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Professeur des Universités
Lille University

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Responsibilities within the faculty
2020 - now Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Health Management
Scientific responsibilities
2018 – now Scientific coordinator of the environmental biomonitoring group at LGCgE
2020 – now Member of the scientific council of LGCgE
2014 – now Founding member of SIGLES’ team (SIG Lien Environnement-Santé) :

• Chimie générale
• Tutorat et gestion de projet
• Méthodes analytiques générales et écotoxicologie
• Gestion déchets/énergie
• Évaluation et gestion des sites contaminés : politique nationale, évaluation des risques, traitements physiques, chimiques et biologiques
• Évaluation des risques en santé/environnement
• Les risques alimentaires de nature chimique et biologique
• Direction de mémoires professionnels et de recherche

The purpose of my research is to develop plant models to help assess the toxicity of metallic trace elements in soils using an integrative approach from the gene to the ecosystem. They are based on the characterization of the soil-plant transfer of metallic trace elements and are organized along four axes (i) characterization of the bioaccumulation of metallic elements; (ii) plant biomonitoring of soil quality; (iii) soil-plant-ecosystem transfers and involvement in risk assessment for ecosystems and (iv) characterization of the environment-health link in the context of understanding environmental health inequalities.