Valorization of biomass ashes in concretes with rapid demoulding
Duration: 10 months – from April/May 2023 to February/March 2024
The French wood-energy sector generates waste production which is estimated at more than 200,000 tonnes of biomass ash in 2017. As part of the energy transition law for green growth of 2015, energy production linked to biomass tends to increase by 2028 and consequently the formation of ash. This represents a significant quantity of ashes to be recovered or stored in landfill centers by the operators.
An interesting way of recovering biomass ashes concerns their use in the construction sector as aggregates or filler in concrete. The use of biomass ash has a double objective, the first is to reduce the quantity of non-recovered ash and the second is to reduce the consumption of natural aggregates in construction.
This post-doc is proposed within the framework of the ADEME BIOGRAFIC project (Valorization of BIOmass ashes as GRAnulats and FIller in Building blocks).
Work program
The “Concrete and composite materials” research team of the LGCgE laboratory is looking for a post-doc for a period of 6 months. The strong idea of the program is to recover a by-product from biomass power plants by introducing it into a cementitious matrix for the manufacture of concrete blocks for immediate demoulding. Several formulation characterization and optimization tests have already been carried out as part of a thesis and a previous post-doc.
This multidisciplinary post-doctorate aims to finalize the formulation optimization program at the laboratory scale as well as the transposition to the industrial scale at the block prefabrication company. This will include:
- To complete the laboratory test campaign (manufacture and characterization in the fresh and hardened state of mortars and concretes);
- To propose additional tests and points of investigation based on the results obtained;
- To produce finished products in prefabrication (blocks) for the partner company of the project. These products will be characterized according to the standards in force (vibrocompaction);
- Evaluate the feasibility on an industrial scale production line;
- Synthesize and analyze the results obtained in the form of reports and presentations as well as actively participate in project meetings;
- Promote the results obtained in scientific articles and communications.
- Holder of a thesis in the field of civil engineering or materials science;
- Skills in materials characterization, physico-chemistry and experimentation;
- Capacity for analysis and synthesis, autonomy, open-mindedness, rigor, strength of proposal;
- Strong communication skills, capacity for initiative and organization, strong taste for experimentation;
- English read and spoken;
- License and personal car requested because trips to be expected in industry.
University of Artois – IUT of Béthune – LGCgE. The research activity will be done in the ER3 team on the pole of the IUT of Béthune (62).
The LGCgE is a multidisciplinary research laboratory in the Hauts-de-France region which brings together teams of researchers from several universities. The research and development activity is carried out by nearly 180 people, including 69 teacher-researchers and researchers, 27 technical and administrative staff and 81 doctoral students.
– Location: LGCgE – IUT of Béthune
– Duration: 10 months (from April/May 2023 to February/March 2024)
– Remuneration: approx. 2200 euros gross/month
Send extended CV and cover letter to:
- Chafika Djelal-Dantec (PR) chafika.dantec@univ-artois.fr
- Jonathan Page (MCF) jonathan.page@univ-artois.fr