrete Gravity Đams under Near-fault ground motions

2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2012), vol. 256-259, ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING II, PTS 1-4. - books series : Applied Mechanics and Materials 2012, (ACTI).


2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mhanna, M; Sadek, Marwan; Shahrour, Isam

Numerical modeling of traffic-induced ground vibration, Computersand Geotechnics, Volume 39, January 2012, Pages 116^a€“12

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Qadad, Al A; Shahrour, Isam; Rouainia, M

Influence of the soil-atmosphere exchange on the hydric profile inducedin soil-structure system, NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCESVolume: 12 Issue: 6 Pages: 2039-2049 DOI: 10.5194/nhess-12-2039-2012

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Shahrour, Isam; Saleh, Al H; Souli, M

3Đ elastoplastic analysis of the seismic performance of inclined micropiles. Computers and Geotechnics, Volume: 39 Pages: 1-7 DOI:10.1016/j.compgeo.2011.08.006

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : SIX, V; Mroueh, Hussein; Shahrour, Isam; BOUASSIDA, M

Numerical analysis of elastoplastic behavior of stone column foundation,in press, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering; Springer Ed, DOI:10.1007/s10706-012-9500-y, 30 (4), pp. 813-825, 2012.

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Souli, M; Shahrour, Isam

Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulation for soil structure interaction problems, SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, Volume: 35Pages: 72-79 DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2011.10.006.

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : SURYATRIYASTUTI, M E; Mroueh, Hussein; BURLON, S

Understanding the temperature-induced mechanical behaviour of energypile foundations^a€?, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, ElsevierEd., 16 : 3344-3354, 2012

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Tunega, D; Bucko, T; Zaoui, Ali

Assessment of ten DFT methods in predicting structures of sheet silicates:importance of dispersion corrections, Ŧhe Journal of Chemical Physics137, 114105 (2012).

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaoui, Ali

Insight into elastic behavior of calcium silicate hydrated oxide(C-S-€“Ħ) under pressure and composition effect, Cement and concreteresearch, 42, 306-312 (2012

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Unusual competition of structural phases and semiconducting behaviourof bands, in superheavyCopernicium, Solid State Communications 152,530-533 (2012).

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Arab, Ahmed; Shahrour, Isam; Lancelot, Laurent

A laboratory study of liquefaction of partially saturated sand [Estudio en laboratorio sobre licuefacción de arena parcialmente saturada]

Dans: Journal of Iberian Geology, vol. 37, no. 1, p. 29-36, 2011, (ACL).


2011Conférence ER1

Auteurs : Ajorloo, Ali-Mohamad; Mroueh, Hussein; Lancelot, Laurent

Experimental study of mechanical properties and permeability of cemented silica sand: application in deep mix method (DMM)

International Conference on Technological Advancements in Civil Engineering (ICTACE 19-20 février 2011), 2011, (ACTI).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Albaradeyia, I; Hani, A; Shahrour, Isam

WEPP and ANN models for simulating soil loss and runoff in a semi-ariṂediterranean region^a€? ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT Volume:180 Issue: 1-4 Pages: 537-556 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-010-1804-x

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Ali, B; Sadek, Marwan

Experimental analysis of the influence of crumb rubber addition onthe short-term aging of Syrian asphalt, Arabian Journal of Geosciences,Springer. Pages 1-6., DOI: 10.1007/s12517-011-0342-3.

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Anoukou, K; Zairi, F; Nait-Abdelaziz, M; Zaoui, Ali; Messager, T; Gloaguen, J M

On the overall elastic moduli of polymer-clay nanocomposite materialsusing a self-consistent approach. Part II: Experimental verification,Composites Science and Ŧechnology 71, 206 ^a€“ 215 (2011

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Anoukou, K; Zairi, F; Nait-Abdelaziz, M; Zaoui, Ali; Messager, T; Gloaguen, J M

On the overall elastic moduli of polymer-clay nanocomposite materialsusing a self-consistent approach. Part I: Ŧheory, Composites Scienceand Ŧechnology 71, 197 à 205 (20

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Arab, A; Shahrour, Isam; Lancelot, Laurent

A laboratory study of liquefaction of partially saturated sandJOURNAL OF IBERIAN GEOLOGY Volume: 37 Issue: 1 Pages: 29-36 DOI:10.5209/rev_JIGE.2011.v37.n1.2.

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Ayoub, A; Zaoui, Ali; Berghout, A

Ħigh pressure structural phase transitions and mechanical propertiesof calcite rock, Computational Materials Science50, 852-857, (2011).

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Bakri, Zohra; Zaoui, Ali

Structural and mechanical properties of dolomite rock under highpressure conditions: A first-principles study, Physica Status (B)Basic Research, vol.248, n (8), pp.1894-1900, 2011

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Bencherif, Y; Boukra, A; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Ħigh-Pressure phases of lead chalcogenides, Materials Chemistry andPhysics126, 707-710 (2011).

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Bencherif, Y; Boukra, A; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Lattice dynamics study of lead chalcogenides, Infrared Physics &Ŧechnology54, 39-43 (2011).

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Carlier, Erick; Mroueh, Hussein

Comment on €œŦank-reservoir drainage as a simulation of the recessionlimb of karst spring hydrographs, Journal Ħydrogeology journal, SpringerDOI: 10.1007/s10040-012-0881-z (2011)19: 1009-1019 by Francesco Fiorillo,article in press, 20

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chen, S H; Su, P F; Shahrour, Isam

Composite element algorithm for the thermal analysis of mass concrete:Simulation of lift joint^a€? FINITE ELEMENTS IN ANALYSIS AND DESIGNVolume: 47 Issue: 5 Pages: 536-542 DOI: 10.1016/j.finel.2011.01.002

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chen, S H; SU, P F; Shahrour, Isam

Composite element algorithm for the thermal analysis of mass concrete:simulation of cooling pipes, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL METHODSFOR HEAT & FLUID FLOW Volume: 21 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 434-447 DOI:10.1108/09615531111123100 .

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chicot, D; Mendoza, J; Zaoui, Ali; Louis, Ghislain; Lepingle, V; Roudet, F; Lesage, J

Mechanical properties of magnetite (Fe3O4), hematite (Fe2O3) andgoethite (FeOOH) by instrumented indentation and molecular dynamicsanalysis,Materials Chemistry and Physics 129, 862-870 (2011).

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : He, J; Chen, S H; Shahrour, Isam

Back analysis of equivalent permeability tensor for fractured rockmasses from packer tests ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING Volume:44 Issue: 4 Pages: 491-496 DOI: 10.1007/s00603-011-0149-2

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Jalala, S; Hani, A; Shahrour, Isam

Characterizing the Socio-Economic Đriving Forces of Groundwater Abstractionwith Artificial Neural Networks and Multivariate Ŧechniques WATERRESOURCES MANAGEMENT Volume: 25 Issue: 9 Pages: 2147-2175 DOI: 10.1007/s11269-011-9800-7.

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mekdash, H; Chehade, Hage F; Sadek, Marwan

Numerical analysis of slopes stability and shallow foundations behaviorat crest under real seismic loading - Reinforcement effect, InternationalReview of Mechanical Engineering 4 (7), pp. 965-969.

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Tunega, D; Zaoui, Ali

Understanding of bonding and mechanical characteristics of cementitiousmineral tobermorite from first principles, J. Comput. Chem. 32, 306-€“314(2011

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaoui, Ali; Belabbes, A; Ahuja, R; Ferhat, M

Interplay between lattice dynamics and low-pressure phase of simplecubic Polonium, Physics Letters A, 375, 1695-1697(2011).

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Đynamical stability and high pressure phases of platinum carbide,Solid State Communications 151, 867-869 (2011)

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zheng, Yuanyuan; Zaoui, Ali

Ħow water and counterions diffuse into the hydrated montmorillonite,Solid State Ionics 203, 80-85 (2011).

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zheng, Yuanyuan; Zaoui, Ali; Shahrour, Isam

A theoretical study of swelling and shrinking of hydrated Wyomingmontmorillonite APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 51 Issue: 1-2 Pages:177-181 DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2010.10.027

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Belabbes, A; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Magnetism and clustering in Cr-doped InN, Applied Physics Letters97, 242509 (2010).

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Belabbes, A; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Strong phonon anomalies and Fermi surface nesting of simple cubicPolonium, Solid State Communications 150, 2337-2340 (2010).

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Berghout, A; Tunega, D; Zaoui, Ali

DFT study of the hydration steps of Na+/Mg2+/Ca2+/Sr2+/Ba2+-montmorillonitesclays, Clays and Clay Minerals 58,p174-187 (2010).

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Boukra, A; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Magnetic trends in GaxMn1-xN, AlxMn1-xN and InxMn1-xN ternary systems:A first-principles study, Journal of Applied Physics108, 123904-123911(2010).

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chen, S H; Qin, N; Xu, G S; Shahrour, Isam

Ħierarchical algorithm of composite element containing drainage holes» INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGVolume: 26 Issue: 12 Pages: 1856-1867 DOI: 10.1002/cnm.1271

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chen, S H; Qin, N; Xu, G S; Shahrour, Isam

Ħierarchical algorithm of composite element containing drainage holes;INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGVolume: 26 Issue: 12 Pages: 1856-1867 DOI: 10.1002/cnm.1271

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chen, S H; Wang, W M; Zheng, H F; Shahrour, Isam

Block Element Method for the Seismic Stability of Rock Slopes,JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Volume:136 Issue: 12 Pages: 1610-1617 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0000391

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chen, S H; Xue, L L; Xu, G S; Shahrour, Isam

Composite element method for the seepage analysis of rock massescontaining fractures and drainage holes^a€? INTERNATIONAL JOURNALOF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES Volume: 47 Issue: 5 Pages:762-770 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2010.03.01

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chicot, D; Roudet, F; Zaoui, Ali; Louis, Ghislain; Lepingle, V

Influence of visco-elasto-plastic properties of magnetite on theelastic modulus: Multicyclic indentation and theoretical studies,Materials Chemistry and Physics 119 (1-2), 75 - 81 (2010).

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : ELLOUZE, S; BOUASSIDA, M; Mroueh, Hussein; AZZAR, L

On settlement of stone column by Priebe^a€™s method^a€?, Journal ofGround Improvement, Ŧhomas Ŧelford (Ed), Volume 163, Issue 2:101^a€“107,

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mameri, Z; Zaoui, Ali; Belabbes, A; Ferhat, M

Pressure effects on the phonon modes in beryllium chalcogenides,MaterialsChemistry and Physics 123, 343-346 (2010).

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mazouz, H M A; Belabbes, A; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

First-principles study of lattice dynamics in thalium-V compounds,Superlattices and Microstructures48, 560-568 (2010).

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Sadek, Marwan; Mroueh, Hussein; Shahrour, Isam

Influence of Nonlinearity on the Stress Đistribution in the Soil^a€” Application to Road Engineering Problems^a€? JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATIONENGINEERING-ASCE Volume: 136 Issue: 1 Pages: 77-83 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.00000

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Shahrour, Isam; Khoshnoudian, F; Sadek, Marwan; Mroueh, Hussein

Elastoplastic analysis of the seismic response of tunnels in softsoils TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY Volume: 25 Issue:4 Pages: 478-482 DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2010.01.006.

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaoui, Ali; Shahrour, Isam

Molecular dynamics study of high-pressure polymorphs of BaCO3PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE LETTERS Volume: 90 Issue: 9 Pages: 689-697Article Number: DOI: 10.1080/09500839.2010.495357.

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zheng, Yuanyuan; Zaoui, Ali; Shahrour, Isam

Ħow Water and Counterions diffuse into the Ħydrated Montmorillonite;American Mineralogist, volume 95, pages 1493-1499, 2010.

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zheng, Yuanyuan; Zaoui, Ali; Shahrour, Isam

Evolution of the interlayer space of hydrated montmorillonite asa function of temperature, AMERICAN MINERALOGIST Volume: 95 Issue:10 Pages: 1493-1499 DOI: 10.2138/am.2010.3541 Published: OCT 2010.

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Ali, B; Sadek, Marwan; Shahrour, Isam

Finite-Element Model for Urban Pavement Rutting: Analysis of PavementRehabilitation Methods, Journal of Ŧransportation Engineering,ASCE, Volume 135, Issue 4, pp. 235-239, 2009

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Ali, B; Sadek, Marwan; Shahrour, Isam

Modelisation numerique de l'ornierage : application aux voiriesurbaines JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING-ASCE Volume: 135Issue: 4 Pages: 235-239 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-947X(2009)135:4(235)

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benaissa, H; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Strong composition-dependent disorder in InAsN, Journal of Alloysand Compounds, 475, 592 ^a€“ 594 (2009

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : BIAN, H; Shahrour, Isam

A numerical model for unsaturated soils under seismic loading application to liquefaction SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERINGVolume: 29 Issue: 2 Pages: 237-244 DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2008.01.004

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Boutaiba, F; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Fundamental and transport properties of ZnX, CdX and ĦgX (X=S, Se,Ŧe) compounds, Superlattices and Microstructures 46 (6), 823 -832 (2009).

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Boutaiba, F; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Ground state analysis of XCNi3 (X=Mg, Zn, Ga) from first-principles,Physica B 406, 265-269 (2011).

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Briki, M; Abdelouhab, M; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Relativistic effects on the structural and transport properties ofIII-V compounds: A first-principles study,Superlattices and Microstructures45,80-€“ 90 (2009

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : CHEN, S H; FU, C H; Shahrour, Isam

Finite element analysis of jointed rock masses reinforced by fully-grouted bolt and shotcrete lining, NTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICSAND MINING SCIENCES Volume: 46 Issue: 1 Pages: 19-30 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2008.03.002.

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chicot, D; ROUDET, F; LEPINGLE, V; Louis, Ghislain

Strian gradient plasticity to study hardness behaviour of magnetite(Fe 304) under multicyclic indentation, Journal of Materials Research,Vol 24, n°3, pp 749-759 ( Université des Sciences et technologiesde Lill

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Ferhat, M; Zaoui, Ali; Ahuja, R

Magnetism and band gap narrowing in Cu-doped ZnO,Applied PhysicsLetters 94 (14), 142502 (2009).

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Kahal, L; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Magnetic and half-metallic properties of MPo (M = Ŧi, V, Cr, Mn,Fe ) compounds, Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 063905 (2009).

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mroueh, Hussein; Shahrour, Isam

Numerical analysis of battered pile under inclined pullout loads^a€?,International Journal For Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics,John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Vol. 33:, pages 1277^a€“1288, 20

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mroueh, Hussein; Shahrour, Isam; VAILLANT, J M

Elastoplastic analysis of the soil-foundations-structure interaction^a€?,International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Springer Ed, DOI10.3328 /IJGE.2009.03.01.155-165, volume3, issue 1, 2009.pages 155-165

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Parish, Y; Shahrour, Isam; Sadek, Marwan

Numerical Analysis of the Seismic Behaviour of Earth Đam^a€? NATURALHAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Pages: 451-45

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Saidi-Houat, N; Zaoui, Ali; Belabbes, A; Ferhat, M

Ab initio study of the fundamental properties in novel III-V nitridealloys Ga1-xŦlxN, Materials Science and Engineering B, 162 (1), 26-31 (2009).

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : SALEH, AL H; Shahrour, Isam

Influence of plasticity on the seismic soil-micropiles-structureinteraction Soil^a€? SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Volume:29 Issue: 3 Pages: 574-578 DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2008.04.008

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Unifying description of the optical properties of InN from firstprinciples,Solid State Communications 149, 329-333 (2009).

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M; Ahuja, R

Magnetic properties of (ZnO)1/(CŎ)1 (001) superlattice from first-principlestheory, Applied Physics Letters, 94 (10), 102102 (2009).

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Zaoui, Ali; Madouri, D; Ferhat, M

First-principles study of the ground state stability of III-V bismuthcompounds, Philosophical Magazine Letters 89 (12), 807 - 813 (2009).

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Ali, B; Sadek, Marwan; Shahrour, Isam

Elasto-viscoplastic finite element analysis of the long-term behaviorof flexible pavements, International Journal of Road Materials andPavements Đesign, Volume 9, Issue 3, July 2008, Pages 463-479. DOI:10.3166/RMPD.9.463-479 .

Dans: 2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Belabbes, A; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Lattice dynamics study of bismuth III-V compounds, Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter 20, 415221-415224 (2008).

Dans: 2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Berghout, A; Zaoui, Ali; Hugel, J

Mechanical stability and deformation potential in beryllium chalcogenides,Superllatices and Microstructures44,112-120 (2008).

Dans: 2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chehade, Hage F; Shahrour, Isam

Numerical analysis of the interaction between twin ^a€“ tunnels: influenceof the relative position and construction procedure^a€? TUNNELLINGAND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY Volume: 23 Issue: 2 Pages: 210-214DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2007.03.00

Dans: 2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : CHEN, S H; FENG, X M; Shahrour, Isam

Numerical Estimation of REV and Permeability Ŧensor for FractureṚock Masses by Composite Element Method^a€? INTERNATIONAL JOURNALFOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS Volume: 32 Issue:12 Pages: 1459-1477 DOI: 10.1002/nag.67

Dans: 2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : CHEN, S H; Shahrour, Isam

Composite Element Method for the Bolted Điscontinuous Rock Massesand Its Application, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS ANDMINING SCIENCES Volume: 45 Issue: 3 Pages: 384-396 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2007.07.002

Dans: 2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Madouri, D; Boukra, A; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Bismuth alloying in GaAs: a first-principles study, ComputationalMaterials Science 43, 818-822 (2008).

Dans: 2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Mroueh, Hussein; Shahrour, Isam

A simplified 3Đ model for tunnel construction using tunnel boringmachine (TBM), Ŧunnelling and Underground Space Ŧechnology, ElsevierLtd. Vol 23, No. 1, pp. 38-46, 2008.

Dans: 2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Parish, Y; Shahrour, Isam; Sadek, Marwan

Influence of the water-skeleton interaction on Ŧhe Seismic Responseof Earth Đams^a€? Int. Jnl. of Multiphysics Volume 2 ^a€¢ Number 3,pp. 267-2

Dans: 2008, (ACL).

0000Article de journal

[No title]

Dans: 0000.

0000Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wang, Huan; Ding, Ning; Jiang, Ting; Zhang, Feng; Zhao, Xian; Liu, Wei; Zairi, Fahmi

Investigation on electronic and mechanical properties of penta-graphene nanotubes

Dans: vol. 55, no. 29, p. 14336–14344, 0000, ISSN: 0022-2461.


0000Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Dinari, Amina; Chaabane, Makram; Benameur, Tarek; Guo, Qiang; Gloaguen, Jean-Michel; Zairi, Fahmi

Multiscale Observation of the Fatigue-Induced Damage Mechanisms in Carbon-Black Filled Styrene-Butadiene Rubber

Dans: vol. 305, no. 8, 0000, ISSN: 1438-7492.


0000Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Wang, Huan; Ding, Ning; Jiang, Ting; Zhang, Feng; Zhao, Xian; Liu, Wei; Zairi, Fahmi

Investigation on electronic and mechanical properties of penta-graphene nanotubes

Dans: vol. 55, no. 29, p. 14336–14344, 0000, ISSN: 0022-2461.


0000Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Dinari, Amina; Chaabane, Makram; Benameur, Tarek; Guo, Qiang; Gloaguen, Jean-Michel; Zairi, Fahmi

Multiscale Observation of the Fatigue-Induced Damage Mechanisms in Carbon-Black Filled Styrene-Butadiene Rubber

Dans: vol. 305, no. 8, 0000, ISSN: 1438-7492.
