Development of biosourced materials: study of the influence of a flax fiber processing and matrix modification on the behavior of a cementitious composite
Context and description of the topic
With the aim of preserving fossil resources and reducing the environmental impact of materials, plant co-products offer an opportunity for the development of different composite materials. By their high specific mechanics characteristics, short flax fibers can replace fibers metals or polypropylenes used as reinforcement in materials cementitious. The main objective of this internship is to optimize the behavior of a cementitious material incorporating flax fibers by studying treatments aimed at compatibilizing the matrix cementitious and plant reinforcement. It will be necessary :
– Realize a state of the art on flax fibers, on biosourced cementitious composites and on treatments aimed at improving the behavior of the latter.
– Characterize and treat flax fibres.
– Formulate and characterize a cementitious mortar incorporating treated flax fibers or raw in the fresh state and in the hardened state.
Host laboratory
Laboratoire de Génie Civil et géo-Environnement LGCgE, site de l’Université d’Artois,
Faculté des Sciences Appliquées, Technoparc Futura, 62400 Béthune, France.
4 months : March-June 2022
550€/month approximately
Candidate profile
Student in the last year of engineering studies or Master's degree in civil engineering, motivated, serious, autonomous, taste for experimental work, capacity for analysis and synthesis.
Sawsen CHAFEI : sawsen.chafei@univ-artois.fr