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2024Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Hernández, Maribel; Ambriz, R. R.; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Jaramillo, D.

Mechanical behavior of dissimilar AL6XN-IN718 welded joint obtained by cold metal transfer

Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 30, p. 7384-7397, 2024, (ACL).

2024Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Chekalil, I.; Chadli, R.; Ghazi, A.; Miloudi, A.; Planche, M. P.; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb

Corrosion behavior of AA3003 friction stir welded joints

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 680, p. 132673, 2024, (ACL).

2023Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Chenaifi, Khalil; Benabid, Yacine; Messellek, Ali Cherif; Ouali, Mohand Ould; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb

Preventing the increase in the risk of bone failure in osteoporotic cervical spine vertebra with a novel computational approach

Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 23, no. 03, 2023, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benamirouche, Sofia; Abdi, Abderrezak; Hemmouche, Larbi; Mejias, Alberto; Belouchrani, Mohamed El Amine; Chicot, Didier; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Trari, Mohamed

Multiscale study of cold-rolling deformation on mechanical and corrosion behaviors of AA2024-T4 aluminum alloy

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, vol. 99, no. 1, p. 100307, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Abdallah, Amani-Adra; Kada, Hassina; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb

Mechanical and thermo-physical characterization of mortars made with uncontaminated marine sediments

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2022, (ACL).

2022Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Abdallah, Amani; Kada, Hassina; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb

Thermo-physical characterization of mortars made with uncontaminated marine sediments

Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 40, no. 1, p. 194-198, 2022, (ACL).

2021Conférence ER3

Auteurs : Abdallah, Amani-Adra; Kada, Hassina; Kanit, Toufik; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb

Determination of the mechanicals properties of cementitious mixtures with sediments : experimental and numerical approaches

7th international symposium on sediment management, Llille, France, 2021.

2020Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Bouchedjra, Moussa; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Kanit, Toufik; Belouchrani, Mohamed El Amine

Microstructural features effect on the evolution of cyclic damage for polycrystalline metals using a multiscale approach

International Journal of Damage Mechanics, vol. 30, no. 1, p. 77–102, 2020.

2020Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Messellek, Ali Cherif; Ouali, Mohand Ould; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb

Adaptive finite element simulation of fretting wear and fatigue in a taper junction of modular hip prosthesis

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 111, p. 103993, 2020.

2018Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Bouchedjra, M; Kanit, T; Boulemia, C; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Belouchrani, M E A

Determination of the RVE size for polycrystal metals to predict monotonic and cyclic elastoplastic behavior: Statistical and numerical approach with new criteria

European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, vol. 72, p. 1-15, 2018, (cited By 0).

2017Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Messellek, A C; Ouali, M Ould; Benabid, Y; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Beloulla, A

Material selection process for femoral component of hip prosthesis using finite element analysis and ranking method

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 20, p. 133-134, 2017, (cited By 0).

2017Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Alatorre, N; Ambriz, R R; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; García, C; Jaramillo, D

Fatigue crack growth in Al-Zn-Mg (7075-T651) welds obtained by modified indirect and gas metal arc welding techniques

Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 248, p. 207-217, 2017, (cited By 1).

2017Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Messellek, A C; Ouali, M O; Benabid, Y; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Beloulla, A

Design optimization and material selection of acetabular component of hip prosthesis using computational concepts

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 20, p. 131-132, 2017, (cited By 0).

2016Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Djebli, A; Benhamena, A; Aminallah, L; Aid, A; Benguediab, M; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb

Three-dimensional finite element analysis of fracture behaviour of adhesively bonded single lap-joints

Mechanika, vol. 22, no. 5, p. 371-375, 2016, (cited By 0).

2015Ouvrage ER3

Auteurs : Aid, A; Benguediab, Mohamed; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb

Finite element simulation of fatigue damage accumulation for repaired component by cold expansion method Multiphysics Modelloing and simulation for Systems Design and Monitoring

2015, (OS).

2015Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Benkabouche, S; Guechichi, H; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Benkhettab, Mohamed

A modified nonlinear fatigue damage accumulation model under multiaxial variable amplitude loading

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 100, p. 180-194, 2015, (ACL).

2015Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Ghemari, Zine; Saad, Salah; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Lakehal, Abdelaziz

New Model of Piezoelectric Accelerometer Relative Movement Modulus

Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, vol. 37, no. 8, p. 932-941, 2015, (ACL).

2015Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Rubio-Gonzalez, C; Gomez-Rosas, G; Ruiz, R; Nait-Abdelaziz, Moussa; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb

Effect of laser shock peening and cold expansion on fatigue performance of open hole samples

Structural Engineering and Mechanics, vol. 53, no. 5, p. 867-880, 2015, (ACL).

2015Conférence ER3

Auteurs : Ziraoui, Hichem; Kanit, Toufik; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Naït-Abdelaziz, Moussa

Fretting-fatigue simulation of polycrystalline aluminium alloy using crystal plasticity finite element method

International Conference on mechanics of complex solids and fluids, Lille, 2015, (ACTI).

2015Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Fares, Chahinez; Hemmouche, L; Belouchrani, M A; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Chicot, D; Puchi-Cabrera, E S

Coupled effects of substrate microstructure and sulphuric acid anodizing on fatigue life of a 2017A aluminum alloy

Materials & Design, vol. 86, p. 723-734, 2015, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Alatorre, N; Ambriz, Ricardo Raphael; Noureddine, B; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Talha, Abderrahim; Jaramillo, D

Tensile Properties and Fusion Zone Hardening for GMAW and MIEA Welds of a 7075-T651 Aluminum Alloy

Acta Metallurgica Sinica, vol. 27, p. 694-704, 2014, (ACL).

2014Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Belloula, Amar; Nait-Abdelaziz, Moussa; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Benseddiq, Noureddine

Comparison of the cracking energy density and the Smith–Watson–Topper parameters in predicting fretting fatigue lifetime of a steel/aluminum alloy contact

International Journal of Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, vol. 37, no. 12, p. 1355-1366, 2014, (ACL).

2014Ouvrage ER3

Auteurs : Benhamena, A; Aminallah, A; Baltach, L; Aid, A; Benguediab, Mohamed; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Benseddiq, Noureddine

The fretting fatigue behavior of bolted assemblies Design and Computation of Modern Engineering Materials

Advances Structured Materials, 2014, (OS).

2014Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Viveros, K C; Ambriz, R R; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Talha, Abderrahim; García, C; Jaramillo, D

Cold hole expansion effect on the fatigue crack growth in welds of a 6061-T6 aluminum alloy

Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 214, no. 11, p. 2606–2616, 2014, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Djebli, A; Aid, A; Bendouba, M; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Benguediab, M; Benseddiq, N

A non-linear energy model of fatigue damage accumulation and its verification for Al-2024 aluminum alloy. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. Vol 51, pp 145–151, 201

2013, (ACL).

2013Conférence ER3

Auteurs : Belloula, Amar; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Nait-Abdelaziz, Moussa; Benseddiq, Noureddine

Application of the Cracking Energy Density (CED) multiaxial fatigue criteria for fretting fatigue life prediction: case of mono-contact steel/Al

10th International Conference on MulmtiaxialFatigue and Fracture, Kyoto (Japan), 2013, (ACTI).

2013Conférence ER3

Auteurs : Belloula, Amar; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Nait-Abdelaziz, Moussa; Benseddiq, Noureddine

A study on fretting fatigue crack nucleation in 6082-T6 aluminium alloys

7th International Symposium on Fretting Fatigue, Oxford, 2013, (ACTI).

2013Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Miloudi, Abdelkader; Zemri, Mokhtar; Benguediab, Mohamed; Mazari, Mohamed; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb

Crack Propagation under Variable Amplitude Loading

Materials Research, vol. 16, no. 5, p. 1161-1168, 2013, (ACL).

2013Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Hemmouche, L; Chicot, D; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Iost, Alain; Belouchrani, M A; Decoopman, Xavier; Louis, Ghislain; Puchi-Cabrera, E S

An analysis of the elastic properties of a porous aluminium oxide film by means of indentation techniques

Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 585, p. 155 - 164, 2013, ISSN: 0921-5093, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Aid, Abdelkrim; BENDOUBA, M; AMINALLAH, L; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; BENSEDDIQ, N; BENGUEDIAD, M

An equivalent stress process for fatigue life estimation under multiaxialloadings based on a new non linear damage model. Materials Scienceand Engineering A, 538, pp 20 ^a€“ 27. 201

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : BENHAMENA, A; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; TALHA, A; BENSEDDIQ, N

Effect of contact forces on fretting fatigue behavior of bolted plates:Numerical and experimental analysis. Ŧribology International. Vol48, pp 237 a 245. 2012.

2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Semari, Z; Aid, A; Benhamena, A; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Benguediab, M; Sadok, A

Effect of Residual Stresses Induced by Cold Expansion on the CrackGrowth in 6082 Aluminum Alloy. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. InPress, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 12 Đecember 2012.

2012, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Aid, Abdelkrim; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; BOUIADJRA, B B; BENGUEDIAB, M; MESMACQUE, G

Fatigue life prediction under variable loading based on a new damagemodel.

Materials and Đesign, vol. 32, no. 1, p. 183-191, 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER3


J integral solution for semi-elliptical surface crack in high densitypoly-ethylene pipe under bending. Materials and Đesign 32 (5),pp. 2561-2569. 2011.

2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Guechichi, H; Benkabouche, S; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Benkhettab, M

A high fatigue life prediction methodology under constant amplitudemultiaxial proportional loadings. Materials Science and EngineeringA 528 (13-14), pp. 4789-4798. 2011.

2011, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Ambriz, R R; Mesmacque, G; Ruiz, A; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Lopez, V H

Effect of the welding profile generated by the modified indirect electric arc technique on the fatigue behavior of 6061-Ŧ6 aluminum alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A ,527 (7-8), pp. 2057-2064.

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : AMBRIZ, R R; MESMACQUE, G; RUIZ, A; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; LOPEZ, V H; BENSEDDIQ, N

Fatigue crack growth under a constant amplitude loading of Al-6061-Ŧ6welds obtained by modified indirect electric arc technique. Scienceand Ŧechnology of Welding and Joining. Volume: 15, Issue: 6. pp 514-521.2010.

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : AMINALLAH, L; MESMACQUE, G; SERIER, B; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; BENSEDDIQ, N

J integral computation for cracks in polypropylene pipes under internal pressure. Key Engineering Materials 417-418, pp. 453-456. 2010

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER3


Ŧhree finite element analysis of semi-elliptical crack in high densitypoly-ethylene pipe subjected to internal pressure. Materials anḌesign 31 (6), pp. 3038-3043. 2010.

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER3


Effect of clamping force on fretting fatigue behaviour of boltedassemblies: Case of couple steel-aluminium. Materials Science andEngineering A 527 (23), pp. 6413-6421. 2010.

2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Cadenas-Herrera, P; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Mesmacque, G; Jozwiak, K; Puchi-cabrera,; Eli, S

Influence of residual fatigue damage on the fracture toughness parametersof an AA6082-Ŧ6 aluminum alloy. International Journal of Fatigueand Fractures of Engineering Materials and Structures. 33 (1), pp.54-65. 2010.

2010, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Aminallah, L; Achour, T; Bouiadjra, B Bachir; Serier, B; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Feaugas,; Benssediq, N

Analysis of the distribution of thermal residual stresses in bonded composite repair of metallic aircraft structures. Computational Materials Science, 46 (4), pp. 1023-1027. 2009.

2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER3


Effect of fatigue damage on the dynamic tensile behavior of aluminiumalloy 6061-Ŧ6 and AISI 4140 Ŧ steel. International Journal of Fatigue.31 (11-12), pp. 1928-1937 .2009.

2009, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; SU, M; AID, A; MESMACQUE, G

Numerical study of the optimum degree of cold expansion: Applicationfor the pre-cracked specimen with the expanded hole at the cracktip. Journal of Materials Processing Ŧechnology, 197, pp 250-254,2008.

2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Guo, Ran.; DUAN, R; MESMACQUE, G; ZHANG, L; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; GUO, R

Fretting fatigue behavior of riveted Al 6xxx components MaterialsṠcience Engineering A, 483-484, pp 398-401, 2008.

2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Guo, Ran; Lin, En. Q.; Duan, R; Mesmacque, G; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb

Study of fretting fatigue crack initiation for riveted Al 6xxx components.Advanced Materials Research. Vols.33-37, pp 243-248. 2008.

2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER3


Đynamic tensile behaviour of materials with previous fatigue damageṀaterials Science Engineering A, 497, pp 51-60, 2008.

2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER3


Effect of fatigue damage induced by cyclic plasticity on the dynamictensile behavior of materials. International Journal of Fatigue,30, pp 1708-1719, 2008.

2008, (ACL).

2008Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Su, M; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; MESMACQUE, G; BENSEDDIQ, N

Numerical study of double cold expansion of the hole at crack tipand the influence on the residual stresses field. ComputationalMaterials Science, 41, pp 350-355, 2008.

2008, (ACL).