2021Article de journal ER5 Auteurs : Gloriant, François; Joulin, Annabelle; Tittelein, Pierre; Lassue, Stéphane Dans: Energy, vol. 215, p. 119154, 2021, ISSN: 0360-5442, (ACL). @article{GLORIANT2021119154, An experimental set-up of triple-glazed supply-air window is developed in this research in order to characterize the window’s thermal performance without solar radiation. By simultaneously measuring the local temperatures and heat fluxes with thermocouples and heat fluxmeters, the heat fluxes determination requires no longer using the correlations of heat transfer coefficients around the window, which are often the source of high uncertainties. Results show that the use of fluxmeters brought a more accurate measure of heat transfers around and in the window. Thereafter, the heat transfer coefficients can be correctly estimated by empirical evidence. Uncertainty analysis is then presented to highlight the reliability of the experimental method. Afterwards, the obtained experimental data are compared with those of numerical model developed by using Fluent® software. A thorough comparison analysis is provided to explain which parameters play a role in deviating the results between the two methods, leading to conclude the validity of numerical model assumptions with respect to the real conditions of experimental set-up. |
2016Proceedings Article ER5 Auteurs : Khadra, Mariam; Joulin, Annabelle; Tittelein, Pierre; Lassue, Stéphane Dans: actes du Congrès Français de Thermique 2016, Toulouse, 2016, (ACTN). @inproceedings{khadra_modelisation_2016, Cet article traite de l’étude d’un système pariéto-dynamique destinée à la rénovation par l’extérieur des bâtiments. Le dispositif étudié est composé d’éléments opaques et est associé à une arrivée d'air extérieur permettant ainsi au fluide, en circulant entre les parois, de récupérer une partie de l'énergie solaire stockée et des déperditions thermiques à travers cette paroi. Dans le cadre de notre étude, des modélisations ont été conduites à l’aide du logiciel Fluent® et permettent de discuter de l’importance des paramètres physiques et dynamiques sur les transferts thermiques s’opérant à l’intérieur de la cavité ventilée. Cette étape nous permet également d’étudier le comportement du fluide en mouvement et d’analyser l’incidence du flux solaire absorbé sur les profils de vitesses et de températures. |
2015Conférence ER5 Auteurs : Bédécarrats, Jean-Pierre; David, Damien; Defer, Didier; Dumas, Jean-Pierre; Franquet, Erwin; Gibout, Stéphane; Haillot, Didier; Johannes, Kévyn; Joulin, Annabelle; Kuznik, Frédéric; Lassue, Stéphane; Maréchal, William; Naji, Hassane; Tittelein, Pierre; Zalewski, Laurent Caractérisation des matériaux à changement de phase pour la simulation thermique des bâtiments actes du Congrès Français de Thermique 2015, La Rochelle, 2015, (ACTN). @conference{bede2015a, |
2015Conférence ER5 Auteurs : Bédécarrats, Jean-Pierre; David, Damien; Defer, Didier; Dumas, Jean-Pierre; Franquet, Erwin; Gibout, Stéphane; Haillot, Didier; Johannes, Kevyn; Joulin, Annabelle; Kuznik, Frédéric; Lassue, Stéphane; Maréchal, William; Naji, Hassane; Tittelein, Pierre; Zalewski, Laurent Phase change materials characterisation and applications to the thermal simulation of buildings Proceedings of ECOS 2015, Pau, 2015, (ACTI). @conference{bede2015b, We aim here at presenting the main results of the Stock-E MICMCP ANR project whose principal goal is the correct thermophysical characterisation of phase change materials in order to have reliable inputs when considering numerical simulations of thermal behaviour of buildings. Firstly, we will present the method developed to determine the function governing the enthalpy with respect to the temperature of the material. It is based on the use of experimental measurements together with an inversion method: by comparing the heat flow with a simulated one, obtained by assuming an a priori formulation of the enthalpy (which set some basic thermodynamical constraints), we may calculate the numerical values of the associated parameters. Secondly, we will show that this method can be extended to macroscopic and heterogeneous materials, which are more representative of real samples. Eventually, we will show on some examples of thermal buildings simulations the necessity to correctly represent the PCM behaviour if one wants to use them in the future so as to save energy and for a better comfort. |
2015Conférence ER5 Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Joulin, Annabelle; Tittelein, Pierre; Lassue, Stéphane L'étude des performances d'une fenêtre ventilée pour la récupération de chaleur par l'air neuf de ventilation Actes du CIFQ 2015, Sherbrook, 2015, (ACTI). @conference{gloriant_etude_2015, Cette communication a pour objet l’étude numérique des performances d’une fen^etre ventilée (pariétodynamique), dont le principe repose sur la circulation de l’air neuf de ventilation entre les vitrages avant son introduction dans un logement. L'étude est réalisée `a l'aide d'un code de calcul commercial de mécanique des fluides numériques (MFN) permettant la mise au point d'un mod`ele simplifié adapté `a la simulation thermique des b^atiments. A partir des résultats de simulation, des études paramétriques sont effectuées afin de rendre compte des facteurs influant sur les performances énergétiques de la fen^etre tels que : •le débit d’air ; •les épaisseurs de cavité ; •la présence de rev^etements faiblement émissifs ; •les dimensions de la surface vitrée. |
2015Conférence ER5 Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane Etude expérimentale d'une fenêtre parietodynamique de type Paziaud actes du Congrès Français de Thermique 2015, La Rochelle, 2015, (ACTN). @conference{gloriant_etude_2015-1, |
2015Conférence ER5 Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane Study Of Ŧhe Performances Of A Supply-Air Window For Air Renewal Pre-Ħeating Proceedings of IBPC 2015, Torino (Italy), 2015, (ACTI). @conference{gloriant_study_2015, The principle of a supply-air window is based on the air renewal circulation between the glazings of a window before entering home. We study in this work the Paziaud® window composed of three glazings forming a U-shaped channel. The air warms up by recovering some part of the heat losses from the building and also by solar radiation absorbed through the glasses. This system generally works in forced convection by association with an air extraction system. This type of component is not embedded in usual dynamic tools for building thermal simulation. A major reason of this lack is that the heat transfers through the walls and the air exchange are treated separately. Moreover, this particular system is characterized by different heat fluxes if we consider the inner or the outer surface of the component. Our contribution is based on an original and appropriate representation of convective heat transfer in asymmetrically heated air layers. We offer a #simplified# model that can be easily implemented in dynamic simulation tools. This model is compared CFD simulations. From this model, parametric studies are performed to look for the parameters influencing the performance of the Paziaud® window: we show here that boundary conditions in temperatures, the thickness of the cavities, low emissivity coatings and the glazing area have significant effects on the performance criteria. We perform the parametric study on the basis of indicators specifically defined for the supply-air window |
2015Article de journal ER5 Auteurs : Gloriant, François; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane Modeling a triple-glazed supply-air window Dans: Building and Environment, vol. 84, p. 1–9, 2015, (ACL). @article{Gloriant2015, |
2015Article de journal ER5 Auteurs : Gloriant, François; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane Study of the Performances of A Supply-Air Window for Air Renewal Pre-Heating Dans: Energy Procedia, vol. 78, p. 525–530, 2015, ISSN: 1876-6102, (ACL). @article{gloriant_study_2015-1, The principle of a supply-air window is based on the air renewal circulation between the glazings of a window before entering home. We study in this work the Paziaud® window composed of three glazings forming a U-shaped channel. The air warms up by recovering some part of the heat losses from the building and also by solar radiation absorbed through the glasses. This system generally works in forced convection by association with an air extraction system. This type of component is not embedded in usual dynamic tools for building thermal simulation. A major reason of this lack is that the heat transfers through the walls and the air exchange are treated separately. Moreover, this particular system is characterized by different heat fluxes if we consider the inner or the outer surface of the component. Our contribution is based on an original and appropriate representation of convective heat transfer in asymmetrically heated air layers. We offer a “simplified” model that can be easily implemented in dynamic simulation tools. This model is compared CFD simulations. From this model, parametric studies are performed to look for the parameters influencing the performance of the Paziaud® window: we show here that boundary conditions in temperatures, the thickness of the cavities, low emissivity coatings and the glazing area have significant effects on the performance criteria. We perform the parametric study on the basis of indicators specifically defined for the supply-air window. |
2014Article de journal ER5 Auteurs : Dutil, Yvan; Rousse, Daniel; Lassue, Stéphane; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle; Virgone, Joseph; Kuznik, Frédéric; Johannes, Kevyn; Dumas, Jean-Pierre; Bédécarrats, Jean-Pierre; others, Modeling phase change materials behavior in building applications: Comments on material characterization and model validation Dans: Renewable Energy, vol. 61, p. 132–135, 2014, (ACL). @article{Dutil2014, |
2014Conférence ER5 Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane Convection forcée laminaire de l'air entre deux parois proches soumises à des conditions de Fourier actes du Congrès Français de Thermique 2014, Lyon, 2014, (ACTN). @conference{gloriant_convection_2014, On se propose de modéliser un écoulement laminaire d'air en convection forcée entre deux parois dont les conditions aux limites de chauffage asymétrique imposées sont des conditions de type Fourier. Dans le cas d'un chauffage symétrique, lorsque le régime thermique et le régime dynamique sont établis, le nombre de Nusselt est déterminé analytiquement et les valeurs calculées sont constantes. Cependant, le probl`eme étudié ici repose sur des conditions aux limites constantes mais différentes sur les deux parois du canal vertical, et par conséquent la résolution analytique, notamment pour des conditions aux limites de Fourier, devient plus délicate |
2014Article de journal ER5 Auteurs : Joulin, Annabelle; Zalewski, Laurent; Lassue, Stéphane; Naji, Hassane Dans: Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 66, no. 1–2, p. 171 - 180, 2014, ISSN: 1359-4311, (ACL). @article{Joulin2014, |
2013Article de journal ER5 Auteurs : Desrayaud, G; Chenier, E; Joulin, Annabelle; Bastide, A; Brangeon, B; Caltagirone, J P; Cherif, Yassine; Eymard, R; Garnier, C; Giroux-Julien, S; Harnane, Y; Joubert, P; Laaroussi, N; Lassue, Stéphane; Quere, Le P; Li, R; Saury, D; Sergent, A; Xin, S; Zoubir, A Dans: International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 72, p. 18 - 33, 2013, ISSN: 1290-0729, (ACL). @article{Desrayaud201318, |
2013Conférence ER5 Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Joulin, Annabelle; Tittelein, Pierre; Lassue, Stéphane Échanges convectifs entre deux parois planes, verticales, soumises à des conditions de type Fourier actes du Congrès Français de Thermique 2013, Gérarmer (France), 2013, (ACTN). @conference{gloriant_echanges_2013, Cet article traite du probl`eme de la convection forcée d’un écoulement d’air en régime laminaire dans un conduit formé par deux plans parall`eles soumis `a des conditions aux limites de type Fourier. Deux modélisations basées sur des bilans thermiques sont présentées et leurs résultats sont comparés aux données numériques issues de simulations 2D effectuées avec le logiciel Fluent®. Une réflexion est menée sur la façon dont les coefficients de convection caractérisant les échanges thermiques entre le fluide et chacune des parois peuvent ^etre définis. |
2013Conférence ER5 Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane Modèlisation d'une fenêtre parieto-dynamique dans la simulation thermique d'un bâtiment. CIFQ 2013, Reims (France), 2013, (ACTI). @conference{gloriant_modelisation_2013, Le principe de la fen^etre pariéto-dynamique consiste `a faire circuler l’air neuf de ventilation entre des lames de verre avant son introduction dans le volume habitable. Une partie de la chaleur traversant les vitrages est alors récupérée par le flux d’air. Actuellement la prise en compte de ce genre de syst`eme dans les codes de simulation thermique des b^atiments n’est pas satisfaisante. Cet article propose un mod`ele qui peut ^etre implémenté relativement aisément dans de nombreux outils de simulations existant. Ce mod`ele est basé sur une résolution analytique du probl`eme de l’air circulant entre deux plaques isothermes différentiellement chauffées. Il a été implémenté dans la biblioth`eque de composants de l’outil de simulation Modelica. Une attention particuli`ere a été portée sur les échanges convectifs en lame d’air entre les vitrages. Les résultats obtenus sont comparés `a ceux d’un outil de simulation CFD commercial, le code Fluent© |
2013Conférence ER5 Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane Modelling supply-air window in a building simulation code Building Simulation 2013, Chambéry (France), 2013, (ACTI). @conference{gloriant_modelling_2013, The concept of a supply-air window is to allow air renewal circulating between glasses before entering inwards. Based on this principle, a part of heat transfer through the glasses is recovered by air renewal. Actually, the way to consider it in a building simulation code is not satisfactory. This article proposes a model that can be implemented easily in many building simulation codes. This model is based on the analytical solution of the problem of air circulating between isotherm panes differentially heated. It has been implemented in Buildings library of Modelica. Short wave radiation is considered by using the equation of Window software. Long wave radiation is considered using radiosity model. A special attention is taken to consider convective heat transfer coefficient between air space and glasses. The results obtained are compared to those of a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code (Fluent). |
2013Conférence ER5 Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane Supply-Air Window Model adapted to Building Energy Performance Simulation CLIMA 2013; 11th REHVA World Congress, Prague (Czech Republic), 2013, (ACTI). @conference{gloriant_supply-air_2013, The principle of a supply-air window is to make the renewal airflow circulating between the panes of glass before entering inside the room. The goal is to create a passive system of heat recovery contributing also to the room ventilation. The aim of this article is to define the best way to take into account this kind of window in building energy simulations. Depending on the case studied and the accuracy desired, it can be modelled simply considering a constant U-value pre-calculated, considering a U-value and a heat recovery on air renewal or considering a model closer to the physical reality but easy to implement in a building performance code. These models are compared to an accurate model using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The way to consider the problem can be used for every kind of supply-air window (and also for exhaust-air window), but for more clarity, a precise example was considered in this article. It is the case of Paziaud® window that is a triple glazed window with a U-shaped air channel. |
2012Article de journal ER5 Auteurs : Dutil, Y; Rousse, D; Lassue, Stéphane; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle; Virgone, J; Kuznik, F; JohannesK.,; Dumas, J P; Bedecarrats, J P; Castell, L F A Modeling phase change materials behavior in building applications: comments on material characterization and model validation, RenewableEnergy, 2012. Dans: 2012, (ACL). @article{Dutil2012, |
2012Article de journal ER5 Auteurs : Joulin, Annabelle; Younsi, Zohir; Lassue, Stéphane; Zalewski, Laurent Fixed grid numerical simulation of a phase change material in a rectangularenclosure heated from one side, in Navier-Stokes equations, Properties,description and applications physics research and technology,Nova Publisher Editor, ISBN 978, Dans: 2012, (ACL). @article{Joul2012a, |
2012Article de journal ER5 Auteurs : Tilioua, A; Libessart, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane Etude des proprietes thermo-physiques des isolants fibreux textile, Annales du BTP, fevrier 2012 Dans: 2012, (ACL). @article{Tilioua2012, |
2012Article de journal ER5 Auteurs : Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane; Dutil, Y; Rousse, D Experimental study of small-scaled solar wall integrating phase changematerial, Solar Energy 86, January 2012, Pages 208-219 Dans: 2012, (ACL). @article{zale2012a, |
2011Article de journal ER5 Auteurs : Joulin, Annabelle; Younsi, Zohir; Zalewski, Laurent; Lassue, Stéphane; Rousse, D; Cavrot, J-P Experimental and numerical investigation of phase change materials : thermal energy storage and release, Applied Energy, Volume 88, Issue 7, July 2011, Pages 2454-2462 Dans: 2011, (ACL). @article{joul2011a, |
2011Article de journal ER5 Auteurs : Younsi, Zohir; Lassue, Stéphane; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle Experimental and numerical investigation of phase change materials: thermal energy storage and release, Applied Energy 88 (2011)2454-2462. Dans: 2011, (ACL). @article{Younsi2011, |
2010Article de journal ER5 Auteurs : Younsi, Zohir; Lassue, Stéphane; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle A novel technique for the experimental thermophysical characterization of phase change materials, International Journal of Ŧhermophysics, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010. Dans: 2010, (ACL). @article{Younsi2010, |
2010Conférence ER5 Auteurs : Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane; Chartier, Thierry Caracterisation thermophysique du comportement de materiaux a changementde phase a l echelle macro Societe Francaise Therm., 2010, (ACTN). @conference{zale2010a, L'objectif de cet article est de presenter une nouvelle methode de caracterisation thermique de materiaux contenant des materiaux a changement de phase a partir de mesures fluxmetriques et de temperatures. Le dispositif experimental et l'instrumentation utilisee y sont decrits. Le principal objectif de la methode est la determination la chaleur latente et les temperatures de changement d'etat du materiau. La caracterisation permet egalement de determiner les conductivites et chaleur massique des materiaux en l'etat de mise en oeuvre. |
2009Article de journal ER5 Auteurs : Cherif, Yassine; Joulin, Annabelle; Zalewski, Laurent; Lassue, Stéphane Experimental and numerical simulation of forced convection and radiationheat fluxes in a horizontal channel , International Journal of ŦhermalSciences, 48, 9,1696-1706, 2009. Dans: 2009, (ACL). @article{Cherif2009, |
2009Article de journal ER5 Auteurs : Joulin, Annabelle; Younsi, Zohir; Zalewski, Laurent; Rousse, D; Lassue, Stéphane A numerical study of the melting of phase change material heatedfrom a vertical wall of a rectangular enclosure, Int. Journal ofComputational Fluid Đynamics, Vol. 23, No. 7, pp553a“566, 200 Dans: 2009, (ACL). @article{joul2009a, |
2009Conférence ER5 Auteurs : Younsi, Zohir; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane; Rousse, Daniel Phase Change Materials: A Numerical Method for the Behaviour Predictions ICTEA 2009, January 12-14, 2009, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates., 2009, (ACTI). @conference{Younsi2009, |
2009Conférence ER5 Auteurs : Younsi, Zohir; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane; Rousse, Daniel Phase Change Materials: Experimental Measurements of Thermophysical Properties ICTEA 2009, January 12-14, 2009, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates., 2009, (ACTI). @conference{Younsi2009a, |
2008Conférence ER5 Auteurs : Younsi, Zohir; Lassue, Stéphane; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle Thermophysical characterization of phase change materials with heat flux sensors 5th European Thermal-Sciences Conference, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2008., 2008, (ACTI). @conference{Younsi2008, |
2007Conférence ER5 Auteurs : Younsi, Zohir; Lassue, Stéphane; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle Thermophysical characterization of phase change materials for the storage of solar energy in building Heat Transfer in Components and Systems for Sustainable Energy Technologies 18-20 April 2007, Chambery, France., 2007, (ACTI). @conference{Younsi2007, |
2021Article de journal Dans: Energy, vol. 215, p. 119154, 2021, ISSN: 0360-5442, (ACL). |
2016Proceedings Article Dans: actes du Congrès Français de Thermique 2016, Toulouse, 2016, (ACTN). |
2015Conférence Caractérisation des matériaux à changement de phase pour la simulation thermique des bâtiments actes du Congrès Français de Thermique 2015, La Rochelle, 2015, (ACTN). |
2015Conférence Phase change materials characterisation and applications to the thermal simulation of buildings Proceedings of ECOS 2015, Pau, 2015, (ACTI). |
2015Conférence L'étude des performances d'une fenêtre ventilée pour la récupération de chaleur par l'air neuf de ventilation Actes du CIFQ 2015, Sherbrook, 2015, (ACTI). |
2015Conférence Etude expérimentale d'une fenêtre parietodynamique de type Paziaud actes du Congrès Français de Thermique 2015, La Rochelle, 2015, (ACTN). |
2015Conférence Study Of Ŧhe Performances Of A Supply-Air Window For Air Renewal Pre-Ħeating Proceedings of IBPC 2015, Torino (Italy), 2015, (ACTI). |
2015Article de journal Modeling a triple-glazed supply-air window Dans: Building and Environment, vol. 84, p. 1–9, 2015, (ACL). |
2015Article de journal Study of the Performances of A Supply-Air Window for Air Renewal Pre-Heating Dans: Energy Procedia, vol. 78, p. 525–530, 2015, ISSN: 1876-6102, (ACL). |
2014Article de journal Modeling phase change materials behavior in building applications: Comments on material characterization and model validation Dans: Renewable Energy, vol. 61, p. 132–135, 2014, (ACL). |
2014Conférence Convection forcée laminaire de l'air entre deux parois proches soumises à des conditions de Fourier actes du Congrès Français de Thermique 2014, Lyon, 2014, (ACTN). |
2014Article de journal Dans: Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 66, no. 1–2, p. 171 - 180, 2014, ISSN: 1359-4311, (ACL). |
2013Article de journal Dans: International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 72, p. 18 - 33, 2013, ISSN: 1290-0729, (ACL). |
2013Conférence Échanges convectifs entre deux parois planes, verticales, soumises à des conditions de type Fourier actes du Congrès Français de Thermique 2013, Gérarmer (France), 2013, (ACTN). |
2013Conférence Modèlisation d'une fenêtre parieto-dynamique dans la simulation thermique d'un bâtiment. CIFQ 2013, Reims (France), 2013, (ACTI). |
2013Conférence Modelling supply-air window in a building simulation code Building Simulation 2013, Chambéry (France), 2013, (ACTI). |
2013Conférence Supply-Air Window Model adapted to Building Energy Performance Simulation CLIMA 2013; 11th REHVA World Congress, Prague (Czech Republic), 2013, (ACTI). |
2012Article de journal Modeling phase change materials behavior in building applications: comments on material characterization and model validation, RenewableEnergy, 2012. Dans: 2012, (ACL). |
2012Article de journal Fixed grid numerical simulation of a phase change material in a rectangularenclosure heated from one side, in Navier-Stokes equations, Properties,description and applications physics research and technology,Nova Publisher Editor, ISBN 978, Dans: 2012, (ACL). |
2012Article de journal Etude des proprietes thermo-physiques des isolants fibreux textile, Annales du BTP, fevrier 2012 Dans: 2012, (ACL). |
2012Article de journal Experimental study of small-scaled solar wall integrating phase changematerial, Solar Energy 86, January 2012, Pages 208-219 Dans: 2012, (ACL). |
2011Article de journal Experimental and numerical investigation of phase change materials : thermal energy storage and release, Applied Energy, Volume 88, Issue 7, July 2011, Pages 2454-2462 Dans: 2011, (ACL). |
2011Article de journal Experimental and numerical investigation of phase change materials: thermal energy storage and release, Applied Energy 88 (2011)2454-2462. Dans: 2011, (ACL). |
2010Article de journal A novel technique for the experimental thermophysical characterization of phase change materials, International Journal of Ŧhermophysics, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010. Dans: 2010, (ACL). |
2010Conférence Caracterisation thermophysique du comportement de materiaux a changementde phase a l echelle macro Societe Francaise Therm., 2010, (ACTN). |
2009Article de journal Experimental and numerical simulation of forced convection and radiationheat fluxes in a horizontal channel , International Journal of ŦhermalSciences, 48, 9,1696-1706, 2009. Dans: 2009, (ACL). |
2009Article de journal A numerical study of the melting of phase change material heatedfrom a vertical wall of a rectangular enclosure, Int. Journal ofComputational Fluid Đynamics, Vol. 23, No. 7, pp553a“566, 200 Dans: 2009, (ACL). |
2009Conférence Phase Change Materials: A Numerical Method for the Behaviour Predictions ICTEA 2009, January 12-14, 2009, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates., 2009, (ACTI). |
2009Conférence Phase Change Materials: Experimental Measurements of Thermophysical Properties ICTEA 2009, January 12-14, 2009, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates., 2009, (ACTI). |
2008Conférence Thermophysical characterization of phase change materials with heat flux sensors 5th European Thermal-Sciences Conference, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2008., 2008, (ACTI). |
2007Conférence Thermophysical characterization of phase change materials for the storage of solar energy in building Heat Transfer in Components and Systems for Sustainable Energy Technologies 18-20 April 2007, Chambery, France., 2007, (ACTI). |