2024Journal Article ER4 Auteurs : Wakim, Lara-Maria; Descat, Amandine; Occelli, Florent; Deram, Annabelle; Goossens, Jean-François MethodsX, vol. 12, pp. 102771, 2024, (ACL). @article{wakim:hal-04595489, |
2024Journal Article ER4 Auteurs : Wakim, Lara-Maria; Occelli, Florent; Paumelle, Martin; Brousmiche, Delphine; Bouhadj, L.; Cuny, Damien; Descat, A.; Lanier, Caroline; Deram, Annabelle Science of the Total Environment, vol. 913, pp. 169617, 2024, (ACL). @article{wakim:hal-04595482, |
2021Journal Article ER4 Auteurs : Brousmiche, Delphine; Genin, Michaël; Occelli, Florent; Frank, Lukas; Deram, Annabelle; Cuny, Damien; Lanier, Caroline Data in Brief, vol. 37, pp. 107220, 2021. @article{Brousmiche2021, |
2021Journal Article ER4 Auteurs : Rorat, Agnieszka; Lanier, Caroline; Gorge, Hélène; Jaeg, Jean-Philippe; Cuny, Damien; Deram, Annabelle; Canivet, Ludivine Perspectives on particle-related health risk assessment Environnement, Risques & Santé, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 389-394, 2021, (ACL). @article{rorat:hal-03771752, |
2021Conference ER4 Auteurs : Wakim, Lara-Maria; Occelli, Florent; Cuny, Damien; Lanier, Caroline; Douay, Francis; Deram, Annabelle Maladie de Crohn et pollution des sols Accès et utilisation des données en libre accès en géographie de la population, de la santé et des mobilités, Paris, 2021, (COM). @conference{nokey, |
2020Journal Article ER4 Auteurs : Brousmiche, Delphine; Occelli, Florent; Genin, Michaël; Cuny, Damien; Deram, Annabelle; Lanier, Caroline Spatialized composite indices to evaluate environmental health inequalities: Meeting the challenge of selecting relevant variables Ecological Indicators, vol. 111, no. 106023, pp. 16pp, 2020, (ACL). @article{Brousmiche2020, The wide range of factors involved in environmental health and the complexity of interactions between all environmental determinants require the validation of multidimensional approaches. While the development of composite indices is receiving growing attention by scientists and public authorities, the concept continues to lack transposability and robustness partly due to varying conceptualizations and/or methodologies. This review aims to promote harmonizing practices governing the first step of development of composite index, namely identification and characterization of the dimensions and variables that are included in environmental health indices. A review of available literature (more than 1500 studies) was conducted to identify the composite indices developed to assess territorial determinants from an environmental health perspective. This process made it possible to identify 23 spatialized composite indices and to assess a total of 329 variables. This diversity highlights that the absence of a common framework can lead to a strong subjectivity and limit comparisons between different environmental health indices. The specificity and the availability of certain variables would limit the transposability of indices. In light of current knowledge, this review proposes a consolidated methodological framework based on a categorization of variables into dimensions and sub-dimensions related to heath, environment, social, economics, services and policy. To characterize the sub-dimensions, several variables are possible and can be chosen according to the availability and/or accessibility of the data. The adaptation of a composite index to a specific territory or to a specific issue would then be effective through the included variables. This also aims to be transposable to any spatial unit (country, region, census tract). This work is a first step towards a proposal of guidelines designed to provide a consensual framework that could facilitate the exploitation of environmental health indices. This transparency could also increase the understanding and adoption of these tools by public authorities and general public. |
2020Journal Article ER4 Auteurs : Occelli, Florent; Lanier, Caroline; Cuny, Damien; Deram, Annabelle; Dumont, Julie; Amouyel, Philippe; Montaye, Michèle; Dauchet, Luc; Dallongeville, Jean; Genin, Michaël Science of The Total Environment, vol. 714, pp. 136608, 2020, ISSN: 0048-9697, (ACL). @article{occelli_exposure_2020, Geographical variations in cardiovascular disease rates have been linked to individual air pollutants. Investigating the relation between cardiovascular disease and exposure to a complex mixture of air pollutants requires holistic approaches. We assessed the relationship between exposure to multiple air pollutants and the incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) in a general population sample. We collected data in the Lille MONICA registry (2008–2011) on 3268 incident cases (age range: 35–74). Based on 20 indicators, we derived a composite environmental score (SEnv) for cumulative exposure to air pollution. Poisson regression models were used to analyse associations between CHD rates on one hand and SEnv and each single indicator on the other (considered in tertiles, where T3 is the most contaminated). We adjusted models for age, sex, area-level social deprivation, and neighbourhood spatial structure. The incidence of CHD was a spatially heterogeneous (p=0.006). There was a significant positive association between SEnv and CHD incidence (trend p=0.0151). The relative risks [95%CI] of CHD were 1.08 [0.98–1.18] and 1.16 [1.04–1.29] for the 2nd and 3rd tertile of SEnv exposure. In the single pollutant analysis, PM10, NO2, cadmium, copper, nickel, and palladium were significantly associated with CHD rates. Multiple air pollution was associated with an increased risk of CHD. Single pollutants reflecting road traffic pollution were the most strongly associated with CHD. Our present results are consistent with the literature data on the impact of road traffic on the CHD risk in urban areas. |
2020Journal Article ER4 Auteurs : Brousmiche, Delphine; Genin, Michaël; Occelli, Florent; Frank, Lukas; Deram, Annabelle; Cuny, Damien; Lanier, Caroline How can we analyze environmental health resilience and vulnerability? A joint analysis with composite indices applied to the north of France Science of the Total Environment, pp. 142983, 2020, (ACL). @article{Brousmiche2020b, Highlights •Transdisciplinary research is mandatory for assessing environmental health issues. •Data reuse overcomes the difficulties of data accessibility. •Proposed use of composite indices to assess the accumulation of health determinants •Spatial heterogeneity of resilience and vulnerability can be mapped at local scale. •Joint analysis enables stakeholders to prioritize future public health actions. In environmental health, vulnerability reflecting the cumulative harmful constraints and nuisances to which populations are subjected and resilience defined as the capacity of a territory to cope with health inequalities have been little extensively investigated together with the same importance. Besides the diversity of factors involved, there is no consensual framework to develop composite indices, one recognized methodology to deal with a multifaceted issue. Therefore, this research aims to establish a new transferable approach to assess the spatial heterogeneity of territorial inequalities. This new strategy relies on the simultaneous evaluation of resilience and vulnerability and the joint analysis based on the cross-interpretation of the spatialized composite indices of resilience and vulnerability. A case study was conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of this methodology, using the municipality as a spatial unit of analysis within a region in the north of France. To provide the most holistic description possible of the 3817 studied municipalities, 50 variables related to the economic, environment, policy, health, services and social dimensions were used to develop the composite indices. The vulnerability Index has a median value of 0.151 with an IQR of [0.126–0.180] and the Resilience Index has a median value of 0.341 with an IQR of [0.273–0.401]. The joint analysis was conducted to classify each municipality among four defined typologies: 1687 municipalities (44.2%) belong to the “To monitor” category, 1646 (43.1%) to the “Resilient” category, 329 (8.6%) to the “Have resources” category and 155 (4.1%) to the “Territorial blackspot” category. The methodology herein may be a diagnostic tool to identify and prioritize municipalities that could benefit from the implementation of specifically tailored public health policies. |
2020Journal Article ER4 Auteurs : Lanier, Caroline; Brousmiche, Delphine; Deram, Annabelle; Frank, Lukas; Genin, Michaël; Occelli, Florent; Cuny, Damien Caractérisation de l’hétérogénéité spatiale des IESS par une approche spatialisée de la balance résilience/vulnérabilité Environnement, Risques & Santé, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 250-256, 2020, (ACL). @article{Lanier2020, La mobilisation de toutes les politiques publiques est indispensable pour agir sur les inégalités environnementales et sociales de santé (IESS). Le paradigme actuel décrit ces inégalités territoriales comme une accumulation de déterminants de santé défavorables dans une zone géographique donnée, généralement entendue comme la vulnérabilité d’un territoire. L’absence quasi-systématique des déterminants ayant un impact positif sur la santé dans les modèles ne permet pas d’obtenir une vision réaliste de l’impact global de l’environnement sur la santé des populations. L’intégration de la résilience, comme la capacité des territoires à gérer les IESS, devient alors indispensable pour inclure les efforts déployés pour améliorer le cadre de vie des habitants. Validée dans la région des Hauts-de-France, l’analyse conjointe d’un indice composite spatialisé de vulnérabilité et d’un indice composite spatialisé de résilience permet de décrire la balance résilience/vulnérabilité à l’échelle des communes. Cette démarche permettra in fine de mieux caractériser les IESS, d’affiner les connaissances sur les dynamiques territoriales en jeu et d’orienter de nouvelles réflexions en termes de gestion politique et territoriale des risques sanitaires. |
2020Conference ER4 Auteurs : Rorat, Agnieszka; Lanier, Caroline; Jaeg, Jean-Philippe; Cuny, Damien; Deram, Annabelle; Canivet, Ludivine Between physicochemical characterization of atmospheric particles and their impact on human health - challenges and perspectives (RECORD project) Atmso'Fair (Webinair), 23-24 juin 2020, 2020, (ACTN). @conference{Rorat2020, |
2020Journal Article ER4 Auteurs : Tenailleau, Quentin-M.; Lanier, Caroline; Gower-Rousseau, Corinne; Cuny, Damien; Deram, Annabelle; Occelli, Florent Crohn’s disease and environmental contamination: Current challenges and perspectives in exposure evaluation Environmental Pollution, vol. 263, pp. 114599, 2020, (ACL). @article{Tenailleau2020, Although the incidence of Crohn’s disease has increased worldwide over the past 30 years, the disorder’s exact causes and physiological mechanisms have yet to be determined. Given that genetic determinants alone do not explain the development of Crohn’s disease, there is growing interest in “environmental” determinants. In medical science, the term “environment” refers to both the ecological and social surroundings; however, most published studies have focused on the latter. In environmental and exposure sciences, the term “environment” mostly relates to contamination of the biotope. There are many unanswered questions on how environmental hazards might contribute to the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease. Which pollutants should be considered? Which mechanisms are involved? And how should environmental contamination and exposure be evaluated? The objective was to perform a systematic review of the literature on Crohn’s disease and environmental contamination. We searched the PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, ISI Web of Science and Prospero databases. We considered all field studies previous to April 2019 conducted on human health indicators, and evaluating exposure to all type of physical, biological and chemical contamination of the environment. The lack of clear answers to date can be ascribed to the small total number of field studies (n ¼ 16 of 39 publications, most of which were conducted by pioneering medical scientists), methodological differences, and the small number of contaminants evaluated. This make it impossible to conduct a coherent and efficient meta-analysis. Based on individual analysis of available studies, we formulated five recommendations on improving future research: (i) follow up the currently identified leads - especially metals and endocrine disruptors; (ii) explore soil contamination; (iii) gain a better knowledge of exposure mechanisms by developing transdisciplinary studies; (iv) identify the most plausible contaminants by developing approaches based on the source-to-target distance; and (v) develop registries and cohort-based analyses |

2024Journal Article MethodsX, vol. 12, pp. 102771, 2024, (ACL). |
2024Journal Article Science of the Total Environment, vol. 913, pp. 169617, 2024, (ACL). |
2021Journal Article Data in Brief, vol. 37, pp. 107220, 2021. |
2021Journal Article Perspectives on particle-related health risk assessment Environnement, Risques & Santé, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 389-394, 2021, (ACL). |
2021Conference Maladie de Crohn et pollution des sols Accès et utilisation des données en libre accès en géographie de la population, de la santé et des mobilités, Paris, 2021, (COM). |
2020Journal Article Spatialized composite indices to evaluate environmental health inequalities: Meeting the challenge of selecting relevant variables Ecological Indicators, vol. 111, no. 106023, pp. 16pp, 2020, (ACL). |
2020Journal Article Science of The Total Environment, vol. 714, pp. 136608, 2020, ISSN: 0048-9697, (ACL). |
2020Journal Article How can we analyze environmental health resilience and vulnerability? A joint analysis with composite indices applied to the north of France Science of the Total Environment, pp. 142983, 2020, (ACL). |
2020Journal Article Caractérisation de l’hétérogénéité spatiale des IESS par une approche spatialisée de la balance résilience/vulnérabilité Environnement, Risques & Santé, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 250-256, 2020, (ACL). |
2020Conference Between physicochemical characterization of atmospheric particles and their impact on human health - challenges and perspectives (RECORD project) Atmso'Fair (Webinair), 23-24 juin 2020, 2020, (ACTN). |
2020Journal Article Crohn’s disease and environmental contamination: Current challenges and perspectives in exposure evaluation Environmental Pollution, vol. 263, pp. 114599, 2020, (ACL). |