2023Article de journal ER2 Auteurs : Chedrewih, Migueli; Thiéry, Vincent; Gauthier, Arnaud; Amin, Fouad Dans: Journal of Microscopy, 2023, (ACL). @article{chedrewih:hal-04237014, |
2020Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Dubois, Michel; Gauthier, Arnaud Le sel, entre formation géologique et exploitation par les hommes In : Sel et société, tome 2 : Santé - croyances -economies,, 2020, (OS). @conference{Dubois2020, Salt is a mineral substance essential to human and animal health and is fundamental for numerous artisanal and industrial activities. Salt production started during prehistoric times and is probably one of the oldest extraction activity. The formation conditions of salt (halite) and the various associated minerals, either through natural processes or anthropogenic methods, represent a point where archaeology, history and Earth sciences converge according to several lines: thermodynamic modelling of the evaporation process, shoreline evolution since Antiquity and mining industry with the consequent sociological impacts. |
2020Article de journal ER4 Auteurs : Guillot, François; Averbuch, Olivier; Dubois, Michel; Durand, Cyril; Lanari, Pierre; Gauthier, Arnaud Zircon age of vaugnerite intrusives from the Central and Southern Vosges crystalline massifs (E France): contribution to the geodynamics of the European Variscan belt Dans: Bulletin de la Societe Géologique de France, vol. 191, no. 26, 2020, (ACLN). @article{Guillot2020, Datation du zircon de vaugnérites des Vosges centrales et méridionales : contribution à la géodynamique de l’orogène varisque d’Europe. Afin d’avancer dans la compréhension de la géodynamique des zones de suture varisque au stade tardif de la collision (en particulier au regard de l’évolution du système orogénique en contexte de HT), nous nous sommes intéressés à la mise en place des vaugnérites, roches basiques ultra-potassiques intrusives au sein des ensembles granito-gneissiques de la croûte varisque des Vosges. Ces roches, souvent associées aux ensembles granitiques tardi-collisionnels, sont de faible extension mais quasiment toujours présentes au sein de ces systèmes. Elles affleurent (1) dans les Vosges méridionales, en masses plutoniques marginales du Granite des Ballons et (2) dans les Vosges centrales (région de Plainfaing), en filons composites, intrusifs dans un complexe de migmatites et de roches métamorphiques appelées granite-gneiss. Les vaugnérites sont des roches mélanocrates à biotite et hornblende magnésiennes (20 à 40 % vol, 64 < mg# < 78), présentant des signatures géochimiques caractéristiques de roches ultra-potassiques mafiques à intermédiaires, métalumineuses à légèrement peralumineuses. L’âge U-Pb obtenu par ablation laser ICP-MS du zircon d’un gneiss à sillimanite du granite-gneiss encaissant des vaugnérites est de 451 ± 9 Ma, révélant un bâti pré-varisque à protolithe ordovicien supérieur. Les grains de zircon extraits de quatre vaugnérites donnent des âges U-Pb (± 2s) de 340 ± 2,5 Ma (Ballons), 340 ± 25 Ma, 340 ± 7 Ma et 336 ± 10 Ma (Vosges centrales). Les données de datation des vaugnérites, identiques aux incertitudes de mesure près, apparaissent donc cohérentes et révèlent un âge assez précoce dans l’histoire tardi-collisionnelle de la chaîne. Ces données, en accord avec les âges publiés préalablement sur ce secteur, montrent que les vaugnérites se mettent en place au Viséen moyen, au cours d’un événement magmatique majeur, exprimé tant dans les séries volcano-sédimentaires (Séries OderenMarkstein) que dans les granitoïdes ultra-potassiques des Vosges méridionales (Ballons) et centrales (Crêtes). Les études pétrologiques récentes sur les vaugnérites suggèrent qu’elles dérivent de la fusion partielle d’un manteau métasomatisé et contaminé à différents degrés par des éléments de croûte continentale fondue. Nous proposons ici que ce « pulse » magmatique ultra-potassique d’ampleur à 340– 335 Ma soit le signe une évolution majeure dans la dynamique de la subduction de la lithosphère rhénohercynienne sous les Vosges centrales et méridionales. Sur le modèle d’expériences thermomécaniques récentes simulant le déroulement d’une collision continentale mature, il pourrait traduire les premiers effets d’un phénomène de délamination lithosphérique syn-collisionelle impliquant (1) une subduction continentale relayée (2) par le sous-charriage d’une lame de croûte inférieure de la marge continentale avalonienne et (3) l’initiation de la délamination lithosphérique au sein du prisme orogénique supra-subduction qu’était le bloc continental saxothüringien-moldanubien. Ce processus conduirait à la mise en place d’un « upwelling » asthénosphérique, initialement localisé aux zones de suture varisque et se propageant au cours de la fin du Carbonifère vers le front sud de la chaîne à mesure de la propagation du front de délamination à la base de la croûte |
2019Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Gauthier, Arnaud; Dubois, Michel; Cochard, L Apport de la minéralogie et de la géochimie à l’étude de la compréhension des processus archéométallurgiques. Cas des ferriers de la forêt de Moulière Rencontres Interdisciplinaires et Interprofessionnelles Géosciences - Archéologie, 17 -18 juin 2019, Strasbourg, 2019, (AFF). @conference{Gauthier2019, |
2019Article de journal ER2 Auteurs : Patault, Edouard; Alary, Claire; Franke, Christine; Gauthier, Arnaud; Abriak, Nor-Edine Dans: Heliyon, vol. 5, no. 3, p. e01407, 2019, ((IF N/A [2018]; Q1)). @article{patault:hal-02080378, |
2018Article de journal ER4 Auteurs : Lomaglio, Tonia; Hattab-Hambli, Nour; Miard, Florie; Lebrun, Manhattan; Nandillon, Romain; Trupiano, Dalila; Scippa, Gabriella-Stefania; Gauthier, Arnaud; Motelica-Heino, Mikael; Bourgerie, Sylvain; Morabito, Domenico Cd, Pb, and Zn mobility and (bio)availability in contaminated soils from a former smelting site amended with biochar Dans: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, (ACL). @article{Lomaglio2018, Biochar is a potential candidate for the remediation of metal(loid)-contaminated soils. However, the mechanisms of contaminant-biochar retention and release depend on the amount of soil contaminants and physicochemical characteristics, as well as the durability of the biochar contaminant complex, which may be related to the pyrolysis process parameters. The objective of the present study was to evaluate, in a former contaminated smelting site, the impact of two doses of wood biochar (2 and 5% w/w) on metal immobilization and/or phytoavailability and their effectiveness in promoting plant growth in mesocosm experiments. Different soil mixtures were investigated. The main physicochemical parameters and the Cd, Pb, and Zn contents were determined in soil and in soil pore water. Additionally, the growth, dry weight, and metal concentrations were analyzed in the different dwarf bean plant (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) organs tested. Results showed that the addition of biochar at two doses (2 and 5%) improved soil conditions by increasing soil pH, electrical conductivity, and water holding capacity. Furthermore, the application of biochar (5%) to metal-contaminated soil reduced Cd, Pb, and Zn mobility and availability, and hence their accumulation in the different P. vulgaris L. organs. In conclusion, the data clearly demonstrated that biochar application can be effectively used for Cd, Pb, and Zn immobilization, thereby reducing their bioavailability and phytotoxicity. |
2018Article de journal ER4 Auteurs : Schettini, Antonella T; Leite, Mariangela-G. P.; Messias, Maria-Cristina-T. B.; Gauthier, Arnaud; Li, Haixiao; Kozovits, Alessandra-R. Exploring Al, Mn and Fe phytoextraction in 27 ferruginous rocky outcrops plant species Dans: Flora, vol. 238, p. 175-182, 2018, (ACL). @article{Schettini2018, Worldwide, substrates naturally rich in Al, Fe and Mn are the subject of mining, generating degradation of large areas and producing wastes with high pollution potential for water resources, soil and atmosphere, causing harm to human health and ecosystems. The present study investigated the total and phytoavailable concentration of these elements in soils and leaves of 27 native plant species from ferruginous rocky outcrops, finding values above the toxic limits described in literature and environmental legislation. Foliar levels of metals varied widely among species, demonstrating different phytoextraction or exclusionpotentials, which werenot explained by the total concentrationof elements or available soilfractions. Although most species are not considered hyperaccumulators,the results indicate the existence of species related to sites of greater availability of certain metals or that can modify soil quality through their different phytoextraction skills, with potential future uses in decontamination, stabilization, phytomining and ecological restoration projects. |
2018Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Fouad, Amin; Le-Coustumer, Philippe; Bernard, M; Gauthier, Arnaud; Dubois, Michel; Raux, J -J; Charlier, G Nouvelle méthode d'élaboration de sections polies et lames minces de matériaux cimentaires frais : préservation des caractéristiques microstructurales 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre 2018, Lille, 2018, (AFF). @conference{Fouad2018a, |
2018Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Fouad, Amin; Le-Coustumer, Philippe; Raux, J -J; Charlier, G; Gauthier, Arnaud; Dubois, Michel Nouvelle méthode de préparation par rodage de sections polies de matériaux minéraux sensibles à l'eau 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre 2018, Lille, 2018, (AFF). @conference{Fouad2018b, |
2018Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Gauthier, Arnaud; Masse, J; Motelica-Heino, Mikael; Dubois, Charlotte; Dubois, Michel Apport de l'agriculture urbaine dans une démarche de requalification de friches contaminées en jardin collectif : évaluation des sols et impacts environnementaux associés 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre 2018, Lille, 2018, (COM). @conference{Gauthier2018, |
2018Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Guillot, F; Averbuch, Olivier; Dubois, Michel; Durand, Cyril; Lanari, Pierre; Delangle, C; Gauthier, Arnaud Vaugnérites des Vosges : datations U-Pb sur zircon par LA-ICP-MS et hypothèses génétiques 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre 2018, Lille, 2018, (COM). @conference{Guillot2018, |
2018Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Ramadan, Ghanem; Dubois, Michel; Gauthier, Arnaud; Cheppe, Gaetan Impact de l’eau sue la stabilité des carrières souterraines : corrélation avec les épisodes météorologiques de surface 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre 2018, Lille, 2018, (AFF). @conference{Ramadan2018, |
2017Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Franke, Christine; Patault, Edouard; Alary, Claire; Lagroix, France; Gauthier, Arnaud; Abriak, Nor-Edine “Magnetic fingerprinting” of fluvial suspended particles in the context of fertile soil erosion: example of the Canche River watershed (Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France Colloque ICRM 2017 (International Conference on Rock Magnetism), 10-14 juillet 2017, Utrecht (Belgique), 2017, (ACTI). @conference{Franke2017, |
2017Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Franke, Christine; Patault, Edouard; Alary, Claire; Lagroix, France; Gauthier, Arnaud; Abriak, Nor-Edine Tracing sources of suspended sediments in fluvial systems by magnetic and geochemical particle characterization PMAG2017 : Magnetisme de la Biosphère aux Planètes telluriques, 17-19 octobre 2017, Toulouse, 2017, (ACTN). @conference{Franke2017a, |
2017Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Patault, Edouard; Alary, Claire; Franke, Christine; Gauthier, Arnaud; Abriak, Nor-Edine Assessing the variability of ephemeral gully erosion using high-frequency monitoring and GIS modeling: Case study in a fully cultivated catchment (Pommeroye, Northern France) AGU, 11-15 December 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana (USA), 2017, (ACTI). @conference{Patault2017, |
2017Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Patault, Edouard; Alary, Claire; Franke, Christine; Gauthier, Arnaud; Abriak, Nor-Edine Suivi haute-fréquence et modélisation de l’érosion en territoire agricole : le bassin expérimental de la Pommeroye (Hauts-de-France) Assises régionales de lutte contre l’érosion, décembre 2017, Amiens, 2017, (COM). @conference{Patault2017a, |
2016Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Patault, Edouard; Alary, Claire; Franke, Christine; Gauthier, Arnaud; Abriak, Nor-Edine La maîtrise du ruissellement et de l’érosion dans le bassin versant de la Canche (Région Hauts de France) Colloque Aquacity. Session : L’eau, agent d’érosion et de transport dans un bassin versant : Quelles incidences sur la ges-tion du territoire ? Quelles connaissances à apporter ?, 15-16 Juin 2016, Lille, 2016, (COM). @conference{Patault2016, |
2016Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Patault, Edouard; Alary, Claire; Franke, Christine; Gauthier, Arnaud; Abriak, Nor-Edine Source tracing of fluvial suspended sediments by magnetic and geochemical particle characterization: example of the Canche watershed (Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France) European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April 2016, Vienna (Autriche), 2016, (ACTI). @conference{Patault2016a, In france, erosion by water run-off is estimated to 1.5 t ha-1yr-1 and can exceed 10 t ha-1yr-1 in large growing areas, such as the north of france (nord-pas-de-calais). in this region, the canche watershed (1294 km2) sustains heavy loss of fertile soils. the land use is mainly dominated by arable lands (80%) and in 2013, 104 kt of suspended sediment transited to the estuary. as demonstrated in literature, agricultural soil erosion leads to the gradual disappearance and depletion of fertile soil, which constitute a non-renewable resource at human time scale. additionally, water erosion can significantly damage the aquatic habitat and can be responsible for the input of nutrients, bacteria, pesticides, heavy metals and radionuclides into surface waters. conscious of these effects, many programs have emerged in the nord-pas-de-calais to reduce erosion. this study presents a combination of environmental magnetic proxy parameters and geochemical analyses on sediments and suspended particulate matter. the aim is to develop effective tools to trace erosion by water run-off and quantify this process. in order to identify the respective sediment sources in the canche watershed, sediment trap samples of suspended particulate matter were recovered at key positions along the canche watershed. the preliminary results show that magnetic concentration (mrs) shows typical values for the agricultural soils in the region, but these variations in magnetic concentrations and total irons concentrations are not always correlated, which may be explained by the iron speciation. in calculating the so-called s-ratio for each sample we can distinguish changes in magneto-mineralogy (and thus iron speciation) from magnetite-dominated assemblages in the mainstream canche (naturel background signal) to high-coercivity-dominated assemblages in the tributaries, typical for soil erosion material rich in hematite/goethite. in combination with the element concentrations from icp analyses, this proxy parameter may give valuable insight into the tracing of the suspended sediment sources. in perspective, the seasonal variability and the discharge in the canche watershed have to be taken into account. |
2016Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Patault, Edouard; Alary, Claire; Franke, Christine; Gauthier, Arnaud; Abriak, Nor-Edine Suspended sediment transport and sediment fingerprinting in the watershed of the Canche (Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France): a multi-parameter approach I2SM, 10-13 Juillet 2016, Montreal (Canada), 2016, (ACTI). @conference{Patault2016b, |
2016Article de journal ER4 Auteurs : Qasim, Bashar; Motelica-Heino, Mikael; Bourgerie, Sylvain; Gauthier, Arnaud; Morabito, Domenico Rhizosphere effects of Populus euramericana Dorskamp on the mobility of Zn, Pb and Cd in contaminated technosols Dans: Journal of Soils and Sediments, vol. 16, no. 3, p. 811-820, 2016, (ACL). @article{Qasim2016, Purpose this study aimed at investigating the rhizosphere effects of populus euramericana dorskamp on the mobility of zn, pb and cd in contaminated technosols from a former smelting site. materials and methods a rhizobox experiment was conducted with poplars, where the plant stem cuttings were grown in contaminated technosols for 2 months under glasshouse conditions. after plant growth, rhizosphere and bulk soil pore water (spw) were sampled together. spw properties such as ph, dissolved organic carbon (doc) and total dissolved concentrations of zn, pb and cd were determined. the concentrations of zn, pb and cd in plant organs were also determined. results and discussion rhizosphere spw ph increased for all studied soils by 0.3 to 0.6 units compared to bulk soils. a significant increase was also observed for doc concentrations regardless of the soil type or total metal concentrations, which might be attributed to the plant root activity. for all studied soils, the rhizosphere spw metal concentrations decreased significantly after plant growth compared to bulk soils which might be attributed to the increase in ph and effects of root exudates. zn, pb and cd accumulated in plant organs and the higher metal concentrations were found in plant roots compared to plant shoots. conclusions the restricted transfer of the studied metals to the plant shoots confirms the potential role of this species in the immobilization of these metals. thus, p. euramericana dorskamp can be used for phytostabilization of technosols |
2016Article de journal ER4 Auteurs : Qasim, Bashar; Motelica-Heino, Mikael; Joussein, Emmanuel; Soubrand, Maryline; Gauthier, Arnaud Diffusive gradients in thin films, Rhizon soil moisture samplers, and indicator plants to predict the bioavailabilities of potentially toxic elements in contaminated technosols Dans: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 23, p. 8367-8378, 2016, (ACL). @article{Qasim2016a, The phytoavailabilities and potential remobilization of potentially toxic elements (ptes) such as zn, pb, cd, as, and sb were assessed in contaminated technosols from former mining and smelting sites. the pte concentrations in soil pore water (spw) and diffusive gradients in thin films (dgt)-measured concentration (c dgt) methods were used to assess the bioavailabilities of pte and their remobilization in this study. together with classical chelex-100 dgt probes to measure zn, cd, and pb, novel ferrihydrite-backed dgt were used for as and sb measurements alongside with rhizon soil moisture sampler method for spw sampling. to assess the phytoavailabilities of pte, a germination test with dwarf beans as a plant indicator was used for this purpose. dwarf bean primary leaves showed high zn concentrations in contrast to pb and cd which showed low phytoavailabilities. despite as and sb are present in high concentrations in the mine tailings, their phytoavailabilities indicate very low bioavailabilities. the amounts of zn, pb, cd, as, and sb extracted with dgt devices correlated well with the total dissolved pte concentrations in the spw. the highest r values were observed for zn, followed by cd and pb, indicating the ability of the soil to sustain spw concentrations, which decreased in that order. good correlations were also observed between each of dissolved pte concentrations in spw, dgt-measured pte concentrations (c dgt), and the accumulation of pte in dwarf bean primary leaves. it could be concluded that the use of rhizon soil moisture samplers and dgt methods may be considered to be a good methods to predict the pte bioavailabilities in contaminated technosols. |
2015Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Deparis, Coralie; Alary, Claire; Gauthier, Arnaud; Madé, Benoit Arsenic (V) and chromium (VI) removal from aqueous solution by adsorption on natural clay-rich rock 25th Goldschmidt Conference, 16–21 August 2015, Prague (Czech Republic), 2015, (ACTI). @conference{Deparis2015, A geological disposal in Gault clay (France) is planned for low activity, long-lived nuclear waste. Storage in a undergroung shallow site should ensure both radioactive and hazardous chemical elements sequestration. This study focused on As(V) and Cr(VI) retention on the Gault Clay under different environmental storage conditions. A serie of batch sorption tests were performed under oxic/anoxic conditions with various composition of aqueous solutions. Experimental results were used to develop and calibrate a surface complexation model using CHESS™ and to improve our understanding of processes adsorption. Clay rock sample caracterisation by XRD reveals a wide variety of minerals as well as Quartz, Kaolinite, Illite, Goetite. Batchs results show a high removal of As (77% in oxic conditions and 83% in anoxic conditions) and the geochemical model suggest that sorption on iron oxides (Goetite) is the principal process of As sequestration. The chemical environment have an impact on As removal, especially in the presence of phosphates which compete with As for iron oxides sorption sites. Low Cr removal is observed in oxic conditions (9%) but the percentage rises to 47% in anoxic ones. Sorption is a minor process and removal of Cr in anoxic conditions can be explained by the reduction of hexavalent chromium and precipitation of trivalent chromium (Cr2O3, MgCr2O4…). Reduction of Cr(VI) is also very sensitive to acid pH. Thus the removal of Cr at pH 4 in oxic conditions is close to 90 %. This research revealed As and Cr behaviour in natural Gault clay sample, processes of removal from garbage leachate and significance of chemistry environment and thermodynamics conditions. Columns tests and simulations with HYTECTM will be mained to understanding the transport mechanisms of this pollutants. |
2015Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Gauthier, Arnaud; Kowalski, Frederic; Lloret, Emily; Dubois, Michel Ecological and geological evolution of coal heap in urban context: what are the impact related facilities and sites overcrowding? Soils in Urban, Industrial, Traffic and Mining Areas (SUITMA 8), 20-25 September 2015, Mexico city (Mexico), 2015, (ACTI). @conference{Gauthier2015, |
2015Article de journal ER4 Auteurs : van-Hullebusch, Eric-D.; Yin, Nang-Htay; Seignez, Nicolas; Labanowski, Jérôme; Gauthier, Arnaud; Lens, Piet-N. L.; Avril, Caroline; Sivry, Yann Bio-alteration of metallurgical wastes by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a semi flow-through reactor Dans: Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 147, p. 297-305, 2015, (ACL). @article{Hullebusch2015, Metallurgical activities can generate a huge amount of partially vitrified waste products which are either landfilled or recycled. lead blast furnace (lbf) slags are often disposed of in the vicinity of metallurgical plants, and are prone to weathering, releasing potentially toxic chemical components into the local environment. to simulate natural weathering in a slag heap, bioweathering of these lbf slags was studied in the presence of a pure heterotrophic bacterial strain (pseudomonas aeruginosa) and in a semi-flow through reactor with intermittent leachate renewal. the evolution of water chemistry, slag composition and texture were monitored during the experiments. the cumulative bulk release of dissolved fe, si, ca and mg doubled in the presence of bacteria, probably due to the release of soluble complexing organic molecules (e.g. siderophores). in addition, bacterial biomass served as the bioadsorbent for pb, fe and zn as 70–80% of pb and fe, 40–60% of zn released are attached to and immobilized by the bacterial biomass. |
2015Article de journal ER4 Auteurs : Qasim, Bashar; Motelica-Heino, Mikael; Bourgerie, Sylvain; Gauthier, Arnaud; Morabito, Domenico Effect of nitrate and ammonium fertilization on Zn, Pb, and Cd phytostabilization by Populus euramericana Dorskamp in contaminated technosol Dans: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 22, no. 23, p. 18759-18771, 2015, (ACL). @article{Qasim2015, This study aimed at assessing the effect of nitrogen addition under two forms, nitrate and ammonium, on the stabilization of zn, pb, and cd by populus euramericana dorskamp grown in contaminated soils for 35 days under controlled conditions. temporal changes in the soil pore water (spw) were monitored for ph, dissolved organic carbon (doc), and total dissolved concentrations of metals in the soils rhizosphere. rhizospheric spw ph decreased gradually with nh4 + addition and increased with no3 − addition up to one unit, while it slightly decreased initially then increased for the untreated control soil doc increased with time up to six times, the highest increase occurring with nh4 + fertilization. an increase in the metal concentrations in the rhizospheric spw was observed for nh4 + addition associated with the lowest rhizospheric spw ph, whereas the opposite was observed for the control soil and no3 − fertilization. fertilization did not affect plant shoots or roots biomass development compared to the untreated control (without n addition). metals were mostly accumulated in the rhizosphere and n fertilization increased the accumulation for zn and pb while cd accumulation was enhanced for nh4 + addition. collectively, our results suggest metal stabilization by p. euramericana dorskamp rhizosphere with nitrogen fertilization and are potential for phytostabilization of contaminated technosol |
2015Article de journal ER4 Auteurs : Qasim, Bashar; Motelica-Heino, Mikael; Joussein, Emmanuel; Soubrand, Maryline; Gauthier, Arnaud Potentially toxic element phytoavailability assessment in Technosols from former smelting and mining areas Dans: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 22, p. 5961-5974, 2015, (ACL). @article{Qasim2015a, This study reports the chemical bioavailability of several potentially toxic elements (zn, pb, cd, as, and sb) in contaminated technosols from two former smelting and mining areas. though these elements have long been recognized as potentially harmful elements, understanding of their toxicity and environmental behavior in technosols developed on former mining and smelting sites are more limited, particularly for as and sb. surface soils were sampled from metallophyte grassland contaminated with zn, pb, and cd located at mortagne-du-nord (north france) and from a former mining settling basin contaminated with as, pb, and sb located at la petite faye (limoges, france). various selective single extraction procedures (cacl2, nano3, nh4no3, dtpa, and edta) were used together with germination tests with dwarf beans whose shoots were analyzed for their potentially toxic element concentrations after 21 days of growth. the extraction capacity of the potentially toxic elements followed the order edta > dtpa > nh4no3 > cacl2 > nano3 for both studied areas. pearson's correlation coefficient analysis between the concentrations of potentially toxic elements accumulated in bean primary leaves or their mineral mass with their extractable concentrations showed a positive significant correlation with dilute cacl2 and nitrate solutions extraction procedures. in contrast, for all studied elements, except pb, the complexing and chelating extractants (edta and dtpa) exhibited poor correlation with the dwarf bean leaves concentrations. moreover, results showed that the 0.01 m cacl2 extraction procedure was the most suitable and provided the most useful indications of metal phytoavailability for studied elements |
2015Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Ramadan, Ghanem; Dubois, Michel; Gauthier, Arnaud; Berrehouc, G; Cheppe, Gaetan Instabilités et évolutions des cavités souterraines de la Métropole lilloise : de l’observation des phénomènes à des applications en laboratoire Journée des Doctorants IRePSE, 08 juillet 2015, CERLA - Cité Scientifique - Université Lille 1, Villeneuve d'Ascq, 2015, (ACTN). @conference{Ramadan2015, |
2014Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Deparis, Coralie; Gauthier, Arnaud; Alary, Claire Optimal aqueous conditions for retention of arsenic and chromium Gault clay formation: batch experiments 15th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, 3-6 December 2014, Brno (Czech Republic), 2014, (ACTI). @conference{Deparis2014, |
2014Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Deparis, Coralie; Gauthier, Arnaud; Alary, Claire; Madé, Benoit Comportement de l‘arsenic et du chrome dans le cadre d'un stockage de déchets radifères Colloque de l'Institut Mines Télécom "Ressources naturelles et environnement", 5-6 novembre 2014, Paris, 2014, (COM). @conference{Deparis2014a, |
2014Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Dubois, Michel; Coquinot, Yvan; Gauthier, Arnaud; Hulin, Claudie Metastability at low temperature (down to -180°C) in the H2O-NaCl-LiCl system WATER 2014 « Metastability and nucleation in water: theory, experiments, and applications », 1-6 juin 2014, Ecole de Physique, Les Houches, 2014, (ACTN). @conference{Dubois2014, |
2014Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Dubois, Michel; Monnin, Christophe; Gauthier, Arnaud Thermodynamic modelling of lithium chloride-bearing fluids Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau, 2014, (ACTN). @conference{Dubois2014a, |
2014Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Figueiredoa, M; Gauthier, Arnaud; Kozovits, Alessandra; Garcia-Praca-Leite, Mariangela; Dubois, Michel Phytomanagement of an old bauxite mine (Serra da Brígida, Minas Gerais, Brazil) : evaluation of metal transfert in plant Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau, 2014, (ACTN). @conference{Figueiredoa2014, |
2014Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Gauthier, Arnaud; Kowalski, Frederic; Dubois, Michel Stabilité géo-mécanique des terrils : quels impacts liés aux aménagements et à la surfréquentation des sites ? Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau, 2014, (ACTN). @conference{Gauthier2014, |
2014Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Gauthier, Arnaud; Kozovits, Alessandra; Dubois, Michel Interaction between vitreous matrix and metallophyte plants: application for remediation of polluted soils International Conference in Integrated Management of Environment "ICIME 2014". 25-28 September 2014, Hammamet (Tunisie), 2014, (ACTI). @conference{Gauthier2014a, |
2014Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Gauthier, Arnaud; Le-Coustumer, Philippe Effects of organic media on the alteration of domestic vitrified wastes International Conference in Integrated Management of Environment "ICIME 2014". 25-28 September 2014, Hammamet (Tunisie), 2014, (ACTI). @conference{Gauthier2014b, |
2014Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Gauthier, Arnaud; Omana-Sanz, Brenda; Garcia-Praca-Leite, Mariangela; Dubois, Michel Valorization of modified Venezuelan Red Muds to remove heavy metals from wastewater International Conference in Integrated Management of Environment "ICIME 2014". 25-28 September 2014, Hammamet (Tunisie), 2014, (ACTI). @conference{Gauthier2014c, |
2014Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Ramadan, Ghanem; Rateh, F; Dubois, Michel; Mroueh, Hussein; Gauthier, Arnaud; Berrehouc, G La stabilité et l’évolution des cavités souterraines, sur l’exemple des carrières souterraines de Lille Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau, 2014, (ACTN). @conference{Ramadan2014, |
2013Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Dubois, Michel; Gauthier, Arnaud Long-time alteration of iron slags inferred from paleometallurgical heaps Goldschmidt Conference 2013, 25-29 August 2013, Florence (Italie), 2013, (ACTI). @conference{Dubois2013, Moulière is a large forest (area of 6800 ha) and is located on a plateau between the valleys of the vienne and the clain rivers (vienne, france). exploration by abbé de la croix in the nineteenth century and the work of the onf (office national des forêts) have revealed the presence of numerous slag heaps. these heap associated with the iron metallurgy fall into several areas of the forest sector and outside. they are identifiable on the ground because they form mounds 0.5 to 2 m high and they are usually invaded by typical vegetation (holly - ruscus aculeatus - and hawthorn). the age of these mounds is not known, but more than 10 ironworks were in operation at the time of the reformation of forests by colbert in 1667. the establishment of the ironworks in the forest of moulière is related to the facility offered for logging to operate low blast furnaces. the iron ore is probably also of local origin. whereas no significant outcrop has been actually observed, an iron-bearing sandy layer is discontinuously present in the forest underground. |
2013Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Hulin, Claudie; Dubois, Michel; Guillaume, Damien; Gauthier, Arnaud Heterogeneous (liquid+solid) trapping of saturated brines : Some experiments performed with a 50 wt% NaCl solution ECROFI XXII, 4-9 June, Antalya (Turquie), 2013, (ACTI). @conference{Hulin2013, |
2013Conférence ER4 Auteurs : Liotta, Angelo; Dubois, Michel; Gauthier, Arnaud Geochemical processes during weathering of natural volcanic glasses: comparison with experimental alteration Goldschmidt Conference 2013, 25-29 August 2013, Florence (Italie), 2013, (ACTI). @conference{Liotta2013, |
2010Article de journal ER4 Auteurs : Dubois, Michel; Monnin, Christophe; Castelain, Teddy; Coquinot, Yvan; Gouy, Sophie; Gauthier, Arnaud; Goffé, Bruno Investigation of the H2O-NaCl-LiCl System: A synthetic fluid inclusion study and thermodynamic modeling from -50° to +100°C and up to 12 mol/kg Dans: Economic Geology, vol. 105, no. 2, p. 329-338, 2010, (ACL). @article{Dubois2010b, Lithium can reach high concentrations in some geological environments, such as rare element pegmatites, continental brines, and hydrothermal systems. the h2o-nacl-licl system was investigated as a model for fluid inclusion studies in lithium-rich fluids. we first compiled experimental data (freezing point depression measurements and halite solubility data). synthetic fluid inclusions were then prepared in quartz crystals, in order to obtain new solubility data and to observe phase transitions in a system characterized by the presence of numerous hydrates. the combination of raman microspectrometry and microthermometry leads to identify undoubtedly the phase transition succession. raman revealed partial crystallization and metastable phase transitions. a new spectrum for licl pentahydrate, the stable phase melting at the eutectic, is presented. the pitzer model was used to calculate phase solubility using published expressions of activity coefficients for the h2onacl and h2o-licl systems. we finally propose a representation of the h2o-nacl-licl phase diagram for the interpretation of phase transitions in li-rich chloride-dominated fluid inclusions in the range −50° to +100°c. |
2010Article de journal ER4 Auteurs : Seignez, Nicolas; Gauthier, Arnaud; Mees, Florias; Brunel, Celia; Potdevin, Jean-Luc Development of plant roots network in polluted soils: An X-ray computed microtomography investigation Dans: Water Air and Soil Pollution, vol. 209, no. 1-4, p. 199-207, 2010, (ACL). @article{Seignez2010, X-ray computed microtomography is a non-destructive technique which allows to study in 3d the texture of a solid material and of great interest for non-homogeneous ones. coupled with image analyses software, the soil properties visually determined can be easily supported by statistics. this work proposes to study the root development of arabidopsis halleri growing on different soils polluted with metallurgical slag and dredging sludge. the 3d images reveal that the wastes are not homogeneous and pollutants are concentrated in some small regions randomly spread. they often correspond to lead oxide phases in slags and to ore phases as blende in sludge. their descriptions have also been supported by statistics issued from the image analysis software, aphelion. additional result deals with the capacity of x-ray computed microtomography for primary and secondary rhizosphere in situ analysis which can be measured precisely |
2008Article de journal ER4 Auteurs : Seignez, Nicolas; Gauthier, Arnaud; Bulteel, David; Damidot, Denis; Potdevin, Jean-Luc Leaching of lead metallurgical slags and pollutant mobility far from equilibrium conditions Dans: Applied Geochemistry, vol. 23, p. 3699-3711, 2008, (ACL). @article{Seignez2008b, Lead metallurgical slags are partially vitrified materials containing residual amounts of zn, pb, cr, cd and as. these hazardous materials are generally buried on heaps exposed to weathering. in this study, leaching behavior of lead blast furnace slags has been tested using pure water and open flow experiments. it appears that in such far from equilibrium and slightly acidic conditions, the main phase to be altered is the vitreous phase. as for lunar, basaltic and nuclear glasses, alkalis/proton exchanges prevail and lead to the formation of a non-protective altered layer enriched in si, fe and al. the composition of the altered layer is quite constant except for si whose concentration decreases towards the leachate interface. owing to their sizes, micrometric pb droplets are not always totally dissolved at the slag surface. nevertheless, nanometric pb droplets are instantaneously dissolved while a surrounding altered layer is formed. this leads to high pb releases in open flow systems. leachate chemistry and dissolution rates of the vitreous phase are closely comparable to previous leaching tests with basaltic and nuclear glasses in conditions far from equilibrium. moreover, this study confirms that fe is a stable element in such conditions |
2008Article de journal ER2 Auteurs : SEIGNEZ, N; Gauthier, Arnaud; Bulteel, David; Damidot, Denis; POTDEVIN, J Leaching of lead metallurgical slags and pollutant mobility far fromequilibrium conditions, Applied Geochemistry, N°23, pp 3699-3711,02/10/2008. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2008.09.00 Dans: 2008, (ACL). @article{SEIGNEZ2008b, |
2023Article de journal Dans: Journal of Microscopy, 2023, (ACL). |
2020Conférence Le sel, entre formation géologique et exploitation par les hommes In : Sel et société, tome 2 : Santé - croyances -economies,, 2020, (OS). |
2020Article de journal Zircon age of vaugnerite intrusives from the Central and Southern Vosges crystalline massifs (E France): contribution to the geodynamics of the European Variscan belt Dans: Bulletin de la Societe Géologique de France, vol. 191, no. 26, 2020, (ACLN). |
2019Conférence Apport de la minéralogie et de la géochimie à l’étude de la compréhension des processus archéométallurgiques. Cas des ferriers de la forêt de Moulière Rencontres Interdisciplinaires et Interprofessionnelles Géosciences - Archéologie, 17 -18 juin 2019, Strasbourg, 2019, (AFF). |
2019Article de journal Dans: Heliyon, vol. 5, no. 3, p. e01407, 2019, ((IF N/A [2018]; Q1)). |
2018Article de journal Cd, Pb, and Zn mobility and (bio)availability in contaminated soils from a former smelting site amended with biochar Dans: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, (ACL). |
2018Article de journal Exploring Al, Mn and Fe phytoextraction in 27 ferruginous rocky outcrops plant species Dans: Flora, vol. 238, p. 175-182, 2018, (ACL). |
2018Conférence Nouvelle méthode d'élaboration de sections polies et lames minces de matériaux cimentaires frais : préservation des caractéristiques microstructurales 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre 2018, Lille, 2018, (AFF). |
2018Conférence Nouvelle méthode de préparation par rodage de sections polies de matériaux minéraux sensibles à l'eau 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre 2018, Lille, 2018, (AFF). |
2018Conférence Apport de l'agriculture urbaine dans une démarche de requalification de friches contaminées en jardin collectif : évaluation des sols et impacts environnementaux associés 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre 2018, Lille, 2018, (COM). |
2018Conférence Vaugnérites des Vosges : datations U-Pb sur zircon par LA-ICP-MS et hypothèses génétiques 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre 2018, Lille, 2018, (COM). |
2018Conférence Impact de l’eau sue la stabilité des carrières souterraines : corrélation avec les épisodes météorologiques de surface 26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 22-26 octobre 2018, Lille, 2018, (AFF). |
2017Conférence “Magnetic fingerprinting” of fluvial suspended particles in the context of fertile soil erosion: example of the Canche River watershed (Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France Colloque ICRM 2017 (International Conference on Rock Magnetism), 10-14 juillet 2017, Utrecht (Belgique), 2017, (ACTI). |
2017Conférence Tracing sources of suspended sediments in fluvial systems by magnetic and geochemical particle characterization PMAG2017 : Magnetisme de la Biosphère aux Planètes telluriques, 17-19 octobre 2017, Toulouse, 2017, (ACTN). |
2017Conférence Assessing the variability of ephemeral gully erosion using high-frequency monitoring and GIS modeling: Case study in a fully cultivated catchment (Pommeroye, Northern France) AGU, 11-15 December 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana (USA), 2017, (ACTI). |
2017Conférence Suivi haute-fréquence et modélisation de l’érosion en territoire agricole : le bassin expérimental de la Pommeroye (Hauts-de-France) Assises régionales de lutte contre l’érosion, décembre 2017, Amiens, 2017, (COM). |
2016Conférence La maîtrise du ruissellement et de l’érosion dans le bassin versant de la Canche (Région Hauts de France) Colloque Aquacity. Session : L’eau, agent d’érosion et de transport dans un bassin versant : Quelles incidences sur la ges-tion du territoire ? Quelles connaissances à apporter ?, 15-16 Juin 2016, Lille, 2016, (COM). |
2016Conférence Source tracing of fluvial suspended sediments by magnetic and geochemical particle characterization: example of the Canche watershed (Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France) European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April 2016, Vienna (Autriche), 2016, (ACTI). |
2016Conférence Suspended sediment transport and sediment fingerprinting in the watershed of the Canche (Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France): a multi-parameter approach I2SM, 10-13 Juillet 2016, Montreal (Canada), 2016, (ACTI). |
2016Article de journal Rhizosphere effects of Populus euramericana Dorskamp on the mobility of Zn, Pb and Cd in contaminated technosols Dans: Journal of Soils and Sediments, vol. 16, no. 3, p. 811-820, 2016, (ACL). |
2016Article de journal Diffusive gradients in thin films, Rhizon soil moisture samplers, and indicator plants to predict the bioavailabilities of potentially toxic elements in contaminated technosols Dans: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 23, p. 8367-8378, 2016, (ACL). |
2015Conférence Arsenic (V) and chromium (VI) removal from aqueous solution by adsorption on natural clay-rich rock 25th Goldschmidt Conference, 16–21 August 2015, Prague (Czech Republic), 2015, (ACTI). |
2015Conférence Ecological and geological evolution of coal heap in urban context: what are the impact related facilities and sites overcrowding? Soils in Urban, Industrial, Traffic and Mining Areas (SUITMA 8), 20-25 September 2015, Mexico city (Mexico), 2015, (ACTI). |
2015Article de journal Bio-alteration of metallurgical wastes by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a semi flow-through reactor Dans: Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 147, p. 297-305, 2015, (ACL). |
2015Article de journal Effect of nitrate and ammonium fertilization on Zn, Pb, and Cd phytostabilization by Populus euramericana Dorskamp in contaminated technosol Dans: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 22, no. 23, p. 18759-18771, 2015, (ACL). |
2015Article de journal Potentially toxic element phytoavailability assessment in Technosols from former smelting and mining areas Dans: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 22, p. 5961-5974, 2015, (ACL). |
2015Conférence Instabilités et évolutions des cavités souterraines de la Métropole lilloise : de l’observation des phénomènes à des applications en laboratoire Journée des Doctorants IRePSE, 08 juillet 2015, CERLA - Cité Scientifique - Université Lille 1, Villeneuve d'Ascq, 2015, (ACTN). |
2014Conférence Optimal aqueous conditions for retention of arsenic and chromium Gault clay formation: batch experiments 15th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, 3-6 December 2014, Brno (Czech Republic), 2014, (ACTI). |
2014Conférence Comportement de l‘arsenic et du chrome dans le cadre d'un stockage de déchets radifères Colloque de l'Institut Mines Télécom "Ressources naturelles et environnement", 5-6 novembre 2014, Paris, 2014, (COM). |
2014Conférence Metastability at low temperature (down to -180°C) in the H2O-NaCl-LiCl system WATER 2014 « Metastability and nucleation in water: theory, experiments, and applications », 1-6 juin 2014, Ecole de Physique, Les Houches, 2014, (ACTN). |
2014Conférence Thermodynamic modelling of lithium chloride-bearing fluids Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau, 2014, (ACTN). |
2014Conférence Phytomanagement of an old bauxite mine (Serra da Brígida, Minas Gerais, Brazil) : evaluation of metal transfert in plant Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau, 2014, (ACTN). |
2014Conférence Stabilité géo-mécanique des terrils : quels impacts liés aux aménagements et à la surfréquentation des sites ? Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau, 2014, (ACTN). |
2014Conférence Interaction between vitreous matrix and metallophyte plants: application for remediation of polluted soils International Conference in Integrated Management of Environment "ICIME 2014". 25-28 September 2014, Hammamet (Tunisie), 2014, (ACTI). |
2014Conférence Effects of organic media on the alteration of domestic vitrified wastes International Conference in Integrated Management of Environment "ICIME 2014". 25-28 September 2014, Hammamet (Tunisie), 2014, (ACTI). |
2014Conférence Valorization of modified Venezuelan Red Muds to remove heavy metals from wastewater International Conference in Integrated Management of Environment "ICIME 2014". 25-28 September 2014, Hammamet (Tunisie), 2014, (ACTI). |
2014Conférence La stabilité et l’évolution des cavités souterraines, sur l’exemple des carrières souterraines de Lille Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau, 2014, (ACTN). |
2013Conférence Long-time alteration of iron slags inferred from paleometallurgical heaps Goldschmidt Conference 2013, 25-29 August 2013, Florence (Italie), 2013, (ACTI). |
2013Conférence Heterogeneous (liquid+solid) trapping of saturated brines : Some experiments performed with a 50 wt% NaCl solution ECROFI XXII, 4-9 June, Antalya (Turquie), 2013, (ACTI). |
2013Conférence Geochemical processes during weathering of natural volcanic glasses: comparison with experimental alteration Goldschmidt Conference 2013, 25-29 August 2013, Florence (Italie), 2013, (ACTI). |
2010Article de journal Investigation of the H2O-NaCl-LiCl System: A synthetic fluid inclusion study and thermodynamic modeling from -50° to +100°C and up to 12 mol/kg Dans: Economic Geology, vol. 105, no. 2, p. 329-338, 2010, (ACL). |
2010Article de journal Development of plant roots network in polluted soils: An X-ray computed microtomography investigation Dans: Water Air and Soil Pollution, vol. 209, no. 1-4, p. 199-207, 2010, (ACL). |
2008Article de journal Leaching of lead metallurgical slags and pollutant mobility far from equilibrium conditions Dans: Applied Geochemistry, vol. 23, p. 3699-3711, 2008, (ACL). |
2008Article de journal Leaching of lead metallurgical slags and pollutant mobility far fromequilibrium conditions, Applied Geochemistry, N°23, pp 3699-3711,02/10/2008. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2008.09.00 Dans: 2008, (ACL). |