LGCgE seminars

Weekly, for members lab only.


Thursday, March 13th – Dr Sana Khaled, post-doctoral researcher at LGCgE, France

Thursday, March 6th – Ugo Cachot, PhD student from LGCgE, Lille

Thursday, February 27th– Mme Weiwei Niu, doctorante au LGCgE, Lille

Thursday, February 6th– Pr Tulio Honorio de Faria, CEA Paris-Saclay, France

Thursday, January 30th– Hualin Zhang,PhD student from LGCgE, University of Lille, France

Thursday, January 23th– Dr Chabha Sehaki from University of Lille

Thursday, January 16th– Dr Morgan Chabannes from IMT Nord Europe, France

Thursday, January 9th– Dr Julien Chamoin from Junia, France


Thursday, December 19th – Dr Bader Bouzar, from IMT Nord Europe, France

Conversion of Hazardous Waste into Functional Granular Materials for Wastewater Treatment and Contaminated Soil Remediation

Thursday, December 12th – Pr Matt Probert, University of York, United Kingdom

Machine-Learning Acceleration of DFT Calculations in CASTEP

Thursday, November 28th – Nan Hou, LGCgE, University of Lille

Mécanismes de durcissement et de propagation des fissures dans les matériaux souples viscoélastiques viscoélastiques

Thursday, November 21th – Joella Dossa, LGCgE, University of Artois, Béthune-France

Influence of replacing limestone filler with biomass fly ash in pastes for self-placing concrete

Thursday, November 14th – Dr Laurent Libessart from LGCgE Artois, Béthune, France

Experimental study of a ‘brick wall-textile wall-planted wall’ complex

Thursday, November 7th – Olivier Ogouari, PhD student from LGCgE, University of Lille, France

Multi-scale modelling to predict the history-dependent mechanical behaviour of rubber-based composites subjected to multiaxial extensions

Thursday, July 4th – Pr Rafael Estevez from University of Grenoble

Mechanical integrity of polymer film used in microelectronics: an identification of the thermoelastic properties and a coupled criterion analysis of the failure properties


Thursday, June 27th – Pr Benoit Furet from University of Nantes, France

Digital technology, robotics, 3D printing, virtual reality... for the construction industry

Thursday, June 20th– Dr Pengchang Wei from Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Origine atomistique du processus de congélation-décongélation de l’argile montmorillonite

Thursday, June 13th – Khalil LHAMIDI, PhD student from LGCgE, University of Lille, France

Study of alternative stormwater management techniques using an experimental approach aimed at improving the hydrological, faunistic and floristic characteristics of soils

Thursday, June 6th – Khawla Boussai de l’IMT Nord Europe, Douai

Recovering clays and industrial waste in light depollution aggregates: Retention of heavy metals

Thursday, May 30th – Lilan ZHANG, PhD student from LGCgE Lille, France

Enhanced adsorption of dyes from wastewater using organoclays

Thursday, May 23th – Dr Rellea Yolene Kouagou Yayoro, PhD student from LGCgE, Lille

Taxonomic and ethnomycological study of macromycetes in the Central African Republic

Thursday, May 16th – Pr Larbi KACIMI from University of Science and Technology, Oran, Algéria

Pistes de production d’un éco-ciment durable comme alternative écologique au ciment conventionnel


Thursday, April 18th – Pr Rochdi Merzouki from University of Lille, France

3D robotic printing process of for public furniture using recycled material


Thursday, April 11th – Pr Taehwan Kim from UNSW Sydney, Australia

Cement and Concrete Research and Challenges toward Net-Zero Emissions


Thursday, April 4th – Dr François Leconte from University of Lorraine

GeoClimate: an open source tool for studying the urban climate


Thursday, March 28th – Dr Florian Schlupp from LGCgE Artois, Béthune - France

Recycling biomass ash: an alternative to natural sand in concrete


Thursday, March 21th – Pr Rao Martand Singh, from Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU), Norway

Driven Geothermal energy pile foundations for heating/cooling buildings


Thursday, March 14th – Dr Jianhong WAN from Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan – China

Multiscale numerical modelling of mechanical behaviors in pile-soil system


Thursday, February 22th – Wantian Zhou, Researcher PhD student from University of Lille-France

Modeling Study on Hydrate-Bearing Sediment

Thursday, February 15th – Dr Bader Bouzar, post-doctoral researcher from IMT Nord Europe, Douai

Processes for stabilising and/or depolluting inorganic-organic contaminants in alternative materials

Thursday, February 8th – Dr Nassim Sebaibi, Head of the Builders Lab Research Unit, Caen- France

Porous concretes based on shellfish co-products

Thrusday, February 1st – Pr Cristian Ovalle de l’Ecoles des Mines de Paris – Université PSL

Is it possible to mimic the stress conditions of internally pressurized pipes by Plane Strain Grooved Tensile (PSGT) specimens?

Thursday, January 25th – Dr Rami Belguith, Professor-researcher from University of Artois, France

Modelling of tool/material interaction and its impact on surface topography and HSM cutting forces

Thursday, January 18th – Pr Elhem Ghorbel, from CY Cergy Paris Université, France

FRP confined recycled aggregates concrete: Efficiency of Bio-resourced composites, design codes and modeling


Thursday, January 11th – Dr Emilie Fréalle from University of Lille

Resistance of Aspergillus fumigatus to azoles: environmental reservoirs and impact on human health