To carry out their research, the various teams have at their disposal numerous facilities :
Research Team 1 – Multi-scale modeling and characterization of coupled problems
- Experimental indentation device. The team will also be able to draw on the skills and tools pooled within the thematic Mechanics of Multi-Scale Surface Morphometry (M3S) of the Mechanics Federation of Lille.
- Computing resources: a cluster of 26 nodes installed at Polytech’Lille. The team also benefits from the computing resources made available by the University of Lille (IT Resource Center, CRI). The CRI provides high performance computing infrastructures (HPC) as well as expertise in the field of scientific computing.
- Geotechnical tests (triaxial, oedimeters,….).

Research Team 2 – Innovative materials
The Research Team 2 has set up an experimental and digital platform for characterizing materials made up of the following equipment ;
- Mechanical
- 2 3D printing machines (MATRICE project - size of parts 13, earth and mortar)
- Presses therefore press 100 tonnes with cyclic load (fatigue)
- Large capacity triaxial cell (sample size of a CBR mold)
- Civil and geotechnical engineering tests (triaxial, oedometer tests, Shear, rheometer, shock table, etc.)
- Ovens, ovens and climatic chambers
- Procédés de préparation
- Chemistry, Mineralogy and microbiology
- FluoX
- Ion chromatography
- Microstructure
- Porosimeter Hg, BET, Laser granulometer
- Optical microscopy (including digital)
- FEG-MEB with EDS
- SEM traction bench
- Indentation bench under ME
- Numerical and modeling
- Computation cluster of 250 CPUs allowing
- Computing stations (GPU and CPU)
- Un serveur de calcul : ≈1000 cœurs pour 70 nœuds CPU XEON et deux nœuds GPU et un serveur Windows, XEON E5-2650v4 (24 cœurs – 128 Go RAM)
- Internally developed software (discrete element methods), software used in conjunction with their developers (HYTEC, VCCTL, etc.) or business software (CESAR LCPC, ALIZE, etc.)
- High speed camera

Research Team 3 (ER3) – Concrete & Composite Materials
- Materials characterization devices
- ICAR rheometer
- Transportable BML rheometer
- Rheocad rheometer
- Viscometer
- Plan / plan tribometers
- Isothermal calorimeter
- Adiabatic calorimeter
- Permeability meter
- Bauer device
- Wet cabinet
- 200 kN press
- Surface characterization devices
- Goniometer
- Roughness meters
- Blood pressure monitor
- Spectrocolorimeter
- Apparatus for shaping materials
- Extruder
- Vibrocompactor
- Materials manufacturing
- Crusher
- Mixers
- Concrete plant (200 liters)

Research Team 4 (ER4) – Functionality of anthropized systems
- 250 ml high-pressure high-temperature autoclave (reactor) equipped for in situ measurement of pH, pressure and temperature, with the possibility of sampling gas and liquid
- Equipment used to study fluid-material interactions with control and/or measurement of physico-chemical parameters
- Spectromètre d’absorption atomique équipé de deux atomiseurs distincts (flamme et four électrothermique), d’un passeur d’échantillons, d’une station de dilution et d’un générateur d’hydrure
- Analytical tool for routine metering of metallic elements in various liquid matrices
- Chromatographie en phase liquide composée de plusieurs modules dont une pompe, un dégazeur, un passeur d’échantillons thermostaté, un four à colonnes thermostaté et d’un détecteur à barrettes de diodes et d’un détecteur fluorimétrique.
- Appareil exploité principalement pour l’analyse des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques et de certains composés comme l’ergostérol

Research Team 5 (ER5) – Habitat & Smart city
- Outil de caractérisation thermique de paroi à l’échelle 1
- Climatic cells
- Large dimension flow characterization bench
- Flow meter bench for characterization of MCP
- Visualisation d’écoulements
- PIV material
- Thermographic measurement equipment
- CEDIP Silver cooled infrared camera and solicitation system
- FLIR B360 Infrared Matrix Microbolometers Infrared Camera
- FSI 2000 Infra-Red Cameras
- Matériel d’analyse de la qualité de l’air
- Appareil de mesure de la qualité de l’air par spectroscopie acoustique
- Matériel d’instrumentation et de mesure in situ
- Centrales d’acquisition
- Central station for thermal comfort atmospheres
- 2 Blower doors
- Acoustic measurements
- Chaîne de caractérisation par mesure d’impédance acoustique