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2025Book Section ER2

Auteurs : Grellier, Adèle; Bulteel, David; Courard, Luc

Recycled Brick Fines for New Alkali Activated Binder À paraître

Concrete-Polymer Composites in Circular Economy, vol. 61, p. 198-205, Springer Nature Switzerland, À paraître, (OS).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Kourtaa, Salim; Chabannes, Morgan; Becquart, Frédéric; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Application of a newly developed sediment-based binder for rapeseed straw and flax shiv concretes

Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 145, p. 105346, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Chafei, Sawsen; Dutra, Lorena Freitas; Jamali, Arash

Enhancing Mechanical Behavior of Cement Composites through Citric Acid Treatment of Flax Fibers

Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 36, no. 1, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouzar, Bader; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Abriak, Yassine; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud

Accelerated carbonation of waste paper fly ash by liquid process (NaHCO3) for stabilization of Ba and Pb

Powder Technology, vol. 434, p. 119340, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2, ER4

Auteurs : Waterlot, Christophe; Ghinet, Alina; Dufrénoy, Pierrick; Hechelski, Marie; Daïch, Adam; Betrancourt, Damien; Bulteel, David

Sustainable pathways to oxicams via heterogeneous biosourced catalysts - Recyclable and reusable materials

Journal of Cleaner Production, p. 140684, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Amar, Mouhamadou; Ladduri, Bhargav; Alloul, Ali; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Geopolymer synthesis and performance paving the way for greener building material: A comprehensive study

Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 20, p. e03280, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bellara, Selma; Maherzi, Walid; Mezazigh, S.; Senouci, Ahmed

Mineral waste valorization in road subgrade construction: Algerian case study based on technical and environmental features

Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 20, p. e02764, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Amar, Mouhamadou; Ladduri, Bhargav; Alloul, Ali; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Microstructure and mechanical properties of geopolymers utilizing excavated soils, metakaolin and slags

Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 86, p. 108755, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Chedrewih, Migueli; Medala, Marta; Schmid, Christelle; Garcia, Emmanuel; Damidot, Denis; Thiéry, Vincent

Application of various microscopy techniques to study early-age and longer-term behaviour of super sulphated cement microstructure

Journal of Microscopy, vol. 294, no. 2, p. 155-167, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Perez, C.; Tinel, L.; Verriele, Marie; Locoge, N.; Becquart, Frédéric; Lors, Christine

Strategy for the monitoring of fungal colonization in buildings-challenges and perspectives

International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, vol. 189, p. 105764, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Almokdad, Mohammad; Zentar, Rachid

Flash-calcined sediments versus raw sediments: A comparative life cycle assessment of SCMs

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 411, p. 134550, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Amar, Mouhamadou; Kleib, Joelle; Tall, Mouhamadou; Alloul, Ali; Zeraoui, Ahmed; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud

Case study: reuse of excavated soils from the Grand Paris Express project for the formulation of low-carbon cementitious matrixes

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. 26, no. 4, p. 2579-2590, 2024, (ACL).

2024Book Section ER2

Auteurs : Makni, Hajer; Becquart, Frédéric; Khlif, Mohamed; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Bradai, Chedly

Multiphysics Properties of Fired Clay Bricks Incorporating Deinking Paper Sludge

Proceedings of the 3rd International EUROMAGH Conference 2020, vol. 43, p. 261-269, Springer Nature Singapore, 2024, (DO).

2024Book Section ER2

Auteurs : Rais, Zakia; Becquart, Frederic


Proceedings of the 3rd International EUROMAGH Conference 2020, vol. 43, p. 217-221, Springer Nature Singapore, 2024, (DO).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiéry, Vincent

Barthélémy Faujas de Saint-Fond (1741–1819) and his work on pozzolans and lime: A pioneer in sustainable building

Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Ennahal, Ilyas; Abriak, Yassine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Becquart, Frederic; Maherzi, Walid

Utilizing bottom ash from municipal solid waste incineration as a sustainable replacement for natural aggregates in epoxy mortar production: a feasibility study

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. 26, no. 4, p. 2187-2199, 2024, (ACL).

2024Book Section ER2

Auteurs : Souabi, Salah; Anouzla, Abdelkader; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Pala, Aysegul; Kurniawan, Tonni Agustiono

Leachate Discharge from a Public Landfill: Design and Sizing of a Treatment System

A Review of Landfill Leachate, p. 239-263, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, (OS).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Boussai, Khawla; Maherzi, Walid; Mosbahi, Mohamed; Dhahri, Mouldi; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Hamdi, Wissem; Mellah, Besma; Hamdi, Noureddine

Selective removal of zinc from single and industrial aqueous solutions using ecologically sustainable ceramic adsorptive aggregates

Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Chu, Duc Chinh; Amar, Mouhamadou; Kleib, Joelle; Abriak, Nor-Edine

A novel approach based on microstructural modeling and a multi-scale model to predicting the mechanical-elastic properties of cement paste

Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 21, p. e03498, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Mahfoud, Elie; Maherzi, Walid; Ndiaye, Khadim; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Aggoun, Salima; Benzerzour, Mahfoud

One-part geopolymer based on micronized sediments and fly ash mix: Mechanical, microstructural and leaching assessment

Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 96, p. 110426, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER1, ER2

Auteurs : Taleb, Maria; Bulteel, David; Montagne, A.; Roudet, Francine; Rémond, Sébastien; Chicot, Didier

Influence of thermo-hygrometric conditions on the interface bond in 3D printed concrete

Materials and structures, vol. 57, no. 235, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouchikhi, Abdelhadi; Amar, Mouhamadou; Arroug, Lamya; Safhi, Amine El Mahdi; Haddaji, Younesse

Characterizing nano-indentation and microstructural properties of mine tailings-based geopolymers

Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 21, p. e03899, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Gallitelli, L.; Girard, P.; Andriolo, U.; Roebroek, C.; Liro, M.; Suaria, G.; Martin, C.; Lusher, A. L.; Hancke, K.; Mcm, Blettler; Garcia-Garin, O.; Napper, I. E.; Corbari, L.; Cózar, A.; Morales-Caselles, C.; González-Fernández, D.; Gasperi, Johnny; Giarrizzo, T.; Cesarini, G.; De, K.; Constant, Mel; Koutalakis, P.; Gonçalves, G.; Sharma, P.; Gundogdu, S.; Kumar, R.; Garello, N. A.; Camargo, A. L. G.; Topouzelis, K.; Galgani, F.; Royer, S. J.; Zaimes, G. N.; Rotta, F.; Lavender, S.; Nava, V.; Castro-Jiménez, J.; Mani, T.; Crosti, R.; Azevedo-Santos, V. M.; Bessa, F.; Tramoy, R.; Costa, M. F.; Corbau, C.; Montanari, A.; Battisti, C.; Scalici, M.

Monitoring macroplastics in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems: Expert survey reveals visual and drone-based census as most effective techniques

Science of the Total Environment, p. 176528, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Giboulot, Olivier; Lemelin, Emmanuel; Binetruy, Christophe; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Material Flow Analysis: An Analytical Tool for Strategic Planning Towards a Zero-Waste Solution for End-of-Life Ballast Flows on a Track and Ballast Renewal Site (French Conventional Line)

Resources, vol. 13, no. 12, p. 165, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zambon, Agnès; Sbartaï, Zoubir Mehdi; Sayouri, Nadia

Method for the Mixing Design and Physical Characterization of Air-Foamed Lightweight Clay Concrete: A Response to the Issue of Recycling Dredged Sediments

Materials, vol. 17, no. 24, p. 6248, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Rowe, James; Langrand, Christopher; Masset, Maxime; Debarre, Étienne; Delahaye, Nicolas; Deprez, Pascal; Debuchy, Roger

Chatter Identification on a Mobile Milling Machine: Experimental Insights Using Low-frequency Internal Sensors

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, vol. 12, no. S2, p. 1365-1374, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Mahfoud, Elie; Ndiaye, Khadim; Maherzi, Walid; Aggoun, Salima; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud

Carbonation in just add water geopolymer based on fly ash and dredged sediments mix

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 452, p. 138959, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Mahfoud, Elie; Ndiaye, Khadim; Maherzi, Walid; Aggoun, Salima; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud

Thermodynamic modeling of one-part-geopolymer binders based on fly ash and micronized dredged sediments

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 452, p. 138906, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Aguibi, Kawther; Dubois, Vincent; Chaveriat, Ludovic; Ontiveros, Jesus; Nardello-Rataj, Véronique; Martin, Patrick; Wirquin, Eric

Plant-based composite foam as insulating material: Foaming agent effect

Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 97, p. -, 2024.

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, Hongwei; Zentar, Rachid; Wang, Dongxing; Dong, Longjun; Sun, Daoyuan

Recycling single use surgical face mask waste for reinforcing cement-treated/untreated dredged marine sediments: Strength, deformation and micro-mechanisms analysis

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 449, p. 138450, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Perrin, A.; Gagné, R.; Tran, N. C.; Petit, L.; Lors, Christine

Large-scale apparatus for the quantitative evaluation of biorepair in a cracked concrete slab

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 448, p. 138174, 2024, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Kourtaa, Salim; Chabannes, Morgan; Becquart, Frédéric; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Hydration of lime-marine sediment blends: Influence of mineralogical composition and lime content

Advanced Powder Technology, vol. 34, no. 6, p. 104043, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lors, Christine; Gassie, Claire; Guyoneaud, Remy; Damidot, Denis

Impact of a biorepair treatment on the diversity of calcifying bacterial communities at the surface of cracked concrete walls

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, vol. 107, no. 1, p. 187-200, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Maherzi, Walid; Ennahal, Ilyas; Bouaich, Fatima Zahra; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Rais, Zakia; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Assessment of Dynamic Surface Leaching of Monolithic Polymer Mortars Comprised of Wastes

Materials, vol. 16, no. 6, p. 2150, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Abriak, Yassine; Maherzi, Walid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Senouci, Ahmed; Rivard, Patrice

Valorization of Dredged Sediments and Recycled Concrete Aggregates in Road Subgrade Construction

Buildings, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 646, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zeraoui, Ahmed; Maherzi, Walid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Aouad, Georges

Development of Flash-Calcined Sediment and Blast Furnace Slag Ternary Binders

Buildings, vol. 13, no. 2, p. 333, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Belayali, Fouad; Maherzi, Walid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Influence of the physical and chemical characteristics of sediment fillers on the properties of mastic asphalt

Powder Technology, vol. 421, p. 118393, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Abriak, Yassine; Chu, Duc Chinh; Maherzi, Walid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Rivard, Patrice

Influence of fine recycled concrete aggregates use on the hydration kinetics and mechanical–microstructural properties of hydrated cement: Experimental and numerical approaches

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 408, p. 133769, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Mkahal, Zeinab; Maherzi, Walid; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Bouzar, Bader; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Development of a low-carbon binder based on raw, ground, and carbonated waste paper fly ash

Sustainable Materials and Technologies, vol. 36, p. e00650, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Mahfoud, Elie; Ndiaye, Khadim; Maherzi, Walid; Aggoun, Salima; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Mechanical properties and shrinkage performance of one-part-geopolymer based on fly ash and micronized dredged sediments

Developments in the Built Environment, vol. 16, p. 100253, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouzar, Bader; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Fluorine soil stabilization using hydroxyapatite synthesized from minerals wastes

Arabian Journal of Chemistry, vol. 16, no. 11, p. 105261, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Alloul, Ali; Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Developing mortar using limestone flash-calcined dredged sediment/millstone-clay cement binder (LFC)

Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 76, p. 107346, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Safhi, Amine El Mahdi; Rivard, Patrice; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Artificial Rocks Made from Dredged Sands of the Magdalen Islands (Canada): Preliminary Study

Rilem Bookseries, vol. 40, p. 994-1003, 2023.

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Alloul, Ali; Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Geopolymer mortar with flash-calcined sediments cured under ambient conditions

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 391, p. 131809, 2023.

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Chu, Duc Chinh; Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Kleib, Joelle; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Flash-Calcined Sediments for Zinc Adsorption

Sustainability, vol. 15, no. 13, p. 10230, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Kourtaa, Salim; Chabannes, Morgan; Becquart, Frédéric; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Hydration of lime-marine sediment blends: Influence of mineralogical composition and lime content

Advanced Powder Technology, vol. 34, no. 6, p. 104043, 2023, (ACL).

2023Non publié ER2

Auteurs : Giboulot, Olivier; Olivier, Giboulot; Emmanuel, Lemelin; Binetruy, Christophe; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Renewal of Ballasted Railway Tracks in France on Conventional Lines: Contribution to the Development of Material Flow Analysis (Mfa)

2023, (AP).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Daher, Jana; Kleib, Joelle; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Aouad, Georges

The Development of Soil-Based 3D-Printable Mixtures: A Mix-Design Methodology and a Case Study

Buildings, vol. 13, no. 7, p. 1618, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Benkabouche, Ali; Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine; T'kint, Michèle; Mouli, Mohamed

The Influence of external sulfate attack on the durability of reinforced mortars in the presence of calcined river sediments

Materials, vol. 16, no. 20, p. 6684, 2023.

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Alloul, Ali; Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

A comparative analysis of ambient-cured metakaolin geopolymer mortar and flash-calcined soil geopolymer

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 409, p. 134085, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Kleib, Joelle; Aouad, Georges; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zakhour, Mirvat

Managing the Heat Release of Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement by Modifying the Ye'elimite Content

Materials, vol. 16, no. 6, p. 2470, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Mahfoud, Elie; Maherzi, Walid; Ndiaye, Khadim; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Aggoun, Salima; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Mechanical and microstructural properties of just add water geopolymer cement comprised of Thermo-Mechanicalsynthesis Sediments-Fly ash mix

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 400, p. 132626, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; Ouendi, Fatima; Wang, Hongwei

Effects of sample preparation methods on measured characteristics of marine and fluvial sediment

International Journal of Sediment Research, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Almokdad, Mohammad; Zentar, Rachid

Characterization of recycled dredged Sediments: Toward circular economy in road construction

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 402, p. 132974, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid

Les méthodes issues de l'intelligence artificielle au service de l'ingénieur : Applications aux matériaux de construction

Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, Hongwei; Zentar, Rachid; Wang, Dongxing

Predicting the compaction parameters of solidified dredged fine sediments with statistical approach

Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, vol. 41, no. 2, p. 195-210, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, Hongwei; Zentar, Rachid; Wang, Dongxing

Rheological Characterization of Fine-Grained Sediments under Steady and Dynamic Conditions

International Journal of Geomechanics, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouzar, Bader; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Hurel, Charlotte

Innovative Reuse of Fly Ashes for Treatment of a Contaminated River Sediment: Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxides (LDH) and Chemical Performance Assessments

Waste and Biomass Valorization, vol. 14, no. 11, p. 3923-3945, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouzar, Bader; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick

Immobilization study of As, Cr, Mo, Pb, Sb, Se and Zn in geopolymer matrix: application to shooting range soil and biomass fly ash

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 20, no. 11, p. 11891-11912, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER1, ER2

Auteurs : Taleb, Maria; Bulteel, David; Betrancourt, Damien; Roudet, Francine; Rémond, Sébastien; Chicot, Didier

Interfacial Weakness Criterion by Indentation in 3D Printed Concrete

3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, vol. 10, no. 2, p. 318-329, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER1, ER2

Auteurs : Taleb, Maria; Bulteel, David; Betrancourt, Damien; Roudet, Francine; Rémond, Sébastien; Montagne, A.; Chicot, Didier

Multi-scale mechanical characterization of the interface in 3D printed concrete

Materials and structures, vol. 56, no. 1, p. 24, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thib, Raghed Al; Belayachi, Naima; Bouarroudj, Mohamed Elkarim; Bulteel, David; Rémond, Sébastien

A methodology for designing 3D printable mortar based on recycled sand

Materials and structures, vol. 56, no. 9, p. 165, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Colman, Charlotte; Bulteel, David; Elkarim, Bouarroudj Mohamed; Rémond, Sébastien; Courard, Luc

Expansion of concrete by secondary ettringite formation due to fine recycled aggregates contaminated with gypsum

Advances in Cement Research, vol. 35, no. 11, p. 480-488, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouarroudj, Mohamed Elkarim; Rémond, Sébastien; Cazacliu, Bogdan; Potier, Guillaume; Courard, Luc; Bulteel, David

Effects of Crushing and Grinding on the Porosity of Hardened Cement Paste

Buildings, vol. 13, no. 9, p. 2319, 2023, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Chedrewih, Migueli; Thiéry, Vincent; Gauthier, Arnaud; Amin, Fouad

Incorporation of antimony-bearing mining wastes into clinker Portland raw feed: The difficulty of Sb analysis in calcium silicates

Journal of Microscopy, 2023, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Kourtaa, Salim; Chabannes, Morgan; Becquart, Frédéric; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Evaluation of marine dredged sediment as reactive powder compared to ground basaltic pyroclastic materials for the development of eco-friendly lime-pozzolan binders

Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 130, p. 104553, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiéry, Vincent; Dubois, Emmanuel; Bellayer, Séverine

The good, the bad and the ugly polishing: Effect of abrasive size on standardless EDS analysis of Portland cement clinker's calcium silicates

Micron, vol. 158, p. 103266, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Mazian, Brahim; Wirquin, Eric; Aguibi, Kawther; Martin, Patrick; Chaveriat, Ludovic; Dubois, Vincent

Effect of mixing conditions on the density, morphology, thermal and mechanical properties of mineral foam

Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 52, p. 104410, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Chabannes, Morgan; Kazemi-Kamyab, Hadi; Trigallez, Johan; Snellings, Ruben

Performance and microstructure development of lime - calcined fluvial sediment binders under different curing conditions

Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 160, p. 106903, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Chu, Duc Chinh; Kleib, Joelle; Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Recycling of dredged sediment as a raw material for the manufacture of Portland cement -- Numerical modeling of the hydration of synthesized cement using the CEMHYD3D code

Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 48, p. 103871, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Brahim, Mohamedou; Ndiaye, Khadim; Aggoun, Salima; Maherzi, Walid

Valorization of Dredged Sediments in Manufacturing Compressed Earth Blocks Stabilized by Alkali-Activated Fly Ash Binder

Buildings, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 419, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Chu, Duc Chinh; Amar, Mouhamadou; Kleib, Joelle; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Betrancourt, Damien; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Nadah, Jaouad

The Pozzolanic Activity of Sediments Treated by the Flash Calcination Method

Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Belayali, Fouad; Maherzi, Walid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Senouci, Ahmed

Compressed Earth Blocks Using Sediments and Alkali-Activated Byproducts

Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 6, p. 3158, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, Hongwei; Zentar, Rachid; Wang, Dongxing

Predicting the compaction parameters of solidified dredged fine sediments with statistical approach

Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, p. 1-16, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Omar, Hassan Moulay; Zentar, Rachid; Akacem, Mustapha; Mekerta, Belkacem; Mouli, Mohamed

Co-valorization of Tuff and Sandy Residues in Roads Construction

Open Civil Engineering Journal, vol. 8, no. 5, p. 1029-1045, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Moueden, Hamza; Amar, Mouhamadou; Zambon, Agnès; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

The Use of Dredged Marine Sediment in the Formulation of Air-Foam Concrete

Waste and Biomass Valorization, vol. 13, no. 5, p. 2591-2607, 2022, (ACL).

2022Proceedings Article ER2

Auteurs : Alloul, Ali; Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

High performance mortar using flash calcined materials

NOMAD 2022 - 4e conférence internationale francophone Nouveaux Matériaux et Durabilité, IMT Mines Al`es and LMGC and LIFAM Montpellier, France, 2022, (ACTI).

2022Proceedings Article ER2

Auteurs : Thib, Raghed Al; Bouarroudj, Mohamed Elkarim; Belayachi, Naima; Bulteel, David; Rémond, Sébastien

Comportement à l'état durci des mortiers imprimables à base de sable recyclé

NOMAD 2022 - 4e conférence internationale francophone Nouveaux Matériaux et Durabilité, IMT Mines Alès and LMGC and LIFAM Montpellier, France, 2022, (ACTI).

2022Proceedings Article ER2

Auteurs : Hynek, Estelle; Bulteel, David; Antoine, Urquizar; Rémond, Sébastien

Formulation et caractérisation d'une encre cimentaire à faible impact carbone pour l'impression 3D

NOMAD 2022 - 4e conférence internationale francophone Nouveaux Matériaux et Durabilité, IMT Mines Al`es and LMGC and LIFAM Montpellier, France, 2022, (ACTI).

2022Proceedings Article ER2

Auteurs : Chabannes, Morgan; Kourtaa, Salim; Becquart, Frédéric; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Liants chaux-sédiment : effet de la composition minéralogique et de la teneur en chaux

NOMAD 2022 - 4e conférence internationale francophone Nouveaux Matériaux et Durabilité, IMT Mines Al`es and LMGC and LIFAM Montpellier, France, 2022, (ACTI).

2022Proceedings Article ER2

Auteurs : Bouarroudj, Mohamed El Karim; Thib, Raghed Al; Belayachi, Naima; Bulteel, David; Rémond, Sébastien

Contrôle de l'eau efficace dans les mortiers imprimables en 3D fabriqués avec des granulats de béton recyclé

NOMAD 2022 - 4e conférence internationale francophone Nouveaux Matériaux et Durabilité, IMT Mines Al`es and LMGC and LIFAM Montpellier, France, 2022, (ACTI).

2022Proceedings Article ER2

Auteurs : Almokdad, Mohammad; Zentar, Rachid

Assessing the toxicity of virgin aggregates leachate versus dredged sediments leachate in backfill application

NOMAD 2022 - 4e conférence internationale francophone Nouveaux Matériaux et Durabilité, IMT Mines Al`es and LMGC and LIFAM Montpellier, France, 2022, (ACTI).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouaich, Fatima Zahra; Maherzi, Walid; El-Hajjaji, Fadoua; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Taleb, Mustapha; Rais, Zakia

Reuse of treated wastewater and non-potable groundwater in the manufacture of concrete: major challenge of environmental preservation

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 29, no. 1, p. 146-157, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouaich, Fatima Zahra; Maherzi, Walid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Taleb, Mustapha; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Rais, Zakia; Senouci, Ahmed

Mortar mixing using treated wastewater feasibility

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 352, p. 128983, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouaich, Fatima Zahra; Maherzi, Walid; El-Hajjaji, Fadoua; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Taleb, Mustapha; Rais, Zakia

Reuse of treated wastewater and non-potable groundwater in the manufacture of concrete: major challenge of environmental preservation

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 29, no. 1, p. 146-157, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Kleib, Joelle; Amar, Mouhamadou; Aouad, Georges; Bourbon, Xavier; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

The Use of Callovo-Oxfordian Argillite as a Raw Material for Portland Cement Clinker Production

Buildings, vol. 12, no. 9, p. 1421, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Designing Efficient Flash-Calcined Sediment-Based Ecobinders

Materials, vol. 15, no. 20, p. 7107, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Daher, Jana; Kleib, Joelle; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Aouad, Georges

Recycling of Flash-Calcined Dredged Sediment for Concrete 3D Printing

Buildings, vol. 12, no. 9, p. 1400, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zouch, Afef; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Bouchikhi, Abdelhadi; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Ksibi, Mohamed

Valorization of marine sediments in geopolymer mortars: physico-mechanical, microstructural and environmental investigations at laboratory scale

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. 24, no. 3, p. 1109-1123, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouchikhi, Abdelhadi; Safhi, Amine El Mahdi; Rivard, Patrice; Snellings, Ruben; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Fluvial Sediments as SCMs: Characterization, Pozzolanic Performance, and Optimization of Equivalent Binder

Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 34, no. 2, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Prediction of the Compressive Strength of Waste-Based Concretes Using Artificial Neural Network

Materials, vol. 15, no. 20, p. 7045, 2022, (ACL).

2022Book Section ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; Almokdad, Mohammad

Valorization of Treated Dredged Sediments in Light of Life Cycle Assessment

CIGOS 2021, Emerging Technologies and Applications for Green Infrastructure, vol. 203, p. 949-955, Springer Nature Singapore, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Prediction of the Compressive Strength of Waste-Based Concretes Using Artificial Neural Network

Materials, vol. 15, no. 20, p. 7045, 2022.

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Almokdad, Mohammad; Zentar, Rachid

Carbon footprint of dredged sediments and virgin aggregates in a road case study

Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, Hongwei; Zentar, Rachid; Wang, Dongxing; Ouendi, Fatima

New Applications of Ordinary Portland and Calcium Sulfoaluminate Composite Binder for Recycling Dredged Marine Sediments as Road Materials

International Journal of Geomechanics, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouzar, Bader; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick

Phosphorus removal from real and synthetic wastewater using biomass bottom ash

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 20, no. 7, p. 7065-7082, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouzar, Bader; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick

Manufacture and characterization of carbonated lightweight aggregates from waste paper fly ash

Powder Technology, vol. 406, p. 117583, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER2, ER4

Auteurs : Guérin, Théo; Oustrière, Nadège; Bulteel, David; Betrancourt, Damien; Ghinet, Alina; Malladi, Sandhya; Kaleo-Bioh, Justice-G.; Blanc-Brude, Amaury; Pappoe, Abraham; Waterlot, Christophe

Removal of heavy metals from contaminated water using industrial wastes containing calcium and magnesium

Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 337, p. 130472, 2022, (ACL).

2022Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Courtois, Nicolas; Coumes, Celine Cau Dit; Poulesquen, Arnaud; Haas, Jeremy; Hassine, Seif Ben Hadj; Bulteel, David

Study of alkali-silica reaction occurring in cemented waste packages based on simplified model and concrete medium approaches

NUWCEM 2022 - International Symposium on Cement-Based Materials for Nuclear Wastes, Avignon, France, 2022, (ACTI).

2022Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zhao, Zengfeng; Xiao, Jianzhuang; Damidot, Denis; Rémond, Sébastien; Bulteel, David; Courard, Luc

Quantification of the Hardened Cement Paste Content in Fine Recycled Concrete Aggregates by Means of Salicylic Acid Dissolution

Materials, vol. 15, no. 9, p. 3384, 2022, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouarroudj, Mohamed ElKarim; é, Sébastien R; Bulteel, David; Potier, Guillaume; Michel, Frederic; Zhao, Zengfeng; Courard, Luc

Use of grinded hardened cement pastes as mineral addition for mortars

Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 34, p. 101863, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Colman, C; Bulteel, David; Thiery, Vincent; é, S R; Michel, F; Courard, L

Internal sulfate attack in mortars containing contaminated fine recycled concrete aggregates

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 272, p. 121851, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Quedou, Pritish Gupta; Wirquin, Eric; Bokhoree, Chandradeo

Sustainable concrete: Potency of sugarcane bagasse ash as a cementitious material in the construction industry

Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 14, p. e00545, 2021, ISSN: 2214-5095, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Baz, Bilal; Aouad, Georges; Kleib, Joelle; Bulteel, David; Rémond, Sébastien

Durability assessment and microstructural analysis of 3D printed concrete exposed to sulfuric acid environments

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 290, p. 123220, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Grellier, Adèle; Bulteel, David; Bouarroudj, Mohamed El Karim; Rémond, Sébastien; Zhao, Zengfeng; Courard, Luc

Alternative hydraulic binder development based on brick fines: Influence of particle size and substitution rate

Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 39, p. 102263, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouarroudj, Mohamed ElKarim; Rémond, Sébastien; Grellier, Adèle; Bulteel, David; Michel, Frederic; Zhao, Zengfeng; Courard, Luc

Intra granular porosity of mineral powders: modeling and experimentation

Materials and Structures, vol. 54, no. 2, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Karam, Reine; Paris, Michael; Deneele, Dimitri; Wattez, Thomas; Cyr, Martin; Bulteel, David

Effect of sediment incorporation on the reactivity of alkali-activated GGBFS systems

Materials and Structures, vol. 54, no. 3, 2021.

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; Wang, Hongwei; Wang, Dongxing

Comparative study of stabilization/solidification of dredged sediments with ordinary Portland cement and calcium sulfo-aluminate cement in the framework of valorization in road construction material

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 279, p. 122447, 2021.

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Mkahal, Zeinab; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Maherzi, Walid; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Recycling of Mineral Solid Wastes in Backfill Road Materials: Technical and Environmental Investigations

Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2021.

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Quedou, Pritish Gupta; Wirquin, Eric; Bokhoree, Chandradeo

A sustainable approach in using construction and demolition waste materials in concrete

World Journal of Engineering, vol. 18, no. 6, p. 826-840, 2021, ISSN: 17085284, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Chafei, Sawsen; Gomina, Moussa

Improvement of the Behavior of Cement Mortar by Vinegar Treatment of the Flax Fibers Reinforcement

International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 1-7, 2021, (ACL).

2021Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Dutra, L. Freitas; Chafei, Sawsen; Le, A. D. Tran; Langlet, T.

Mechanical behavior of a cementitious composite incorporating flax fibers treated with citric acid

75th RILEM Annual Week, Merida, Mexico, 2021, (ACTI).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Betremieux, Mathilde; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick

Investigation of a biosurfactant-enhanced electrokinetic method and its effect on the potentially toxic trace elements in waterways sediments

Environmental Technology, p. 1-36, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Ahmat, Adoum Mahamat; Maherzi, Walid; Milbeau, Claude Le; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Modified Red Muds and Slag Based Hydraulic Binders for Zn Removal: A Matrix-Spiking Approach Applied on Clayey Sediments

Minerals, vol. 11, no. 11, p. 1189, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Ouédraogo, Nongwendé Philippe; Becquart, Frédéric; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Environmental assessment, mechanical behavior, and chemical properties of self-compacting mortars (SCMs) with harbor dredged sediments to be used in construction

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 28, no. 39, p. 55003-55013, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Chu, Duc Chinh; Kleib, Joelle; Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Determination of the degree of hydration of Portland cement using three different approaches: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM-BSE) and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)

Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 15, p. e00754, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouchikhi, Abdelhadi; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Maherzi, Walid; Albert-Mercier, Cyrille; El-Moueden, Hamza; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Peys, Arne; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Use of residual waste glass in an alkali-activated binder - Structural characterization, environmental leaching behavior and comparison of reactivity

Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 34, p. 101903, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Kleib, Joelle; Aouad, Georges; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud

Production of Portland cement clinker from French Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ash

Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 15, p. e00629, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiéry, Vincent

Metamorphism of sedimentary rocks recognised by 19th century French naturalists: A case study from the Chavanon sequence marbles, Massif Central, France

Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, vol. 132, no. 4, p. 491-496, 2021, ISSN: 0016-7878, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Sadok, Rachid Hadj; Maherzi, Walid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Lord, Richard; Torrance, Keith; Zambon, Agnes; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Low Carbon Binders Manufactured from Calcined Canal Sediments and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS)

Sustainability, vol. 13, no. 16, p. 9057, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Joubert, Johannes; Wilke, Daniel; Govender, Nicolin; Pizette, Patrick; Basic, Josip; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Boundary condition enforcement for renormalised weakly compressible meshless Lagrangian methods

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, vol. 130, p. 332-351, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Karam, Reine; Becquart, Frederic; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Khouja, Hicham

Vapothermal curing of hemp shives: Influence on some chemical and physical properties

Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 171, p. 113870, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Berthomier, Mathilde; Lors, Christine; Damidot, Denis; Larrard, Thomas; Guérandel, Cyril; Bertron, Alexandra

Leaching of CEM III paste by demineralised or mineralised water at pH~7 in relation with aluminium release in drinking water network

Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 143, p. 106399, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Safhi, Amine El Mahdi; Rivard, Patrice; Yahia, Ammar; Khayat, Kamal Henri; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Durability and transport properties of SCC incorporating dredged sediments

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 288, p. 123116, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Kleib, Joelle; Aouad, Georges; Khalil, Noura; Zakhour, Mirvat

Incorporation of zinc in calcium sulfoaluminate cement clinker

Advances in Cement Research, vol. 33, no. 7, p. 311-317, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouaich, Fatima Zahra; Maherzi, Walid; El-Hajjaji, Fadoua; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Taleb, Mustapha; Rais, Zakia

Reuse of treated wastewater and non-potable groundwater in the manufacture of concrete: major challenge of environmental preservation

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Kleib, Joelle; Aouad, Georges; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Zakhour, Mirvat; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Effect of calcium sulfoaluminate cements composition on their durability

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 307, p. 124952, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Makni, Hajer; Khlif, Mohamed; Becquart, Frédéric; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Bradai, Chedly

Leaching test for assessing compliance with environmental requirements of fired clay bricks incorporated by deinking paper sludge

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 289, p. 123155, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zhao, Zengfeng; Grellier, Adèle; Bouarroudj, Mohamed El Karim; Michel, Frédéric; Bulteel, David; Courard, Luc

Substitution of limestone filler by waste brick powder in self-compacting mortars: Properties and durability

Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 43, p. 102898, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Hajjami, Saadia El; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Souabi, Salah; Alami, Mohammed El

+Study of metallic contamination of Oued Sebou sediments, Morocco

Environmental Technology and Innovation, vol. 23, p. 101680, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bellara, Selma; Hidjeb, Mustapha; Maherzi, Walid; Mezazigh, Salim; Senouci, Ahmed

Optimization of an Eco-Friendly Hydraulic Road Binders Comprising Clayey Dam Sediments and Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag

Buildings, vol. 11, no. 10, p. 443, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Qachach, Hajar; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Mahrad, Badr El; Souabi, Salah; Tahiri, Mohamed

Biological treatment of fuel wastewater generated from a thermal power plant by continuous and discontinuous aeration

Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 222, p. 145-155, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Baz, Bilal; Rémond, Sébastien; Aouad, Georges

Influence of the mix composition on the thixotropy of 3D printable mortars

Magazine of Concrete Research, p. 1-13, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Ennahal, Ilyas; Maherzi, Walid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Performance of Lightweight Aggregates Comprised of Sediments and Thermoplastic Waste

Waste and Biomass Valorization, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 515-530, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Moudjari, Messaoud; Marouf, Hafida; Muhamad, Hameed; Chaalal, Omar; Mequignon, Marc; Maherzi, Walid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud

Using Local Materials to Optimize the Eco-design of a Resilient Urban Environment in Sustainable Urban Project Process

Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, vol. 9, no. 6, p. 2084-2097, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Larbi, Sihem; Khaldi, Abdelkrim; Maherzi, Walid; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Formulation of Compressed Earth Blocks Stabilized by Glass Waste Activated with NaOH Solution

Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 102, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Kleib, Joelle; Abriak, Nor-Edine

From dredged sediment to supplementary cementitious material: characterization, treatment, and reuse

International Journal of Sediment Research, vol. 36, no. 1, p. 92-109, 2021, (ACL).

2021Actes ER2

Auteurs : Lemay, Marie; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zouch, Afef; Ksibi, Mohamed

Storage Facilities Reclamation Using Dredged Sediments from Waterways: Growing Media Formulation for Plants According to E.U ECOLABEL Framework

Springer International Publishing, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouchikhi, Abdelhadi; Maherzi, Walid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Peys, Arne; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Manufacturing of Low-Carbon Binders Using Waste Glass and Dredged Sediments: Formulation and Performance Assessment at Laboratory Scale

Sustainability, vol. 13, no. 9, p. 4960, 2021, (ACL).

2021Proceedings Article ER2

Auteurs : Lecomte, T.; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Lors, Christine; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Environmental acceptability of dredged sediments in road engineering: comparative waste and product approaches

International symposium on sediment management, Lille, France, 2021, (ACTI).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zouch, Afef; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Ksibi, Mohamed

Storage facilities reclamation using dredged sediments from waterways: Growing media formulation for plants according to the EU Ecolabel requirements

Waste Management and Research, vol. 40, no. 6, p. 822-835, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Ouédraogo, Nongwendé Philippe; Becquart, Frédéric; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Influence of fine sediments on rheology properties of self-compacting concretes

Powder Technology, vol. 392, p. 544-557, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Ouedraogo, N. Philippe; Becquart, Frédéric; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Evaluation of the Mechanical and Environmental Properties of Self-Compacting Mortars with Raw Harbour Dredging Sediments (SCMs)

Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, p. 349-355, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bala, Mokrane; Zentar, Rachid; Boustingorry, Pascal

Modèles prédictifs de l'affaissement du béton : Cas de granulats concassés et roulés

Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, Hongwei; Zentar, Rachid; Wang, Dongxing

Rheological characterisation of kaolinite clay: experimental study

Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, Hongwei; Zentar, Rachid

Valorisation of marine sediments with novel eco-friendly OPC-CSA composite binder

Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER2, ER4

Auteurs : Guérin, Théo; Waterlot, Christophe; Lipka, Emmanuelle; Gervois, Philippe; Bulteel, David; Betrancourt, Damien; Moignard, Carla; Nica, Adrian Sorin; Furman, Christophe; Ghinet, Alina

Ecocatalysed Hurtley reaction: Synthesis of urolithin derivatives as new potential RAGE antagonists with anti-ageing properties

Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, vol. 23, p. 100518, 2021, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Duchatel-Crépy, Lucie; Joly, Nicolas; Martin, Patrick; Marin, Adeline; Tahon, Jean-Francois; Lefebvre, Jean-Marc; Gaucher, Valérie

Substitution degree and fatty chain length influence on structure and properties of fatty acid cellulose esters

Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 234, p. 115912, 2020, ISSN: 0144-8617, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, Dongxing; Wang, Hongwei; Larsson, Stefan; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Maherzi, Walid; Amar, Mouhamadou

Effect of basalt fiber inclusion on the mechanical properties and microstructure of cement-solidified kaolinite

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 241, p. 118085, 2020, ISSN: 0950-0618, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Hamouche, Fawzi; Zentar, Rachid

Effects of organic matter on mechanical properties of dredged sediments for beneficial use in road construction

Environmental technology, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Akacem, Mustapha; Zentar, Rachid; Mekerta, Belkacem; Sadok, Abdelfteh; Omar, Hassan-Moulay

Co-valorisation of Local Materials Tuffs and Dune Sands in Construction of Roads.

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, vol. 38, p. 435-447, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Safhi, Amine El Mahdi; Rivard, P; Yahia, A; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Khayat, K H

Valorization of dredged sediments in self-consolidating concrete: Fresh, hardened, and microstructural properties

Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 263, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, D; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Hu, X; Huang, B; Chen, Z; Xu, X

Strength, Permeability, and Micromechanisms of Industrial Residue Magnesium Oxychloride Cement Solidified Slurry

International Journal of Geomechanics, vol. 20, no. 7, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Ahmed, Zeraoui; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Maherzi, Walid; Mansi, R; Abriak, Nor-Edine

New software for the optimization of the formulation and the treatment of dredged sediments for utilization in civil engineering

Journal of Soils and Sediments, vol. 20, no. 6, p. 2709-2716, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Maherzi, Walid; Ennahal, I; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Study of the polymer mortar based on dredged sediments and epoxy resin: Effect of the sediments on the behavior of the polymer mortar

Powder Technology, vol. 361, p. 968-982, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Ennahal, I; Maherzi, Walid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Performance of Lightweight Aggregates Comprised of Sediments and Thermoplastic Waste

Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Kleib, Joelle; Abriak, Nor-Edine

From dredged sediment to supplementary cementitious material: Characterization, treatment, and reuse

International Journal of Sediment Research, 2020, ISSN: 1001-6279.

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, D; Gao, X; Wang, R; Larsson, S; Benzerzour, Mahfoud

Elevated curing temperature-associated strength and mechanisms of reactive MgO-activated industrial by-products solidified soils

Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, vol. 38, no. 6, p. 659-671, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Khoury, Eliane; Cazacliu, Bogdan; Cothenet, Alexis; Remond, Sébastien

Homogenization process of field samples of recycled aggregates

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 243, p. 117991, 2020, ISSN: 0950-0618, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Farzadnia, N; Pan, J; Khayat, K; Wirquin, Eric

Effect of temperature on early‐age properties of self‐consolidating concrete equivalent mortar

RILEM Technical Letters, vol. 5, p. 114-122, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Colman, Charlotte; Bulteel, David; Rémond, Sébastien; Zhao, Zengfeng; Courard, Luc

Valorization of Fine Recycled Aggregates Contaminated with Gypsum Residues: Characterization and Evaluation of the Risk for Secondary Ettringite Formation

Materials, vol. 13, no. 21, p. 4866, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Cabrerizo, Adrien; Bulteel, David; Waligora, Julien; Landrot, Gautier; Fonda, Emiliano; Olard, François

Chemical, mineralogical, and environmental characterization of tunnel boring muds for their valorization in road construction: a focus on molybdenum characterization

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 27, no. 35, p. 44314–44324, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Joubert, Johannes Christoffel; Wilke, Daniel N; Govender, Nicolin; Pizette, Patrick; Tuzun, Ugur; Abriak, Nor-Edine

3D gradient corrected SPH for fully resolved particle–fluid interactions

Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 78, p. 816–840, 2020.

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Ly, Océane; Monchau, Francine; Rémond, Sébastien; Lors, Christine; Jouanneaux, Alain; Debarre, Étienne; Damidot, Denis

Optimization of the formulation of an original hydrogel-based bone cement using a mixture design

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 110, p. 103886, 2020, ISSN: 1751-6161, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Hansen, Anne; Abriak, Nor-Edine; de la Torre, Ma. Catalina Alfaro

Evaluation and management of sediments and porous media

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 27, no. 14, p. 15931-15934, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Fergani, Souhila; Mokhtar, Khedidja Allag Ait; Djerbal, Lynda; Pizette, Patrick; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Nechnech, Ammar

FEM Simulations of Granular Matter Behaviour Under Triaxial Tests

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, vol. 39, no. 2, p. 991-1008, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Franke, Christine; Patault, Edouard; Alary, Claire; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Lagroix, France

Magnetic fingerprinting of fluvial suspended particles in the context of soil erosion: example of the Canche River watershed (Northern France)

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 21, no. 5, p. e2019GC008836, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, Hongwei; Zentar, Rachid; Wang, Dongxing

Apparent and complex viscosity versus the water content of clay

Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bala, Mokrane; Zentar, Rachid; Boustingorry, Pascal

Parameter determination of the Compressible Packing Model (CPM) for concrete application

Powder Technology, vol. 367, p. 56-66, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, Hongwei; Zentar, Rachid; Wang, Dongxing

Organic dredged sediments treated with Portland Cement: compaction characteristics

Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Hamouche, Fawzi; Zentar, Rachid

Effects of Organic Matter on Physical Properties of Dredged Marine Sediments

Waste and Biomass Valorization, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 389-401, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bala, Mokrane; Zentar, Rachid; Boustingorry, Pascal

Parameter determination of the Compressible Packing Model (CPM) for concrete application

Powder Technology, vol. 367, p. 56-66, 2020, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Sango, Thomas; Stoclet, Gregory; Joly, Nicolas; Marin, Adeline; Yona, Arnaud-M Cheumani; Duchatel-Crépy, Lucie; Ndikontar, Maurice Kor; Lefebvre, Jean–Marc

Water–soluble extracts from banana pseudo–stem as functional additives for polylactic acid: Thermal and mechanical investigations

European Polymer Journal, vol. 112, p. 466 - 476, 2019, ISSN: 0014-3057, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Chabannes, Morgan; Becquart, Frédéric; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Shear Strength of Unbound Crop By-Products Using the Direct Shear Box Apparatus

Journal of Renewable Materials, vol. 7, no. 9, p. 855–863, 2019, ISSN: 2164-6341, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiéry, Vincent

Le pont Charles-Marlin (Saint-Georges-Nigremont, Creuse). Historique et caractérisation préliminaire des désordres

Annales du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics, vol. 70, no. 5-6, p. 7–18, 2019, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiéry, Vincent

À la recherche des ciments oubliés

Mines & Carrières, vol. 275, p. 22–25, 2019, (OV).

2019Proceedings Article ER2

Auteurs : Thiéry, Vincent

Microstructural investigations on an abandoned 1935 concrete bridge

16th Euroseminars on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials (EMABM), p. 289–294, 2019, (ACTI).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Urupina, D; Lasne, J; Romanias, M N; Thiéry, Vincent; Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P; Thevenet, F

Uptake and surface chemistry of SO2 on natural volcanic dusts

Atmospheric Environment, vol. 217, p. 116942, 2019, ISSN: 1352-2310, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiéry, Vincent

Le mouvement de versant d'Arpiat dans la vallée de la Dordogne

Revue des sciences naturelles d'Auvergne, vol. 83, p. 49–56, 2019, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Karam, Reine; Bulteel, David; Wattez, Thomas; Deneele, Dimitri

Effect of marine sediments incorporation on the behaviour of alkali-activated GGBFS

Materials and Structures, vol. 52, no. 6, 2019, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouarroudj, Mohamed ElKarim; Remond, Sébastien; Michel, Frédéric; Zhao, Zengfeng; Bulteel, David; Courard, Luc

Use of a reference limestone fine aggregate to study the fresh and hard behavior of mortar made with recycled fine aggregate

Materials and Structures, vol. 52, no. 1, 2019, (ACL).

2019Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Courtois, Nicolas; Cau-Dit-Coumes, Céline; Poulesquen, Arnaud; Haas, Jérémy; Ben-Hadj-Hassine, Seif; Bulteel, David

Relationship between composition, rheological and swelling properties of alkali-silica gels produced in cemented waste packages

ICCC 2019 - 15textsuperscriptth International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, 2019, (ACTI).

2019Divers ER2

Auteurs : Courtois, Nicolas; Cau-Dit-Coumes, Céline; Poulesquen, Arnaud; Haas, Jérémy; Ben-Hadj-Hassine, Seif; Bulteel, David

Présentation dans un séminaire au Massachussetts Institute of Technology

Séminaire réaction alcali-silice, 2019, (AI, ICTS).

2019Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Chafei, Sawsen; Gomina, Moussa

Propriétés d’un composite cimentaire incorporant des fibres de lin traitées à l’acide citrique

3ème Conférence internationale sur la Mécanique des Matériaux et des Structures, 2019, (ACTI).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bala, Mokrane; Zentar, Rachid; Boustingorry, Pascal

Comparative study of the yield stress determination of cement pastes by different methods

Materials and Structures, 2019, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Achour, Raouf; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Rivard, Patrice; Gregoire, Pascal.

Durability study of concrete incorporating dredged sediments

Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2019, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bala, Mokrane; Zentar, Rachid; Boustingorry, Pascal

Parameter determination of the Compressible Packing Model (CPM) for concrete application

Powder Technology, 2019, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; Bala, Mokrane; Boustingorry, Pascal

Influence of the Granular Mixture Properties on the Rheological Properties of Concrete: Yield Stress Determination Using Modified Chateau et al. Model

International Journal of …, 2019, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Dia, Moussa; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Nzihou, Ange; Depelsenaire, Guy; Germeau, Alain.

Effect of phosphatation and calcination on the environmental behaviour of sediments

International Journal of Sediment Research, 2019, (ACL).

2019Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Li, S; Boussatour, G; Cresson, P -Y; Genestie, Benoit; Joly, N; Lasri, T

Wide Band (0,5-67 GHz) Dielectric Properties of Biosourced Cellulose Ester Flexible Films

2019, (cited By 0).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Liu, X; Xia, Y; Lin, M; Benzerzour, Mahfoud

Experimental study of rockburst under true-triaxial gradient loading conditions

Geomechanics and Engineering, vol. 18, no. 5, p. 481-492, 2019, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Ennahal, I; Maherzi, Walid; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Eco-friendly polymers mortar for floor covering based on dredged sediments of the north of France

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. 21, no. 4, p. 861-871, 2019, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Safhi, Amine El Mahdi; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Rivard, P; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Ennahal, I

Development of self-compacting mortars based on treated marine sediments

Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 22, p. 252-261, 2019, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Safhi, Amine El Mahdi; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Rivard, P; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Feasibility of using marine sediments in SCC pastes as supplementary cementitious materials

Powder Technology, vol. 344, p. 730-740, 2019, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bouchikhi, A; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Maherzi, Walid; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick

Study of the impact of waste glasses types on pozzolanic activity of cementitious matrix

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 197, p. 626-640, 2019, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, D; Wang, R; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Wang, H; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Comparison between reactive MgO- and Na2SO4-activated low-calcium fly ash-solidified soils dredged from East Lake, China

Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2019, (ACL).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Khoury, Eliane; Cazacliu, Bogdan; Remond, Sébastien

Control of effective water in recycled aggregate concrete using power curves of the mixer

Materials Today Communications, vol. 21, p. 100721, 2019, ISSN: 2352-4928, (ACL).

2019Conférence ER2

Auteurs : REMOND, S; Grellier, Adèle; Khoury, Eliane; KHALIL, N; Karam, Reine; Bulteel, David

Formulation de mortiers imprimables incorporant des matériaux recyclés

Workshop : DiXite3dPrint : Fabrication additive pour la construction, 2019, (ACTI, ACTN, AFF, COM, INV).

2019Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Patault, Edouard; Alary, Claire; Franke, Christine; Gauthier, Arnaud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Assessing temporal variability and controlling factors of the sediment budget of a small agricultural catchment in Northern France (the Pommeroye)

Heliyon, vol. 5, no. 3, p. e01407, 2019, ((IF N/A [2018]; Q1)).

2019Article de journal ER1, ER2

Auteurs : Betrancourt, Damien; Chicot, Didier; Kossman, S; Louis, Ghislain; Roudet, Francine; Bulteel, David

Instrumented indentation study of slag in view of a better valorization

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 199, p. 349-358, 2019, (ACL).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, D; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Di, S

Long-term mechanical performance of marine sediments solidified with cement, lime, and fly ash

Marine Georesources & …, vol. 36, p. 123-130, 2018, (ACL).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Djafari, D; Mekerta, B; Zentar, Rachid; ...,

Sludge of WWTPs, from waste family to sustainable development

African Review of …, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 1-6, 2018, (ACL).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Hamouche, F; Zentar, Rachid

Effects of organic matter on physical properties of dredged marine sediments

Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2018, (ACL).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Driss, D; Zentar, Rachid; Belkacem, M; ...,

Sludge wastewater treatment plants a raw mater to produce a green-cement


2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Hamouche, F; Zentar, Rachid

The relationship between organic matter content and the immediate bearing index of dredged sediments


2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Alhaik, Ghaith; Dubois, Vincent; Wirquin, Eric; Leblanc, Alexandre; Aouad, Georges

Evaluate the influence of starch on earth/hemp or flax straws mixtures properties in presence of superplasticizer

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 186, p. 762 - 772, 2018, ISSN: 0950-0618.

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Dubois, Vincent; Leblanc, Alexandre; Carpentier, Olivier; Alhaik, G; Wirquin, Eric

Performances of flax shive-based lightweight composites with rapid hardening

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 165, p. 17 - 27, 2018, ISSN: 0950-0618.

2018Ouvrage ER2

Auteurs : Chabannes, Morgan; Garcia-Diaz, Eric; Clerc, Laurent; Bénézet, Jean-Charles; Becquart, Frédéric

Lime-Hemp and Rice Husk-Based Concretes for Building Envelopes

Springer International Publishing, 2018, (OS).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Sango, Thomas; Yona, Arnaud-Maxime Cheumani; Duchatel-Crépy, Lucie; Marin, Adeline; Ndikontar, Maurice Kor; Joly, Nicolas; Lefebvre, Jean-Marc

Step–wise multi–scale deconstruction of banana pseudo–stem (Musa acuminata) biomass and morpho–mechanical characterization of extracted long fibres for sustainable applications

Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 122, p. 657 - 668, 2018, ISSN: 0926-6690, (ACL).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bourdot, A; Thiéry, Vincent; Bulteel, David; Cuchet, S; Hammerschlag, J -G

Alkali-reactivity of a Swiss siliceous limestone caused by finely dispersed quartz

Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 91, 2018, ISSN: 09589465.

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Maimouni, H; Remond, S; Huchet, F; Richard, P; Thiéry, Vincent; Descantes, Y

Quantitative assessment of the saturation degree of model fine recycled concrete aggregates immersed in a filler or cement paste

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 175, 2018, ISSN: 09500618.

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Trincal, V; Thiéry, Vincent; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Hillier, S

Use of hydraulic binders for reducing sulphate leaching: application to gypsiferous soil sampled in Ile-de-France region (France)

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, ISSN: 16147499.

2018Chapitre d'ouvrage ER2

Auteurs : Kruszewski, Łukasz; Gatel, Pierre; Thiéry, Vincent; Moszumańska, Izabela; Kusy, Danuta

Crystallochemical Behavior of Slag Minerals and the Occurrence of Potentially New Mineral Species From Lapanouse-de-Sévérac, France

Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective, p. 243–300, 2018, (OS).

2018Chapitre d'ouvrage ER2

Auteurs : Thiéry, Vincent; Guy, B; Kruszewski, Ł; Carpentier, J F

The burning coal heap at La Ricamarie, Loire Coal Basin, France

Stracher, G B (Ed.): Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective. Volume 5 : case studies - advances in field and laboratory research, p. 301–331, 2018, (OS).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Kleib, J; Aouad, G; Louis, Ghislain; Zakhour, M; Boulos, M; Rousselet, A; Bulteel, David

The use of calcium sulfoaluminate cement to mitigate the alkali silica reaction in mortars

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 184, p. 295–303, 2018, (ACL).

2018Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Courtois, Nicolas; Cau-Dit-Coumes, Céline; Poulesquen, Arnaud; Haas, Jérémy; Ben-Hadj-Hassine, Seif; Bulteel, David

Relationship between composition, rheological and swelling properties of alkali-silica gels produced in cemented waste packages

NUWCEM 2018 - 3ʳᵈ International Symposium on Cement-Based Materials for Nuclear Wastes, 2018, (ACTI).

2018Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Chafei, Sawsen; D'haese, Romain

Evaluation of short flax fibers treatment effect on their properties and on the behavior of a cement composite

2nd EuroMaghrébine Conference of BioComposites, 2018, (ACTI).

2018Conférence ER2

Auteurs : D'haese, Romain; Dubois, Vincent; Carpentier, Olivier; Chartier, Thierry; Chafei, Sawsen; Wirquin, Eric


2nd EuroMaghrébine Conference of BioComposites, 2018, (ACTI).

2018Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Dubois, Vincent; Carpentier, Olivier; D'haese, Romain; Chafei, Sawsen; Wirquin, Eric


FIBRA Innovation – Congrès International de la Construction Biosourcée, 2018, (AFF).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Safhi, Amine El Mahdi

Durability of a cementitious matrix based on treated sediments

Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 8, p. 258 - 276, 2018, ISSN: 2214-5095, (ACL).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Towards the establishment of formulation laws for sediment-based mortars

Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 16, p. 106 - 117, 2018, ISSN: 2352-7102, (ACL).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, Dongxing; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Durability and swelling of solidified/stabilized dredged marine soils with class-F fly ash, cement, and lime

Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 30, 2018, (ACL).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, Dongxing; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Di, Shengjie

Long-term mechanical performance of marine sediments solidified with cement, lime, and fly ash

Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2018, (ACL).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Djafari, Driss; Mekerta, Belkacem; Zentar, Rachid; Semcha, Abdelaziz

Sludge of wwtps, from waste family to sustainable development

African Review of Science, technology and development, vol. 3, no. 1, 2018, (ACL).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Akacem, Mustapha; Mekerta, Belkaceme; Zentar, Rachid; Omar, Hassan-Moulay; Abbou, Mohamed

Valorisation of fine dune sand in asphalt concrete


2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Nguyen, T -K; Carpentier, Olivier; Monchau, Francine; Chai, F; Hornez, J C; Hivart, Philippe

Numerical optimization of cell colonization modelling inside scaffold for perfusion bioreactor: A multiscale model

Medical Engineering and Physics, vol. 57, p. 40-50, 2018, (cited By 4).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Roensmaens, B; Parys, L Van; Carpentier, Olivier; Descamps, T

Refurbishment of existing timber floors with screwed CLT panels

International Journal of Architectural Heritage, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 622-631, 2018, (cited By 3).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Boussatour, G; Cresson, P Y; Genestie, Benoit; Joly, N; Brun, J F; Lasri, T

Measurement of the thermal conductivity of flexible biosourced polymers using the 3-omega method

Polymer Testing, vol. 70, p. 503-510, 2018, (cited By 1).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Boussatour, G; Cresson, P -Y; Genestie, Benoit; Joly, N; Lasri, T

Dielectric Characterization of Polylactic Acid Substrate in the Frequency Band 0.5-67 GHz

IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 28, no. 5, p. 374-376, 2018, (cited By 3).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zhao, Z; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Damidot, D; Courard, L; Wang, D

Use of uncontaminated marine sediments in mortar and concrete by partial substitution of cement

Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 93, p. 155-162, 2018, (ACL).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Maherzi, Walid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; van Veen, E; Boutouil, M; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Beneficial reuse of Brest-Harbor (France)-dredged sediment as alternative material in road building: laboratory investigations

Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), vol. 39, no. 5, p. 566-580, 2018, (ACL).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Scribot, C; Maherzi, Walid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Abriak, Nor-Edine

A laboratory-scale experimental investigation on the reuse of a modified red mud in ceramic materials production

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 163, p. 21-31, 2018, (ACL).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Maherzi, Walid; Amar, Mouhamadou; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Damidot, D

Formulation of mortars based on thermally treated sediments

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 592-603, 2018, (ACL).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Khoury, Eliane; Ambrós, Weslei; Cazacliu, Bogdan; Sampaio, Carlos-Hoffmann; Remond, Sébastien

Heterogeneity of recycled concrete aggregates, an intrinsic variability

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 175, p. 705 - 713, 2018, ISSN: 0950-0618, (ACL).

2018Thèse ER2

Auteurs : Khoury, Eliane

Maîtrise de l’eau efficace dans les bétons de granulats recyclés

IFSTTAR / IMT Lille Douai, 2018, (TH).

2018Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Khoury, Eliane; Cazacliu, Bogdan; Remond, Sébastien

Water migration during mixing recycled aggregate concrete

RILEM, IV International Conference Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment , Lisbon, Portugal, 2018, (ACTI, ACTN, AFF, COM, INV).

2018Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Khoury, Eliane; Cazacliu, Bogdan; Remond, Sébastien

Evolution de l’eau efficace lors du malaxage du béton de granulats recyclés

37èmes rencontres universitaires de Génie Civil de AUGC, 2018, (ACTI, ACTN, AFF, COM, INV).

2018Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Khoury, Eliane; Cazacliu, Bogdan; Remond, Sébastien

Influence d’Absorption d'Eau des GBR sur l’Eau Efficace des Bétons Recyclés

36èmes rencontres universitaires de Génie Civil de AUGC, 2018, (ACTI, ACTN, AFF, COM, INV).

2018Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Khoury, Eliane; Cazacliu, Bogdan; Remond, Sébastien

Caractérisation de l’Hétérogénéité des Granulats de Béton Recyclés

36èmes rencontres universitaires de Génie Civil de AUGC, 2018, (ACTI, ACTN, AFF, COM, INV).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Quedou, Pritish Gupta; Wirquin, Eric; Bokhoree, Chandradeo; Jaleem, Kushal; Aubeeluck, Ridhin

Study on the Replacement of Construction &Demolition Waste Materials as Fine Aggregates inthe Production of Low Strength Concrete

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, vol. 6, no. V, p. 2108-2115, 2018, ISSN: 2321-9653, (ACL).

2018Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Karam, R; D., Deneele; Bulteel, David


International conference on Akali Activated Materials and Geopolymers: Versatile Materials Offering High Performance and Low Emissions, Tomar, Portugal, 2018, (ACTI).

2018Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Colman, C; Zhao, Z; Michel, F; Rémond, S; Bulteel, David; Courard, L

Gypsum residues in recycled materials: characterization of fine recycled aggregates

SLD4 - 4th international conference on Service Life Design for infrastructure, Delft, Netherlands, 2018, (ACTI).

2018Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Govender, Nicolin; Wilke, Daniel; Pizette, Patrick; Abriak, Nor-Edine

A study of shape non-uniformity and poly-dispersity in hopper discharge of spherical and polyhedral particle systems using the Blaze-DEM GPU code

Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 319, p. 318-336, 2018, (ACL).

2018Proceedings Article ER2

Auteurs : Bala, Mokrane; Zentar, Rachid; Boustingorry, Pascal

Etude d'impact de la forme des granulats sur les paramètres du modèle d'empilement compressible

36èmes Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil de l'AUGC, Saint-Etienne, France, 2018, (ACTI).

2017Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, D; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid

Dredged marine sediments used as novel supply of filling materials for road construction

Marine Georesources & …, vol. 35, no. 4, p. 472-480, 2017, (ACL).

2017Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Djafari, D; Semcha, A; Zentar, Rachid; ...,

Characterization and valorization of sludge of wastewater treatment plant (wwtps) into cement industry

Journal of Materials …, vol. 8, no. 4, p. 1350-1358, 2017, (ACL).

2017Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Alhaik, Ghaith; Ferreira, Michel; Dubois, Vincent; Wirquin, Eric; Tilloy, Sébastien; Monflier, Eric; Aouad, Georges

Enhance the rheological and mechanical properties of clayey materials by adding starches

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 139, p. 602 - 610, 2017, ISSN: 0950-0618.

2017Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Chabannes, Morgan; Becquart, Frédéric; Garcia-Diaz, Eric; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Laurent, Clerc

Experimental investigation of the shear behaviour of hemp and rice husk-based concretes using triaxial compression

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 143, p. 621 - 632, 2017, ISSN: 0950-0618, (ACL).

2017Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Vanmarcke, Audrey; Leroy, Lise; Stoclet, Gregory; Duchatel-Crépy, Lucie; Lefebvre, Jean-Marc; Joly, Nicolas; Gaucher, Valérie

Influence of fatty chain length and starch composition on structure and properties of fully substituted fatty acid starch esters

Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 164, p. 249 - 257, 2017, ISSN: 0144-8617, (ACL).

2017Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Pana, Ana-Maria; Popa, Marcel; Silion, Mihaela; Sfirloaga, Paula; Bandur, Geza; Duchatel-Crépy, Lucie

Novel semi-interpenetrating network hydrogels based on monosaccharide oligomers with itaconic moiety: synthesis and properties

Iranian Polymer Journal, vol. 26, no. 10, p. 1 - 9, 2017, (ACL).

2017Proceedings Article ER2

Auteurs : Thiéry, Vincent; Link, G; Katayama, T; Ando, Y; Bouichou, M; Marie-Victoire, E

Preliminary study of 19th century mortars from railway engineering structures abandoned since 1950

Euroseminars on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials (EMABM), 2017.

2017Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiéry, Vincent; Trincal, V; Davy, C

The elusive ettringite under the high-vacuum SEM - a reflection based on natural samples, the use of Monte-Carlo modeling of EDS analyses, and an extension to the ettringite group minerals

Journal of Microscopy, vol. 268, p. 84–93, 2017.

2017Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Chafei, Sawsen; Gomina, Moussa; Khadraoui, Fouzia; Boutouil, Mohamed

Dependence of the properties of cementitious composites on the nature of the hydraulic binder coating the reinforcing flax fibers

IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), 2017, ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, (ACL).

2017Thèse ER2

Auteurs : Amar, Mouhamadou

Traitement des sédiments de dragage pour une valorisation dans les matrices cimentaires

Lille 1, 2017, (TH).

2017Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Amar, Mouhamadou; Abriak, Nor-Edine

New experimental approach of the reuse of dredged sediments in a cement matrix by physical and heat treatment

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 140, p. 432 - 444, 2017, ISSN: 0950-0618, (ACL).

2017Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Amar, Mouhamadou; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick

Study of the pozzolanic activity of a dredged sediment from Dunkirk harbour

Powder Technology, vol. 320, p. 748 - 764, 2017, ISSN: 0032-5910, (ACL).

2017Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Boussatour, G; Cresson, P -Y; Genestie, Benoit; Joly, N; Lasri, T

Characterization of biodegradable and biosourced polylactic acid (PLA) substrate in a wide frequency range (0,5-26 GHz)

vol. 2018-January, 2017, (cited By 4).

2017Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Kasmi, A; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Azrar, H

Environmental impact and mechanical behavior study of experimental road made with river sediments: recycling of river sediments in road construction

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. 19, no. 4, p. 1405-1414, 2017, (ACL).

2017Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Le, N H; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Binetruy, C; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Nguyen, S -T

Mechanical behavior of municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash: Results from triaxial tests

Waste Management, vol. 65, p. 37-46, 2017, (ACL).

2017Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Kasmi, A; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Azrar, H

Effect of Dewatering by the Addition of Flocculation Aid on Treated River Sediments for Valorization in Road Construction

Waste and Biomass Valorization, vol. 8, no. 3, p. 585-597, 2017, (ACL).

2017Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Sebaibi, N; Maherzi, Walid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Sebaibi, Y

A bibliography on the analytical model of the mechanical behaviour in uniaxial tension of fibre concrete: Application to concrete reinforced with fibres and powders from recycling of thermoset composite materials

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 131, p. 214-228, 2017, (ACL).

2017Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Khoury, Eliane; Cazacliu, Bogdan; Remond, Sebastien

Impact of the initial moisture level and pre-wetting history of recycled concrete aggregates on their water absorption

Materials and Structures, vol. 50, no. 5, 2017, (ACL).

2017Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Khoury, Eliane; Cazacliu, Bogdan; Remond, Sébastien

Differences between Laboratory and In-Situ Conditions Leading to Bad Estimation of the Water Absorption Capacity of Recycled Concrete Aggregates

HISER, International Conference, Delft, Netherlands, 2017, (ACTI, ACTN, AFF, COM, INV).

2017Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Khoury, Eliane; Cazacliu, Bogdan; Remond, Sébastien

Caractérisation de l'hétérogénéité des granulats recyclés, une variabilité intrinsèque

conférence internationale francophone NoMad , nouveaux matériaux et durabilité, 2017, (ACTI, ACTN, AFF, COM, INV).

2017Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Khoury, Eliane; Cazacliu, Bogdan; Remond, Sébastien

Capacité d’Absorption d’Eau (WA) des Gravillons de Béton Recyclés (GBR)

2ème Colloque RECYBETON « le recyclage du béton en béton, tout à fait naturellement », 2017, (ACTI, ACTN, AFF, COM, INV).

2017Rapport technique ER2

Auteurs : Cothenet, Alexis; Khoury, Eliane; Artoni, Riccardo; Cazacliu, Bogdan

Echantillonnage des Granulats Recyclés

IFSTTAR - PN Recybéton 2017.

2016Patent ER2

Auteurs : Chartier, Thierry; Carpentier, Olivier

Fluxmètre thermique

2016, (VAL).

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Dubois, Vincent; Wirquin, Eric; Flament, Cédric; Sloma, Philippe

Fresh and hardened state properties of hemp concrete made up of a large proportion of quarry fines for the production of blocks

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 102, Part 1, p. 84 - 93, 2016, ISSN: 0950-0618, (ACL).

2016Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Dubois, Vincent; Wirquin, Eric; Maherzi, Walid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud

Backfilling grout including a major part of fine sediments

International Symposium on Sediment Management, Montréal 2016, (ACTI).

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Comelli, Benjamin; Perrin, Renaud; Wirquin, Eric

Effect of formulation parameters on adhesive properties of ANSI 118-15 and A118-11 compliant tile adhesive mortars

International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, vol. 66, p. 73-80, 2016, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Belles, Angel; Mamindy-Pajany, Yannick; Alary, Claire

Simulation of aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons remobilization from a river sediment using laboratory experiments supported by passive sampling techniques

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 23, no. 3, p. 2426-2436, 2016, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : El-Cheikh, Khadija; Rémond, Sébastien; Pizette, Patrick; Vanhove, Yannick; Djelal-Dantec, Chafika

Discrete Element study of granular material — Bumpy wall interface behavior

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 457, p. 526 - 539, 2016, ISSN: 0378-4371, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Le, Thang; Rémond, Sébastien; Saout, Gwenn Le; Garcia-Diaz, Eric

Fresh behavior of mortar based on recycled sand – Influence of moisture condition

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 106, p. 35 - 42, 2016, ISSN: 0950-0618, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Pineaud, Alexandre; Pimienta, Pierre; Rémond, Sébastien; Carré, Hélène

Mechanical properties of high performance self-compacting concretes at room and high temperature

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 112, p. 747 - 755, 2016, ISSN: 0950-0618, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, D; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Interpretation of compression behavior of structured and remolded marine soils

Journal of Materials in Civil …, 2016, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Sadok, A; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Genetic programming for granular compactness modelling

European Journal of Environmental …, vol. 20, no. 10, p. 1249-1261, 2016, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, D; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Temperature-accelerated strength development in stabilized marine soils as road construction materials

Journal of Materials in Civil …, vol. 29, no. 5, 2016, (ACL).

2016Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; Sadok, A; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Packing density of fine and sandy materials, experimental and modeling approaches, 2016, (ACTI).

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, D; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid

Stress-dependent behavior of artificially structured and reconstituted marine soils

International Journal of …, vol. 17, no. 4, 2016, (ACL).

2016Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Sadok, A; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Determination of water demand of dredged sediment in concrete formulations, 2016, (ACTI).

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Azrar, H; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine

The effect of granulation time of the pan granulation on the characteristics of the aggregates containing dunkirk sediments

Procedia engineering, vol. 143, p. 10-17, 2016, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Sadok, A; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine

L'état sature surface humide (ssh) des matériaux fins ou a dominance fine dans les formulations de béton

Revue Paralia, XIVèmes Journées …, 2016, (ACLN).

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiéry, Vincent

Entre folklore, archéologie et géologie: la Roche Mandrin (Larodde, 63)

Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle d'Auvergne, vol. 80, p. 17–26, 2016.

2016Proceedings Article ER2

Auteurs : Song, Y; Davy, C; Thiéry, Vincent; Troadec, D; Damidot, D

Multi-scale assessment of the 3D pore network of a high performance concrete

Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Cement Microscopy, 2016, ISBN: 193078712X.

2016Proceedings Article ER2

Auteurs : Thiéry, Vincent; Meulenyzer, S; Bouichou, M; Marie-Victoire, E

Some historical points about cementand microscopy in France

Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Cement Microscopy, 2016, ISBN: 193078712X.

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Delobel, F; Bulteel, David; Mechling, J M; Lecomte, A; Cyr, M; Rémond, Sébastien

Application of ASR tests to recycled concrete aggregates: Influence of water absorption

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 124, p. 714–721, 2016, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bourdot, Alexandra; Thiéry, Vincent; Bulteel, David; Hammerschlag, Jean-Gabriel

Effect of burnt oil shale on ASR expansions: A petrographic study of concretes based on reactive aggregates

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 112, p. 556–569, 2016, (ACL).

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Sekkal, Wassila; Zaoui, Ali; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Role of porosity on the stiffness and stability of (001) surface of the nanogranular C-S-H gel

Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 87, p. 45-52, 2016, (ACL).

2016Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Khoury, Eliane; al.,

Caractérisation de l’Hétérogénéité des Granulats de Béton Recyclés

journées scientifiques du Regroupement francophone pour la recherche et la formation sur le béton (RF)2B, 2016.

2016Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Aubrun-Fillâtre, Celine; Monchau, Francine; Hivart, Philippe

Acrylic bone cement and starch: Botanical variety impact on curing parameters and degradability

Materials Science and Engineering: C, vol. 69, p. 1328-1334, 2016, ISSN: 0928-4931, (ACL).

2015Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Alhaik, Ghaith; Ferreira, Michel; Dubois, Vincent; Wirquin, Eric; SébastienTilloy,; Monflier, Eric; Aouad, George

Rheological and mechanical behavior of earth materials / starch mixes

ICCBM, Clermont-Ferrand 2015, (ACTI).

2015Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Chafei, Sawsen; Khadraoui, Fouzia; Boutouil, Mohamed; Gomina, Moussa

Effect of flax fibers treatments on the rheological and the mechanical behavior of a cement composite

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 79, p. 229 - 235, 2015, ISSN: 0950-0618, (ACL).

2015Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Dubois, Vincent; Wirquin, Eric; Flament, Cédric; Schmid, Christelle; Chartier, Thierry

Re-use of quarry fines for the production of blocks

ICCBM, Clermont-Ferrand 2015, (ACTI).

2015Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Gregoire, P; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Damidot, Denis

Bioaccumulation dans les tissus des espèces marines fréquentant les zones d’immersion

MARINE SCIENCES COASTAL RESEARCH, vol. 1, no. 10, p. 1-14, 2015, (ACL).

2015Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent; Rolin, Patrick; Dubois, Michel; Caumon, Marie-Camille

Điscovery of metamorphic microdiamonds from the parautochthonous units of the Variscan French Massif Central

Gondwana Research, vol. 28, no. 3, p. 954-960, 2015, (ACL).

2015Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zhao, Zengfeng; Rémond, Sébastien; Damidot, Denis; Xu, Weiya

Influence of fine recycled concrete aggregates on the properties of mortars

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 81, p. 179 - 186, 2015, ISSN: 0950-0618, (ACL).

2015Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, D; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid

One-dimensional consolidation of lime-treated dredged harbour sediments

European Journal of Environmental …, p. 199-218, 2015, (ACL).

2015Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid; A., Raouf; TN., Thanh

Physicochemical Characterizations of Marine and River Sediments in the North of France

International Journal of Marine and Environmental Sciences, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 124-128, 2015, (ACL).

2015Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Pana, Ana-Maria; Popa, Marcel; Furca, Liliana-Marinela; Sfirloaga, Paula; Hadagura, Daniel; Bandur, Geza; Duchatel-Crépy, Lucie; Rusnac, Lucian-Mircea

New Semi-Interpenetrating Networks Hydrogels Derived from Monosaccharide Based Oligomers, Chitosan and 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate

Journal of Hydrogels, vol. 8, p. 26 - 33, 2015, (ACL).

2015Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiéry, Vincent; Bourdot, Alexandra; Bulteel, David

Characterization of raw and burnt oil shale from Dotternhausen: Petrographical and mineralogical evolution with temperature

Materials Characterization, vol. 106, p. 442–451, 2015, (ACL).

2015Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Boukari, Younes; Bulteel, David; Rivard, Patrice; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Combining nonlinear acoustics and physico-chemical analysis of aggregates to improve alkali–silica reaction monitoring

Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 67, p. 44–51, 2015, (ACL).

2014Thèse ER2

Auteurs : Chartier, Thierry

Conception, modélisation et réalisation d'une biosonde thermique. Application au domaine de la thermothérapie

Université d'Artois, 2014, (TH).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Crépy, Lucie; Petit, Jean-Yves; Wirquin, Eric; Martin, Patrick; Joly, Nicolas

Synthesis and evaluation of starch-based polymers as potential dispersants in cement pastes.and self leveling compounds

Cement and Concrete Composites, 2014, (ACL).

2014Manuel technique ER2

Auteurs : Abriak, Nor-Edine; MAMINDY-PAJANY, Yannick; ACHOUR, Raouf; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Zentar, Rachid

Guide méthodologique à valorisation des sédiments de dragage dans la filières béton

CD2E, 2014, (OS).

2014Manuel technique ER2

Auteurs : Abriak, Nor-Edine; MAMINDY-PAJANY, Yannick; ACHOUR, Raouf; Zentar, Rachid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud

Guide méthodologique « Valorisation des sédiments de dragage en technique routi`ere

CD2E, 2014, (OS).

2014Manuel technique ER2

Auteurs : Abriak, Nor-Edine; MAMINDY-PAJANY, Yannick; Khezami,; ACHOUR, Raouf; Zentar, Rachid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud

Guide méthodologique à valorisation des sédiments de dragage en aménagements paysager

CD2E, 2014, (OS).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Achour, Raouf; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid; Rivard, Patrice; Gregoire, Pascal

Valorization of unauthorized sea disposal dredged sediments as a road foundation material

Environmental Technology, vol. 35, no. 16, p. 1997-2007, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : AZRAR,; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid



2014Manuel technique ER2

Auteurs : Benzerzour, Mahfoud

Đétermination en laboratoire du coefficient de perméabilité à saturation d’un matériau : Perméamètre à paroi, flexible à gradient hydraulique constan

AFNOR, 2014, (OS).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Maherzi, Walid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Boutouil, M

Road material’s design based on marine dredging sediment and sand, treated with hydraulic road binder

Journal of Catalytic Materials and Environment, vol. 11, p. 9-14, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Benzerzour, Mahfoud; R., GAGNE; Abriak, Nor-Edine; N., SEBAIBI

Experimental and numerical study of the structural and cracking behavior of an overlaid slab panel under cyclic flexural loading.

Construction and bulding Materials, vol. 52, p. 24-32, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Raed, MANSI; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Mathematical model to manage the sediment’s decontamination for beneficial us

Journal of Catalytic Materials and Environment, vol. 12, p. 1-6, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Camilleri, J; Grech, L; Galea, K; Keir, D; Fenech, M; Formosa, L; Damidot, Denis; Mallia, B

Porosity and root dentine to material interface assessment of calcium silicate-based root-end filling materials

Clinical Oral Investigations, vol. 18, no. 5, p. 1437-1446, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : DIA, Moussa; J, RAMAROSON; Ange, NZIHOU; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; G, DEPELSENAIRE; A, GERMEAU

Effect of chemical and thermal treatment on the geotechnical properties of dredged sediment

procedia engeeniering, vol. 83, p. 159-169, 2014, (ACL).

2014Conférence ER2

Auteurs : DIA, Moussa; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; NZIHOU,; DEPELSENAIRE,; GERMEAU,

Effect of physico-chemical and thermal treatment on the environmental behavior of sediments

The 5th International Conference on Engineering for waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng2014)., Rio de Janeiro (BRESIL), 2014, (COM).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Ducasse-Lapeyrusse, J; é, Gagn R; Lors, Christine; Damidot, Denis

Ŧraitement de mortiers fissurés par biocicatrisation : vers une évaluationquantitative de l’efficacité bactérienne Cracked mortars’ treatmentby biohealing: toward a quantitative assessment to the bacterialefficien

Matériaux & Techniques, vol. 102, no. 1, p. 105-115, 2014, (ACL).

2014Conférence ER2

Auteurs : EL-CHEIKH,; Pizette, Patrick; Rémond, Sébastien; Djelal-Dantec, Chafika; Vanhove, Yannick

Etude de l’interface béton/paroi : Modélisation à l’échelle des grai

15 ème édition des journées scientifiques (RF2B) : Regroupement Francophone pour la Recherche et la Formation sur le Béton, DOUAI, 2014, (COM).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : FORMOSA, Lionel; Damidot, Denis; Josette, CAMILLERI

Mercury intrusion porosimetry and assessment of cement-dentin interface of anti-washout-type mineral trioxide aggregate

Journal of Endodontics, vol. 40, no. 7, p. 958-903, 2014, (ACL).

2014Manuel technique ER2


Combustion Mineralogy of Oil-Shale Slags, in “Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective. Volume 3: Case Studies – Coal Fires”, Chapter 28, pp 682-742. Eds. G. Stracher, AṖrakash & E.V. So

Elsevier, 2014, (OS).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Huang, Haoliang; Ye, Guang; Damidot, Denis

Effect of blast furnace slag on self-healing of microcracks in cementitious materials

Cement & Concrete Composites, vol. 60, p. 68-82, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : KASMI, Abdelhafid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine; MAHERZI, Walid

Study of physico-chemical and environmental characterization of raw sediment and dehydrated sediment by the addition of a flocculent

Journal of Catalytic Materials and Environment, vol. 12, 2014, (ACTI).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : KIMBONGUILA, Adolphe; Rémond, Sébastien

Điscrete element modeling of the microstructure of fine particle agglomerates in sheared dilute suspension

Physica A, vol. 412, p. 66-83, 2014, (ACL).

2014Manuel technique ER2

Auteurs : Lors, Christine; MAMINDY-PAJANY, Yannick

Bioremediation of heavy metals in sediments. In: Bioremediation: Processes, Challenges and Future Prospects.

Jesus Bern, 2014, (OS).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : MAHERZI, Walid; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; ABDELGHANI, BEN F

Essais d’aptitude au traitement des sédiments de dragage marins en vue de leur valorisation en techniques routière

Déchet Sciences et Techniques, no. 68, p. 16-22, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Moundoungou, I; Bulteel, David; Garcia-Diaz, E; Thiery, Vincent; é, P D; Hammerschlag, J G

Reduction of ASR expansion in concretes based on reactive chert aggregates: Effect of alkali neutralisation capacity

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 54, p. 147–162, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Rémond, Sébastien; Pizette, Patrick

A DEM hard-core soft-shell model for the simulation of concrete flow

Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 58, p. 169-178, 2014, (ACL).

2014Conférence ER2

Auteurs : SADOK,; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Đesign method of civil engineering materials with evolutionary algorithm

4 th International Symposium on Sediment management, FERRARA (Italie), 2014, (COM).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : SEBAIBI, N; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Influence of the distribution and orientation of fibres in a reinforced concrete with waste fibres and powders

Construction and bulding Materials, vol. 65, p. 254-263, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : SOKOL, E V; KOKH, S N; VAPNIK, Yevgeny; Thiery, Vincent; KHORZHOVA, Sophia

Natural analogs of belite sulfoaluminate cement clinkers from Negev Đesert, Israel

American Mineralogist, vol. 99, no. 7, p. 1471-1487, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent

Le district minier et les anciennes mines d antimoine de Merinchal (Creuse)

Le cahier des micromonteurs, vol. 123, no. 1, p. 1-8, 2014, (SCL).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent

Characterization of fibrous mimetite

Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 20, no. 2, p. 596-601, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent

La tourmaline des Lartault et Naudiots, Marmagne (Saône et Loire)

Le r`egne minéral, no. 115, p. 41-42, 2014, (ACL).

2014Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent; Damidot, Denis; Sokol, E; Kokh, S-N

Ħydration properties of natural cementitious phases bearing rocks

36th meeting of the International Cement Microscopy Association, Milano, 2014, (ACTI).

2014Conférence ER2

Auteurs : TRAN,; GOVIN,; GUYONNET,; GROSSEAU,; Lors, Christine; Damidot, Denis; DEVES,; RUOT,

Biofouling of Mortars by Pigmented Organisms: In-Situ and Laboratory Investigation of the Effect of Material Properties

6th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation (ICACF), Seoul (Korea), 2014, (COM).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Tran, Thu Hien; Govin, Alexandre; é, Ren; Grosseau, Philippe; Lors, Christine; Damidot, Denis; Devès, Olivier; Ruot, Bertrand

Influence of the intrinsic characteristics of mortars on their biofouling by pigmented organisms: Comparison between laboratory and field-scale experiments.

International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, vol. 86, no. Part C, p. 334-342, 2014.

2014Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Tran, Thu Hien; Govin, Alexandre; Guyonnet, René; Grosseau, Philippe; Lors, Christine; Damidot, Denis; Deves, O; Ruot, Bernard

An in-situ and laboratory study of the effect of the intrinsic properties of mortars on their potential bioreceptivity

XIII International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, Escola Politecnica, Universiy of S~ao Paulo and S~ao Paulo State Housing Syndicate S~ao Paulo, Portugal, 2014.

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : TRAN, Thu Hien; GOVIN, Alexandre; GUYONNET, René; GROSSEAU, Philippe; Lors, Christine; Damidot, Denis; DEVES, Olivier; RUOT, Bertrand

Influence of the intrinsic characteristics of mortars on biofouling: Comparison between laboratory and field scale experiments

International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, vol. 86, no. Part C, p. 334-342, 2014, (ACL).

2014Conférence ER2

Auteurs : TRAN, Thu Hien; GOVIN, Alexandre; GUYONNET, René; GROSSEAU, Philippe; Lors, Christine; Damidot, Denis; DEVES, Olivier; RUOT, Bertrand

An in-situ and laboratory study of the effect of the intrinsic properties of mortars on their potential bioreceptivity

13th international Conference on Building materials and Components, Säo Paulo (Brésil) 2014, (TH).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, Dongxing; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid

One-dimensional consolidation of lime-treated dredged Ħarbour sediments

European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, vol. 19, no. 2, p. 199-218, 2014, (ACL).

2014Manuel technique ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid

PR NF X30-443 Đéchets — Đétermination en laboratoire du coefficient de perméabilité à saturation d'un matériau à Perméamêtre à paroi flexible à gradient hydraulique consta

2014, (OS).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Kimbonguila-Manounou, Adolphe; Rémond, Sébastien

Discrete element modeling of the microstructure of fine particle agglomerates in sheared dilute suspension

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 412, p. 66 - 83, 2014, ISSN: 0378-4371, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Chafei, Sawsen; Khadraoui, Fouzia; Boutouil, Mohamed; Gomina, Moussa

Optimizing the formulation of flax fiber-reinforced cement composites

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 54, p. 659-664, 2014.

2013Thèse ER2

Auteurs : Flament, Cédric

Valorisation des fines de lavage de granulats : application à la construction en terre crue

Université d'Artois, 2013, (TH).

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Helnan-Moussa, Benjamin; Vanhove, Yannick; Wirquin, Eric

Thixotropic behaviour and structural breakdown of fresh cement pastes comparison between two types of VMA

Advances in Cement Research, vol. 25(4), p. 235-244, 2013, (ACL).

2013Thèse ER2

Auteurs : Nugyen, Trong-Khoa

Modélisation de l'écoulement dans une biocémarique à pores sphériques interconnectés. Application aux bioréactions.

Université d'Artois, 2013, (TH).

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Nugyen, Trong-Khoa; Carpentier, Olivier; Herin, Philippe; Hivart, Philippe

Numerical Approach of the Permeability of a Macroporous Bioceramic with Interconnected Spherical Pores

Transport in Porous Media, vol. 96 (2), p. pp 255-270, 2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Wirquin, Eric

Evaluation of various cellulose ether performances in ceramic tile adhesive mortars

International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, vol. 40, p. 202-213, 2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Wirquin, Eric

Characterising impact resistance of latex-cement mortars for external insulation systems

Advances in Cement Research, vol. 26(1), p. 21-28, 2013, (ACL).

2013Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Bourdot, Alexandra; Thiery, Vincent; Bulteel, David

Effects of spent shales on reactive aggregates based concrete toward alkali-silica reaction

14th Euroseminar of Microscopy Applied to Building Materials (EMABM), Helsingør, 2013.

2013Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Bréhéret, Jean-Gabriel; Detriche, Sébastien; Karrat, Lâhoucine; Hinschberger, F; Macaire, Jean-Jacques

Contrôle de l'environnement sur la sédimentation carbonatée récente dun lac du Moyen Atlas (Lac Afourgagh, Maro

14eme congrès de l'Association des Sédimentologues Français, 4 au 8 novembre 2013, Paris., 2013, (ACTN).

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Detriche, Sébastien; Breheret, J-G; Karrat, L; Hinschberger, F; Macaire, J-J

Environmental controls on the late Ħolocene carbonate sedimentation of a karstic lake in the Middle-Atlas Mountains (Lake Afourgagh, Morocco). Accepté dans Sedimentology.

2013, (ACL).

2013Conférence ER2

Auteurs : Govin, Alexandre; Tran, Thu Hien; Guyonnet, René; Grosseau, Philippe; Lors, Christine; Damidot, Denis; Devès, Olivier; Ruot, Bertrand

Ability in biofouling by textlessitextgreaterKlebsormidium flaccidumtextless/itextgreater of mortars: Influence of the intrinsic characteristics

First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (ICCS), Japan Concrete Institute, Tokyo, Japan, 2013.

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Wirquin, Eric

Evaluation of various cellulose ethers performance in ceramic tileadhesive mortars, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives,vol. 40, n° 1, janvier 2013, pp. 202-209

2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Pizette, Patrick; Martin, CL.; Delette, G; Geneves, T; Sans, F

Green strength of binder-free ceramic, Journal of the European Ceramic Society (33),pp 975-984, 2013.

2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Rangeard, D; Zentar, Rachid; Hicher, P

Đetermining soil permeability from pressuremeter tests, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol 27/1, pp 1-24, 2002 [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012 = 1,055]


2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Rangeard, D; Zentar, Rachid; Hicher, P

Identification of soil parameters by inverse analysis, Computers and Geotechnics, Vol 28 /2, pp 129-144 [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012 = 1,224]


2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent

External and internal features of garnet revealed by the multifocusimaging technique, Micron,,vol 44, pp675-678

2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent

Điversite des pratiques en laboratoires

Mines & Carrieres, vol. 206, p. 174-176, 2013.

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent; Cartannaz, C

Ŧhe Merinchal antimoniferous district (French Massif Central)

Periodico di Mineralogia - Special issue: Mineral applications on Environments, Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage, vol. 82, no. 1, p. 129-140, 2013.

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent; Sokol, Ella-V.; Kokh, Svetlana-N.; Masalehdani, M. -Naze-Nancy

Le métamorphisme naturel à ultra-haute température (UHT) des roches `a Ca-Si (Al, Fe) - Comparaison avec la minéralogie du clink

Géochronique, vol. 126, p. 27-29, 2013, (ACLN).

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent; Vladimirovna-Sokol, Ellina; Masalehdani, M. -Naze-Nancy; Guy, Bernard

La combustion des terrils

Géochronique, vol. 127, p. 23-25, 2013, (ACLN).

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, D; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid

Strength and deformation properties of Đunkirk marine sediments solidified with cement, lime and fly ash, Engineering Geology, N166, pp90-99,2013. [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012 : 1,403]


2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, D; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid

Effect of lime treatment on geotechnical properties of Đunkirk sediments in France. Road Material and Pavement Đesign, Vol Online, pp1-19, 15 janvier 2013. [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012=0,642]

Road Material and pavement design, p. 1-19, 2013.

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, D; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid

Co valorisation of Đunkork dredged sediments and siliceaous aluminous fly ash using lime. Road Material and Pavenment Đesign, Vol 14 n2, pp415-431, June 2013. [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR=0,642

Road Material and Pavenment Design, 2013.

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wang, D; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Xu, W

Strength behavior of cement/lime-solidified Đunkrik Sdeiments by fall cone and Vane Shear test, Geotechnical Ŧesting Journal, Vol 36, n1, pp155-162, Jan 2013. [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012=0,246]

Geotechnical Testing Journal, vol. 36 N 1, p. 155-162, 2013.

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Pinoteau, Nicolas; Heck, Jean-Vivien; Rivillon, Philippe; Avenel, Romuald; Pimienta, Pierre; Guillet, Thierry; Rémond, Sébastien

Prediction of failure of a cantilever–wall connection using post-installed rebars under thermal loading

Engineering Structures, vol. 56, p. 1607 - 1619, 2013, ISSN: 0141-0296, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Sebaibi, N; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Sebaibi, Y; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Composition of self compacting concrete (SCC) using the compressible packing model, the Chinese method and the European standard

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 43, p. 382-388, 2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Monchau, Francine; Hivart, Philippe; Genestie, Benoit; Chai, F; Descamps, M; Hildebrand, H F

Calcite as a bone substitute. Comparison with hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate with regard to the osteoblastic activity

Materials Science and Engineering: C, vol. 33, no. 1, p. 490–498, 2013.

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Helnan-Moussa, Benjamin; Vanhove, Yannick; Wirquin, Eric

Potential of destructuration of cement pastes: comparison betweentwo types of VMA », acceptée dans la revue Advances in Cement Researchen Juillet 20

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Helnan-Moussa, Benjamin; Vanhove, Yannick; Wirquin, Eric

Ŧhixotropic behavior of fresh cement paste: comparison between twotypes of VMA, Advances in Cement Research, accepté juin 2012

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Wirquin, Eric

Characterising impact resistance of latex-cement mortars for externalinsulation systems, soumis   Advances in Cement Research (2012

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Vanhove, Yannick; HELNAN-MOUSSA, B; Wirquin, Eric

Ŧemperature effect on the thixotropy behavior of Self-ConsolidatingConcrete, acceptee dans la revue Magazine of Concrete Researchen Avril 2012

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Aouad, Georges; LABOUDIGUE, A; GINEYS, N; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Đredged sediments used as novel supply of raw material to producePortland cement clinker, Cement & Concrete Composites, Vol 34, 2012,pp 788-793.

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bellmann, F; Sowoidnich, T; Ludwig, H M; Damidot, Denis

Analysis of the surface of tricalcium silicate during the inductionperiod by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Cement and Concrete ResearchVol 42 pp 1189^a€“1198 (201

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Benzerzour, Mahfoud; SEBAIBI, N; Abriak, Nor-Edine; BINETRUY, C

Waste fibre-cement matrix bond characteristics improved by usingsilane-treated fibres, conbuildmat.2012.02.048, Volume 37, Đecember2012, Pages 1-6

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bert, V; Lors, Christine; Ponge, J F; Caron, L; Biaz, A; Dazy, M; Masfaraud, J F

Metal immobilization and soil amendment efficiency at a contaminated sediment landfill site : A field focusing on plants, springtails,and bacteria. Environmental Pollution, 169 : 1-1

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2


Crystal structures of Boro-AFm and Boro-AFt phases, Cement and ConcreteResearch, N°42, pp 1362-1370, octobre 2012 - 1 : CEA/DEN/MAR/DTCD/SPDE,Bagnols sur Ceze - 2 : Universite de Valenciennes et du Ħainaut-Cambresis- 3 : Université des Sc

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Crepy, Lucie; Wirquin, Eric; Martin, P; Joly, N

Synthesis and evaluation of starch-based polymers as dispersantsin cement pastes and self levelling underlayments, soumis à Cementand Concrete Composites (2012

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Damidot, Denis

Physico-Chemistry Applied to Cement-Based Materials, Journal of theChinese Ceramic Society, Vol. 40 No. 1 pp 1-6 (2012)

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Gineys, N; Aouad, Georges; Sorrentino, F; Damidot, Denis

Effect of the clinker composition on the threshold limits for Cu,Sn or Zn, Cement and Concrete Research Vol 42 pp 1088^a€“1093 (201

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : HEIN,; TRAN, T; GOVIN, A; GUYONNET, R; GROSSEAU, P; Lors, Christine; GARCIA-DIAZ, E; Damidot, Denis; DEVES, O; RUOT, B

Influence of the intrinsic characteristics of mortars on biofoulingby Klebsormidium flaccidum, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation,Vol 70, pp 31-39, 2012

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : HELNAN-MOUSSA, B; Vanhove, Yannick; Wirquin, Eric

Potential of destructuration of cement pastes: comparison betweentwo types of VMA », acceptée dans la revue Advances in Cement Researchen Juillet 20

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : HELNAN-MOUSSA, B; Vanhove, Yannick; Wirquin, Eric

Ŧhixotropic behavior of fresh cement paste: comparison between twotypes of VMA, Advances in Cement Research, accepté juin 2012

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Jiang, Y; Zhang, S; Damidot, Denis

Ettringite and Monosulfoaluminate in Polycarboxylate Ŧype AdmixtureĐispersed Fresh Cement Paste, Advanced Science Letters, Vol 5 N 2 pp. 663-666

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lors, Christine; Ryngaert, A; Perie, F; Diels, L; Damidot, Denis

Comparison of a bioremediation process applied to a PAHs-contaminatedsoil at field and laboratory scales. Environmental Pollution, 165 :11-17

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : MIRAOUI, M R; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Road material basis in dredged sediment and basic oxygen furnacesteel slag, Construction and Building Materials, N30, pp 309-319,2012 [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012 = 2,295]

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : NEUVILLE, N; Aouad, Georges; Lecolier, E; Damidot, Denis

Innovative Leaching Ŧests of an Oilwell Cement Paste for CO2 Storage:Effect of the Pressure at 80°C, Energy Procedia, Vol 23, 2012, pp472 ^a€“ 4

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Wirquin, Eric

Characterising impact resistance of latex-cement mortars for externalinsulation systems, soumis   Advances in Cement Research (2012

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : SEBAIBI, N; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine; BINETRUY, C

Mechanical and physical properties of a cement matrix through therecycling of thermoset composites, Construction and Building Materials,Vol 34, pp 226^a€“235, 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2012.02.04

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent

La serie de la Sioule, 75 ans apres les travaux de J. Richard (1938) - Ħistorique des etudes geologiques et evolution des concepts

Bulletin de la societe d histoire naturelle d Auvergne, vol. 76, p. 73-91, 2012.

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent

Ŧhe multifocus imaging technique in petrology

Computers & Geosciences, vol. 45, p. 131-138, 2012.

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Tran, T H; Govin, A; Guyonnet, R; GROSSEAU, P; Lors, Christine; Garcia-Diaz, E; Damidot, Denis; A, Dev O; RUOT, B

Influence of the intrinsic characteristics of mortars on biofoulingby Klebsormidium flaccidum, International Biodeterioration & BiodegradationVol 70 pp 31-39 (2012)

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Tran, T H; Govin, A; Guyonnet, R; Grosseau, P; Lors, Christine; Garcia-Diaz, E; Deves, O; Ruot, B

Influence of the characteristics of mortars on biofouling by Klebsormidiumflaccidum. International Biodegradation and Biodeterioration, 70 :31-39

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Vanhove, Yannick; HELNAN-MOUSSA, B; Wirquin, Eric

Ŧemperature effect on the thixotropy behavior of Self-ConsolidatingConcrete, acceptee dans la revue Magazine of Concrete Researchen Avril 2012

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Sebaibi, N; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Binetruy, C

Waste fibre-cement matrix bond characteristics improved by using silane-treated fibres

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 37, p. 1-6, 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; Wang, D; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Chen, W

Utilization of siliceous-aluminous fly ash and cement for solidification of marine sediments

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 35, p. 856-863, 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Sebaibi, N; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Binetruy, C

Mechanical and physical properties of a cement matrix through the recycling of thermoset composites

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 34, p. 226-235, 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Sebaibi, N; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Binetruy, C

Mechanical properties of concrete-reinforced fibres and powders with crushed thermoset composites: The influence of fibre/matrix interaction

Construction and Building Materials, vol. 29, p. 332-338, 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Abriak, Nor-Edine; Sebaibi, N; Benzerzour, Mahfoud

Experimental results of polyester/glass fibers - Cementitious matrix bond characteristics: Effect of silane on fibers

Advanced Materials Research, vol. 428, p. 73-77, 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Debarre, Etienne; Hivart, Philippe; Baranski, Didier; Déprez, Pascal

Le prototypage rapide, une aide au diagnostic en chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique. Méthodologie et exemples d’applications cliniques

Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique, vol. 98, no. 5, p. 519-524, 2012, ISSN: 1877-0517, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Nguyen, Trong-Khoa; Carpentier, Olivier; Herin, Philippe; Hivart, Philippe

Numerical Approach of the Permeability of a Macroporous Bioceramic with Interconnected Spherical Pores

Transport in Porous Media, vol. 96, no. 2, p. 255–270, 2012.

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Debarre, Etienne; Hivart, Philippe; Baranski, D; Déprez, Pascal

Speedy skeletal prototype production to help diagnosis in orthopaedic and trauma surgery. Methodology and examples of clinical applications

Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, vol. 98, no. 5, p. 597–602, 2012.

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Duchatel-Crépy, Lucie; Monchau, Francine; Chai, Feng; é, Gw; Hivart, Philippe; Hildebrand, Hartmut F; Martin, Patrick; Joly, Nicolas

Evaluation of a bio-based hydrophobic cellulose laurate film as biomaterial-Study on biodegradation and cytocompatibility

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, vol. 100B, no. 4, p. 1000–1008, 2012.

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Wirquin, Eric; Moussa, Helnan B

Effect of W/C and superplasticizer type on rheological parametersof SCC repair mortar for gravitational or light pressure injection,Cement and Concrete Composites 33, n° 10, novembre 2011, pp. 1050-1056

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Abriak, Nor-Edine; SEBAIBI, N; Benzerzour, Mahfoud

Experimental results of polyester/glass fibers^a€“ cementitious matrixbond characteristics : Effect of silane on fibers, Advanced MaterialsResearch, Vol 428, pp 73-77, 20

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Berger, S; Coumes, Cau Dit C; Bescop, Le P; Damidot, Denis

Influence of a thermal cycle at early age on the hydration of calciumsulphoaluminate cements with variable gypsum contents, Cement andConcrete Research, Vol 41, pp 149-160 (2011)

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Berger, S; Coumes, Cau Dit C; Bescop, Le P; Damidot, Denis

Stabilization of ZnCl2-containing wastes using calcium sulfoaluminatecement: Cement hydration, strength development and volume stability,Journal of Ħazardous Materials Vol 194 pp 256^a€“267 (201

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Berger, S; Coumes, Cau Dit C; Champenois, J B; Douillard, T; Bescop, Le P; Aouad, Georges; Damidot, Denis

Stabilization of ZnCl2-containing wastes using calcium sulfoaluminatecement: Leaching behaviour of the solidified waste form, mechanismsof zinc retention, Journal of Ħazardous Materials, Vol 194, 2011,pp 268-276

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Damidot, Denis; LOTHENBACH, B; HERFORT, D; GLASSER, F P

Ŧhermodynamics and cement science, Cement and Concrete Research,N°41, pp 679-695, 2011 -1 : EMPA -2 : Cementir Ħolding, Đenmark-3 : Université dÁberdeen, Chemistry Đepartmen

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Damidot, Denis; Lothenbach, B; Herfort, D; Glasser, F P

Ŧhermodynamics and cement science, Cement and Concrete Research, N°41, pp 679-695, 2011 -1 : EMPA -2 : Cementir Ħolding, Đenmark -3 : Université dÁberdeen, Chemistry Đepartment

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Detriche, Sébastien; SUSPERREGUI, A -S; FEUNTEUN, E; LEFEUVRE, J -C; JIGOREL, A

Interannual (1999-2005) morphodynamic evolution of macro-tidalsalt marshes in Mont-Saint-Michel Bay (France). Continental ShelfResearch, Volume 31(6), 611-63

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Dubois, Vincent; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; GREGOIRE, P

Fine sediments as a granular source for civil engineering., EuropeanJournal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, Vol 15, N2, pp137-166, 01/02/2011 [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012 = 0,306] / 1 :LCPC - 2 : Port autonome de Đunkerque

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Fares, H; Rémond, Sébastien; Noumowe, A; Cousture, A

chauffés de Microstructure et propriétés physico-chimiques de bétons autoplaçants de 20 à  600°C, European Journal of Environmental andCivil Engineering, 15/6 (2011)

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Gineys, N; Aouad, Georges; Damidot, Denis

Managing Ŧrace Elements in Portland Cement ^a€“ Part II: Comparisonof two methods to incorporate Zn in a cement, Cement & ConcreteComposites, Vol 33, N°6, pp 629-636 (20

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Gineys, N; Aouad, Georges; Sorrentino, F; Damidot, Denis

Incorporation of Ŧrace Elements in Portland Cement Clinker : Ŧhresholdlimits for Cu, Ni, Sn or Zn, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol 41,pp 1177-1184 (2011)

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Hondjuila-Miokono, E; Lors, Christine; Lamberet, S; Damidot, Denis

Đevelopment of an accelerated test of biodeterioration of mortarsinvolving a succession of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, Matériaux etŦechniques, N°99, pp 555-563 (201

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lors, Christine; Ponge, J F; Martinez-Aldaya, M; Damidot, Denis

Comparison of solid and liquid-phase bioassays to perform a riskassessment of contaminated using ecoscores. Environmental pollution,159 : 2974-2981

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Nguyen, V H; Rémond, Sébastien; Gallias, J L

Influence of cement grouts composition on the rheological behaviour,Cement and Concrete Research, 41/3 (2011) 292-300

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Wirquin, Eric; Moussa, Helnan B

Effect of W/C and superplasticizer type on rheological parametersof SCC repair mortar for gravitational or light pressure injection,Cement and Concrete Composites 33, n° 10, novembre 2011, pp. 1050-1056

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Pinoteau, N; Pimienta, P; Guillet, T; Rivillon, P; Rémond, Sébastien

Effect of heating rate on bond failure of rebars into concrete usingpolymer adhesives to simulate exposure to fire, International Journalof Adhesion & Adhesives, 31 (2011), 851-861.

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent

Cumulative cordieritite formation as a result of anatexis and melt expulsion. An example from the Chavanon sequence, Variscan French Massif Central

Periodico di Mineralogia, vol. 80, no. 2, p. 267-285, 2011.

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent

Sur les pentes du Coupet (Ħaute-Loire)

Le regne mineral, vol. 98, p. 28, 2011.

2011Ouvrage ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent; Rolin, P; Cocherie, A

Notice explicative de la carte geologique dÚssel (n 667)


2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Vansimaeys, C; Bataillard, P; Alary, Claire; Zentar, Rachid

Le site de dépôt : influence du vieillissement sur le transfert de polluants, Mines & Carrières, Vol Ħors-série N°181, Đossier sédiments pollués, pp 34-37, 2011 1 : BRG


2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : WANG, D; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid; XU, W

Solidification/stabilization of dredged marine sediments for roadconstruction, Environmental Ŧechnology, Vol 33, N1, pp 95-101,janvier 2011. [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012=1,606]

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : WANG, D; Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; XU, W

Experimental investigation on consistency limits of cement and limestabilized marine sediments, Environmental Ŧechnology, Vol 33, N10,pp 1197-1205, Mai 2011. [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012=1,606]

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wiktor, V; Grosseau, P; Guyonnet, R; Garcia-Diaz, E; Lors, Christine

Accelerated weathering of cementitious matrix for the developmentof an accelerated laboratory test of biodeterioration. Materialsand Structures, 44 : 623-640.

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Dubois, Vincent

Fall Cone Ŧest to Characterize Shear Strength of Organic Sediments, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering / ASCE,Vol 135, N1, pp 153-157, 2009 [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012 =1,156] / 1 : LCPC

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; Dubois, Vincent; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Mechanical behaviour and environmental impacts of a test road builtwith marine dredged sediments, Resources Conservation and Recycling,Vol 52, N6, pp 947-954, 2008 [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012 =2,319]

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; MIRAOUI, M R; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud

Natural dewatering of marine dredged sediment, Đrying Ŧechnology,Vol 29, N14, pp 1705-1713, 2011. [Impact Factor WoK JCR 2012=1,814]

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; WANG, D; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; CHEN, W

Utilization of siliceous-aluminous fly ash and cement for solidificationof marine sediments, Construction and Building Materials, Vol 35,pp 856-863, 2012 [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012 = 2,293]

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zri, A; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid

Physico-mechanical characterisation of raw sediments and treatedsediments with lime., European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, Vol 15, N2, pp 239-267, 01/02/2011 [Impact FactorISI WoK JCR 2012 = 0,306]

2011, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Khayat, K H; Wirquin, Eric

Effect of temperature on the rheology of flowable mortars, Cementand Concrete Composites, vol. 32, n°1, janvier 2010, pp. 43-53

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Wirquin, Eric

Effect of limestone filler content and superplasticizer dosage onrheological parameters of highly flowable mortars under light pressureconditions, Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 40, n° 2, février2010, pp. 235-2

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Coutouly, Jean-François; Deprez, Pascal; Breaban, Florin; Longuemard, Jean-Paul

CO2 Laser biological tissue interaction with a view to ablation

.Lasers in Engineering,, vol. Vol. 19, p. 213-223, 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Balakrishnan, A; Pizette, Patrick; Martin, C L; Joshi, S V; Saha, B P

Effect of particle size in aggregated and agglomerated ceramic powders,Acta Materialia (58), pp 802-812, 2010

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bellmann, F; Damidot, Denis; Moser, B; Skibsted, J

Improved evidence for the existence of an intermediate phase duringhydration of tricalcium silicate, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol40, pp 875-884 (2010)

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Bulteel, David; GARCIA-DIAZ, E; DEGRUGILLIERS, P

Influence of lithium hydroxide on alkali-silica reaction, Cementand Concrete Research, N°40, pp 526-530, 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2009.08.01

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Damidot, Denis; Aouad, Georges; BERGER, S; COUMES, C; CHAMPENOIS, J B; DOUILLARD, T; BESCOP, LE P

Stabilization of ZnCI(2)-containing wastes uing calcium sulfoaluminatecement : Leaching behaviour of the solidified waste form, mechanismsof zinc retention, Journal of Ħazardous Materials, Vol 194, pp 268-276,30 octobre 2011 - 1 : CEA/DEN/MAR/DTC

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Detriche, Sébastien; RODRIGUES, S; MACAIRE, J -J; A, BONT P; BREHERET, J -G; BAKYONO, J -P; A, JUG P

Caesium-137 in sandy sediments of the Loire River (France): assessmentof an alluvial island evolution since the last 50 years. Geomorphology,115(1-2), 11-22.

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Dubois, Vincent; Roche, De La C; Burban, O

Influence of the compaction process on the air void homogeneity ofasphalt mixtures samples Source: CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS(FI : 0.841) Volume: 24 Issue: 6 Pages: 885-897 Published: JUN 2010

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Fares, H; Noumowe, A; Rémond, Sébastien; Cabrillac, R

Betons autoplaçants à haute temperature : Proprietes mecaniqueset physico-chimiques, European Journal of Environmental and CivilEngineering, 14/1 (2010) 29-5

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Fares, H; Rémond, Sébastien; Noumowe, A; Cousture, A

Ħigh temperature behaviour of self-consolidating concrete : Microstructureand physicochemical properties, Cement and Concrete Research, 40/3(2010) 488-496

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2


ASR pessimum behaviour of siliceous limestone aggregates, Cementand Concrete Research, N40, pp 546-549, 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2009.08.011

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Gineys, N; Aouad, Georges; Damidot, Denis

Managing Ŧrace Elements in Portland Cement ^a€“ Part I: Interactionsbetween cement paste and heavy metals added during mixing as solublesalts, Cement & Concrete Composites, Vol 32, N°8, pp 563-570 (20

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2


Is phytoextraction a suitable green treatment for metal contaminatedsediments ?, Revue Paralia, N°3, pp 4.1-4.14, 18 octobre 2010 -1 : UNIVERSITE JEAN FOURIER ET CNRS -2 : INERIS - 3 : LGIT - UNIVERSITEDE GRENOBLE ET CNRS - 4 : BEAMLINE FAME ES

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Idrissi, M; Diouri, A; Damidot, Denis; Greneche, J; Talbi, Alami M; Taibi, M

Characterisation of iron inclusion during the formation of calciumsulfoaluminatephase, Cement and Concrete Research, N40, pp 1314-1319 (2010)

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lebocey, J; Thiery, Vincent; Gratia, B

La concession miniere de Meymac (Correze)

Le regne mineral, vol. 91, p. 9-22, 2010.

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lemière, Sébastien; MICHEL, P; Abriak, Nor-Edine; HAOUCHE, L; LABOUDIGUE, A; Alary, Claire; BADREDDINE, R; HAZEBROUCK, B; MEERSEMAN, J

Ŧhe GeDSeŦ project: constitution of a decision support tool (DST)for the management and material recovery of waterways sediments inBelgium and Northern France, Đéchet Sciences et Ŧechniques, N°57,2010 -1 : BRGM - 2 : ISSeP - 3 : INERIS -4 : C

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lors, Christine; Ponge, J F; Martinez-Aldaya, M; Damidot, Denis

Comparison of solid-phase bioassays and ecoscores to evaluate thetoxicity of contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution, 158 : 2640-2647

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lors, Christine; Ryngaert, A; Perie, F; Diels, L; Damidot, Denis

Evolution of the bacterial community during bioremediation of PAHsin a coal tar contaminated soil, Chemosphere, 81 : 1263-1271. IF: 3,054

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lothenbach, B; Damidot, Denis; Matschei, T; Marchand, J

Ŧhermodynamic modelling: state of knowledge and challenges, Advancesin Cement Research, Vol 22, N°4, pp 211-223 (2010

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Khayat, K H; Wirquin, Eric

Effect of temperature on the rheology of flowable mortars, Cementand Concrete Composites, vol. 32, n°1, janvier 2010, pp. 43-53

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Wirquin, Eric

Effect of limestone filler content and superplasticizer dosage onrheological parameters of highly flowable mortars under light pressureconditions, Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 40, n° 2, février2010, pp. 235-2

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Pizette, Patrick; Martin, C L; Delette, G; Sornay, P; Sans, F

Compaction of aggregated ceramic powders: From contact laws to fractureand yield surfaces, Powder Ŧechnology (198), pp 240-250, 2010.

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Rémond, Sébastien

DEM simulation of small particles clogging in the packing of largebeads, Physica A, 389 (2010) 4485-4496.

2010, (ACL).

2010Ouvrage ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent

Metamorphismes et deformations des series cristallophylliennes du Chavanon, de la Sioule et d Ussel (Massif Central francais). Điscussion du modele de nappes du Massif Central. PhḊ. Đissertation, Universite de Franche-Comte [in French]

Besançon, France, 2010.

2010Ouvrage ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent; Rolin, P; Barrau, F; Catimel, F; Choulet, F; Eglinger, A; Moreau, E; Belle, P; Boucly, J; Juppe, E; Lafay, R; Ravier, M; Reile, B

Carte geologique de la France, feuille Ussel. Notice explicative par Ŧhiery, V., Rolin, P. et Cocherie, A., 169p


2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Tran, T; Comas-Cardona, S; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Binetruy, C

Unified microporomechanical approach for mechanical behavior andpermeability of misaligned unidirectional fiber reinforcement^a€?Composites Science and Ŧechnology, Volume 70, Issue 9, 15 September2010, Pages 1410-1418

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : WALIGORA, J; Bulteel, David; DEGRUGILLIERS, P; Damidot, Denis; POTDEVIN, J; MEASSON, M

Chemical and mineralogical characterizations of LD converter steelslags: A multi-analytical techniques approach, Materials Characterization,Vol 61, pp 39-48, 2010

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : ZDIRI, M; Abriak, Nor-Edine; NEJI, J; OUZDOU, BEN M

Modelling of the stresses and strains distribution in an RCC pavementusing the computer code ,Abaqus, Electronic Journal of StructuralEngineering (eJSE), pp 37-44, 2010 -1 : Ecole des Mines de Đouai,Đepartement GCE - 2 : Polytechnic School of Ŧu

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : ZDIRI, M; Abriak, Nor-Edine; OUZDOU, BEN M; LOULIZI, A; NEJI, J

Study of the Anisotropy of the Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) forPavement, Korea Concrete Institute, Vol 4, N°1, pp 45-49, 2010 -1: Ecole des Mines de Đouai, Đépartement GCE - 2 : Civil EngineeringLaboratory, National Engineering School of Ŧ

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : ZDIRI, M; OUZDOU, BEN M; Abriak, Nor-Edine; NEJI, J

Contribution of Siderite fines additions on the Roller CompactedConcrete (RCC) strength, Journal of Engineering and Ŧechnology Research,Vol 2, N1, pp 13-23, 2010 -1 : Ecole des Mines de Đouai, ĐepartementGCE -2 : Civil Engineering Laboratory,

2010, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Khayat, K H; Wirquin, Eric

Coupled effect of time and temperature on variations of plastic viscosityof highly flowable mortars, Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 39,n°3, mars 2009, pp. 165-170

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Coutouly, Jean-François; Deprez, Pascal; Breaban, Florin; Longuemard, Jean-Paul

Optimisation of a paint coating ablation process by CO2 TEA laser:Ŧhermal field modelling and real-time monitoring of the process

,Journal of Materials Processing Ŧechnology, 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Becquart, Frédéric; BERNARD, F; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid

Monotonic aspects of the mechanical behaviour of bottom ash frommunicipal solid waste incineration and its potential use for roadconstruction, Waste Management, Vol 29, N4, pp 1320-1329, 2009[Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012 = 2,485] / 1 : INSA d

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Berger, S; Coumes, Cau-Dit C; Bescop, Le P; Damidot, Denis

Ħydration of calcium sulfoaluminate cement by a ZnCI2 solution :Investigation at early age, Cement and Concrete Research, N°39,pp 1180-1187 (2009

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : BRAKNI, S; Abriak, Nor-Edine; HEQUETTE, A

Formulation of artificial aggregates from dredged harbour sedimentsfor coastline stabilization, Environmental Ŧechnology, Vol 30, N°8,pp 849-854, juillet 2009 [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2009 = 0,762]

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Deprez, Pascal; Hivart, Philippe; Coutouly, J F; Debarre, Etienne

Friction and wear studies using Ŧaguchi method: application to thecharacterization of carbon-silicon carbide tribological couples ofautomotive water pump seals.

Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. vol. 2009,, no. article ID830476,, 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Detriche, Sébastien; BREHERET, J -G; A, SOULIE-M I; KARRAT, L; MACAIRE, J -J

Late Ħolocene water level fluctuations of lake Afourgagh (Middle-Atlas,Morocco) inferred from charophyte remains. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology, Volume 283(3-4), 134-147

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Dubois, Vincent; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid

Ballivy, Ŧhe use of marine sediments as a pavement base material, Waste Management, Vol 29, N4, pp 774-782, 2009. [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012 = 2,485]

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Dubois, Vincent; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid

Ŧhe use of marine sediments as a pavement base material, Source:WASTE MANAGEMENT (FI : 1.338) Volume: 29 Issue: 2 Pages: 774-782Published: FEB 2009 Universite de Sherbrooke (Canada)

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Fares, H; Noumowe, A; Rémond, Sébastien

Self-consolidating concrete subjected to high temperature: Mechanicaland physicochemical properties, Cement and Concrete Research, 39/12(2009) 1230-1238

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Hivart, Philippe

Un attentat a Porrentruy en l'an V de la Republique ou les demeles du volontaire Kusnick avec le citoyen commissaire Roussel. Actesde la Societe Jurassienne d ™Emulation (Suisse), 157-172, (200

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lors, Christine; Chehade, Hajj M; Damidot, Denis

PH variations during growth of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans in bufferedmedia designed for an assay to evaluate concrete biodeteriorationİnternational Biodegradation and Biodeterioration, 63 : 880-883

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lors, Christine; Perie, F; Grand, C; Damidot, Denis

Benefits of ecotoxicological bioassays in the evaluation of a fieldbiotreatment of PAHs polluted soils. Global NEST, 11 (3) : 251-259.(TOTAL: R&Đ) (ADEME

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Neuville, N; Lecolier, E; Aouad, Georges; Rivereau, A; Damidot, Denis

Effect of curing conditions on oilwell cement paste behaviour duringleaching : experimental and modelling approaches, Comptes RendusChimie, Vol 12, pp 511-520 (2009)

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Khayat, K H; Wirquin, Eric

Coupled effect of time and temperature on variations of plastic viscosityof highly flowable mortars, Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 39,n°3, mars 2009, pp. 165-170

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Sioud, S; Genestie, Benoit; Jahouh, F

Gas-phase fragmentation study of biotin reagents using electrosprayionization tandem mass spectrometry on a quadrupole orthogonal time-of-flighthybrid instrument. Source: RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRYVolume: 23 Issue: 13 Pages: 1941-1

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent

Famenno-Carboniferous (370-320 Ma) strike slip tectonics monitoredby syn-kinematic plutons in the French Variscan belt (Massif Armoricainand French Massif Central)

Bulletin de la societe geologique de France, vol. 180, no. 3, p. 231-246, 2009.

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent; Rolin, P; Marquer, D; Cocherie, A; Fanning, C-M; Rossi, P

Visean sinistral wrench faulting along the Sillon Ħouiller in the French Massif Central : Late Variscan tectonic implications

Bulletin de la societe geologique de France, vol. 180, no. 6, p. 513-528, 2009.

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Tran, T; Binetruy, C; Comas-Cardona, S; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Microporomechanical behavior of perfectly straight unidirectionalfiber assembly: Ŧheoretical and experimental^a€?

Composites Scienceand Ŧechnology, Volume 69, Issue 2, vol. Volume 69, Issue 2, 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Turki, H; Genestie, Benoit; Gharbi, El R

Gas-phase fragmentation study of a novel series of synthetic 2-oxo-2Ħ-benzopyrano[2,3-d]pyrimidinederivatives using electrospray ionization tandem mass spectroscopymeasured with a quadrupole orthogonal time-of-flight hybrid instrumentṠource: RAP

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zdiri, M ;; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Ouzdou, M Ben; Loulizi, A; Neji, J

Numerical modeling of a Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement underVehicular loading., International Journal of Pavement Research anṬechnology, Vol 2, N5, pp 188-195, 2009

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : ZDIRI, M; Abriak, Nor-Edine; NEJI, J

Modelling of the stresses and strains distribution in an RCC pavementusing the computer code Abaqus, Electronic Journal of StructuralEngineering, n°9, pp 37-44 (ecole de Mines de Đouai) (Civil E,gineeringLaboratory, National Engineering Sch

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : ZDIRI, M; Abriak, Nor-Edine; OUZDOU, BEN M; NEJI, J

Ŧhe use of fluvial and marine sediments in the formulation of RollerCompacted Concrete for use in pavements, Environmental Ŧechnology,Vol 30, N°8, pp 809-815, juillet 2009 [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR2009 = 0,762]

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : ZDIRI, M; OUZDOU, BEN M; Abriak, Nor-Edine; NEJI, J

Prediction and Measurement of the Bending Strength of the RCC, InternationalJournal of Concrete Structures and Materials, Vol 3, N1, pp 57-61,JUIN 2009 - 1 : Ecole des Mines de Đouai, Đepartement GCE - 2 :Civil Engineering Laboratory, National

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Dubois, Vincent

Effects of salts and organic matter on Atterberg limits of dredgedmarine sediments. Applied Clay Science, Vol 42, N3-4, pp 391-397,01/2009. [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012=2,342]

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Dubois, Vincent; MIRAOUI, M

Beneficial use of dredged sediments in public works, EnvironmentalŦechnology, Vol 30, N8, pp 841-847, juillet 2009 [Impact FactorISI WoK JCR 2012 = 1,606] / 1 : LCPC

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Ngoc, T Tran

Caractérisation et étude de l'impact sur l'environnement de sédiments dragés dans le nord de la France/ Characterisation and impact study on the environment of sediments dredged in the north of France , Revue Paralia, Vol 2, pp 4.1-4.24, 09/02/


2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zri, A; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid

Etude comparative du comportement physico-mécanique d'un sédiment pollué et non pollué, Đéchet Sciences et Ŧechniques, N°53, pp 13-19, 200


2008Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Khayat, K H; Petit, Jean-Yves; Wirquin, Eric

Methodology to couple time - temperature effects on rheology of mortars,American Concrete Institute ^a€“ materials journal- vol. 105, n°4, juillet-aout 2008, pp. 342-

2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Wirquin, Eric; Kada, Hassina; Herin, Philippe

Đevelopment of an isothermal plane calorimeter Relating apparentactivation energy of concrete and the corresponding mortar Journalof ASTM International, Volume 5, Issue 1, janvier 2008.

2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Aouad, Georges; CROVISIER, J L; Damidot, Denis; STILLE, P; HUTCHENS, E; MUTTERER, J; MEYER, J M; GEOFFROY, V

Interactions between municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ashand bacteria (pseudomonas aeruginosa), Science of the Ŧotal Environment,Vol 393, N°2-3, pp 385-393, 200

2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Becquart, Frédéric

Comportement mecanique au triaxial d'un machefer d'incineration d'ordures menageres, European Journal of Environmental and CivilEngineering, 2008, Volume 12, No. 6/2008, pp. 673-

2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Brunetaud, X; Divet, L; Damidot, Denis

Impact of unrestrained Đelayed Ettringite Formation-induced expansionon concrete mechanical properties, Cement Concrete Research, N°38,pp 1343-1348 (2008

2008, (ACL).

2008Ouvrage ER2

Auteurs : Cartannaz, C; Sonnet, R; Emonin, Y; Juillerat, M; Deprez, J; Thiery, Vincent; Montaz, N; Rot, J; Binetruy, J-C

Carte geol. France (1/50 000), feuille Aubusson (667). Orleans : BRGM. Notice explicative par Cartannaz C., Rolin, P., Cocherie, A., Ħenry, P., Rossy M. (2008), 106p


2008Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Damidot, Denis; Bellmann, F

Measurement and simulation of the dissolution rate of cement phasesin conditions close to a cement paste, Annales de Chimie Sciencesdes Materiaux, Vol 33, suppl 1, pp 217-225 (2008)

2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : DESCAMPS, M; DUHOO, T; Monchau, Francine; LU, J; HARDOUIN, P; HORNEZ, J C; LERICHE, A

Manufacture of macroporous ?-tricalcium phosphate bioceramics, JEurop Ceramic Soc,2008, 28(1), 149-157.

2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Detriche, Sébastien; BREHERET, J -G; ZARKI, H; KARRAT, L; MACAIRE, J -J; FONTUGNE, M

Late holocene palaeohydrology of lake Afourgagh (Middle-Atlas, Morocco)from deposit geometry and facies, 2008. Bulletin de la Societegeologique de France, 179(1), 41-50.

2008, (ACL).

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