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2024Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Wakim, Lara-Maria; Descat, Amandine; Occelli, Florent; Deram, Annabelle; Goossens, Jean-François

Detection of 13 emerging soil pollutant compounds using a dual extraction method (QuEChERS and solid phase extraction) and a liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry LC-MS/MS method

MethodsX, vol. 12, p. 102771, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Wakim, Lara-Maria; Occelli, Florent; Paumelle, Martin; Brousmiche, Delphine; Bouhadj, L.; Cuny, Damien; Descat, A.; Lanier, Caroline; Deram, Annabelle

Unveiling the presence of endocrine disrupting chemicals in northern French soils: Land cover variability and implications

Science of the Total Environment, vol. 913, p. 169617, 2024, (ACL).

2021Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Brousmiche, Delphine; Genin, Michaël; Occelli, Florent; Frank, Lukas; Deram, Annabelle; Cuny, Damien; Lanier, Caroline

Data for the assessment of vulnerability and resilience in the field of environmental health in the north of France

Data in Brief, vol. 37, p. 107220, 2021.

2021Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Rorat, Agnieszka; Lanier, Caroline; Gorge, Hélène; Jaeg, Jean-Philippe; Cuny, Damien; Deram, Annabelle; Canivet, Ludivine

Perspectives on particle-related health risk assessment

Environnement, Risques & Santé, vol. 20, no. 4, p. 389-394, 2021, (ACL).

2021Conférence ER4

Auteurs : Wakim, Lara-Maria; Occelli, Florent; Cuny, Damien; Lanier, Caroline; Douay, Francis; Deram, Annabelle

Maladie de Crohn et pollution des sols

Accès et utilisation des données en libre accès en géographie de la population, de la santé et des mobilités, Paris, 2021, (COM).

2020Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Brousmiche, Delphine; Occelli, Florent; Genin, Michaël; Cuny, Damien; Deram, Annabelle; Lanier, Caroline

Spatialized composite indices to evaluate environmental health inequalities: Meeting the challenge of selecting relevant variables

Ecological Indicators, vol. 111, no. 106023, p. 16pp, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Occelli, Florent; Lanier, Caroline; Cuny, Damien; Deram, Annabelle; Dumont, Julie; Amouyel, Philippe; Montaye, Michèle; Dauchet, Luc; Dallongeville, Jean; Genin, Michaël

Exposure to multiple air pollutants and the incidence of coronary heart disease: A fine-scale geographic analysis

Science of The Total Environment, vol. 714, p. 136608, 2020, ISSN: 0048-9697, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Brousmiche, Delphine; Genin, Michaël; Occelli, Florent; Frank, Lukas; Deram, Annabelle; Cuny, Damien; Lanier, Caroline

How can we analyze environmental health resilience and vulnerability? A joint analysis with composite indices applied to the north of France

Science of the Total Environment, p. 142983, 2020, (ACL).

2020Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Lanier, Caroline; Brousmiche, Delphine; Deram, Annabelle; Frank, Lukas; Genin, Michaël; Occelli, Florent; Cuny, Damien

Caractérisation de l’hétérogénéité spatiale des IESS par une approche spatialisée de la balance résilience/vulnérabilité

Environnement, Risques & Santé, vol. 19, no. 4, p. 250-256, 2020, (ACL).

2020Conférence ER4

Auteurs : Rorat, Agnieszka; Lanier, Caroline; Jaeg, Jean-Philippe; Cuny, Damien; Deram, Annabelle; Canivet, Ludivine

Between physicochemical characterization of atmospheric particles and their impact on human health - challenges and perspectives (RECORD project)

Atmso'Fair (Webinair), 23-24 juin 2020, 2020, (ACTN).

2020Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Tenailleau, Quentin-M.; Lanier, Caroline; Gower-Rousseau, Corinne; Cuny, Damien; Deram, Annabelle; Occelli, Florent

Crohn’s disease and environmental contamination: Current challenges and perspectives in exposure evaluation

Environmental Pollution, vol. 263, p. 114599, 2020, (ACL).