Le LGCgE est impliqué dans l’organisation de la première conférence internationale sur la mécanique des solides et des fluides complexes qui se tiendra à Lille du 17 au 22 Mai 2015.
Les thématiques abordées dans le cadre de cette conférence sont les suivantes :
- Time-dependent mechanics
- Visco-elasticity, visco-plasticity, visco-damage, etc.
- Metals and metallic alloys, e.g. effect of interfaces (grain boundaries / inclusions), phase transformation, texture evolution in polycrystals, etc.
- Polymers and related composites, e.g. finite strain constitutive equations, response upon complex and / or cyclic loading, strain-induced structural evolution, ageing, etc.
- Dynamic behavior of solid materials
- Complex fluids dynamics, e.g. polymeric fluids (polymer-induced drag reduction flows, etc.), foams, suspensions, etc.
- Rheology and processing of complex fluids, e.g. extrusion, injection molding, etc.
- Coupled mechanics
- Smart and multi-functional materials, e.g. coupling with electrical and magnetic effects (electro-active / magneto-active polymers and composites, electro-rheological / magneto-rheological fluids, piezoceramics, etc.)
- Shape memory alloys (coupling with temperature / diffusion / chemistry)
- Coupled multi-physics phenomena (e.g. thermo-mechanical, chemo-mechanical, etc.)
- Multi-scale modeling
- Homogenization-based modeling (theoretical and computational homogenization)
- Effective transport / property coefficients determination (viscosity, diffusivity, etc.)
- Atomistic and quantum modeling
- Inverse problems and optimization in multi-scale mechanics
- Damage, fracture and fatigue
- Damage constitutive modeling
- Fracture at low-stress triaxiality
- Damage characterization and fracture analysis
- Multi-axial experiments
- Lifetime predictions
- Instrumentation and measurements at macro-scale
- Full-field kinematics measurements
- Heterogeneous tests
- Model identification
- Nano and micro-scale experiments
- In-situ observation at different scales (microscopy and diffraction)
- Microrheology, microfluidics of complex fluids
- Nanocomposite structure
Plus d’information sur le site de la conférence à l’adresse suivante : http://www.icmcsf.com/